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House Resolution 1: For the People Act of 2021 | Blueprint for One-Party Imperialism

Written By Michael Reign on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 | 8:53 PM

NOTE: External site links highlighted in red

Having secured United States Senate majority with the appointment of Georgia State Representatives Thomas Jonathan “Jon” Ossoff and Raphael Gamaliel Warnock by virtue of the January 5th, 2021 runoff elections; John Peter Spyros Sarbanes, Democratic National Committee (DNC) member of Maryland’s 3rd congressional district, reintroduces 791 page House Resolution 1 (H.R. 1) to guarantee the DNC dominion over the execution of policy governing the voter registration process in future electoral cycles.

Formally titled as the “For the People Act of 2021,” H.R. 1 was a legislative provision that initially appeared in the House Chamber on January 3, 2019, as a 706 page partisan decree designed “to expand Americans access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants,” however, the measure failed to garner support from members of the Republican Caucus, who, at the time of its declaration, possessed senatorial authority, thereby precluding its amendment into the Federal Register.

A written summation of this controversial resolution detailed in the following synopsis with portions of each section emphasized for the purpose of clarification:

1) Enhanced online voter registration capability with the introduction of a government sanctioned electronically transcribed signature submission and verification apparatus. Executed in compliance with the institution of a federal mandate designed to ensure the availability of a viable internet service connection for the express purpose of maintaining public accessibility to the election process

It’s important to note that the Federal Government’s use of technology in the electoral process – specifically with regard to the prospect of a nationally coordinated system of online-based communication – is inherently susceptible to intrusion from a multitudinous array of nefarious ensembles (decentralized international hacktivist collectives, foreign government intelligence operatives, rogue domestic cybersecurity specialists, et al), a fact evidenced with the infiltration of internal email correspondence relays within the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments (Link).

Subtitle A—Voter Registration Modernization


This subtitle may be cited as the “Voter Registration Modernization Act of 2021”.


(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Registration.—The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20501 et seq.¹) is amended by inserting after section 6 the following new section:


“(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Online Registration.—

“(1) AVAILABILITY OF ONLINE REGISTRATION AND CORRECTION OF EXISTING REGISTRATION INFORMATION.—Each State, acting through the chief State election official, shall ensure that the following services are available to the public at any time on the official public websites of the appropriate State and local election officials in the State, in the same manner and subject to the same terms and conditions as the services provided by voter registration agencies under section 7(a)²:

“(A) Online application for voter registration.

2) Rescission of the individual requirement to provide a complete SSN (Social Security Number) for the purpose of voter registration on the basis that stipulations present within such mandates are designed to discriminate against racial and ethnic minorities


(a) FORM INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION FOR MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER’S LICENSE.—Section 5(c)(2)(B)(ii) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is amended by striking the semicolon at the end and inserting the following: “, and to the extent that the application requires the applicant to provide a Social Security number, may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such number;”.

(b) NATIONAL MAIL VOTER REGISTRATION FORM.—Section 9(b)(1) of such Act (52 U.S.C. 20508(b)(1)) is amended by striking the semicolon at the end and inserting the following: “, and to the extent that the form requires the applicant to provide a Social Security number, the form may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such number;”.

3) The actualization of a nationwide “Motor Voter” registration apparatus designed to inflate the existing alphanumeric registry of the electorate

The utilization of this methodology being actively employed in the states of California and Nevada where undocumented immigrants are routinely incorporated into the electorate through the acquisition of a valid state-issued driver’s license. In California specifically, by virtue of the New Motor Voter Act of 2015³, voter registration benefits are routinely afforded to foreign nationals on the basis of said party’s claim of lawful permanent residency, with no questions asked and no investigations being conducted by state government agencies to effectively corroborate such assertions (Link).



(a) SHORT TITLE.—This part may be cited as the “Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021”.


(1) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that—

(A) the right to vote is a fundamental right of citizens of the United States;

(B) it is the responsibility of the State and Federal Governments to ensure that every eligible citizen is registered to vote;

(C) existing voter registration systems can be inaccurate, costly, inaccessible and confusing, with damaging effects on voter participation in elections for Federal office and disproportionate impacts on young people, persons with disabilities, and racial and ethnic minorities; and

(D) voter registration systems must be updated with 21st Century technologies and procedures to maintain their security.

(2) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this part—

(A) to establish that it is the responsibility of government at every level to ensure that all eligible citizens are registered to vote in elections for Federal office;

(B) to enable the State and Federal Governments to register all eligible citizens to vote with accurate, cost-efficient, and up-to-date procedures;

(C) to modernize voter registration and list maintenance procedures with electronic and Internet capabilities; and

(D) to protect and enhance the integrity, accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of the electoral process for all eligible citizens.



(1) IN GENERAL.—The chief State election official of each State shall establish and operate a system of automatic registration for the registration of eligible individuals to vote for elections for Federal office in the State, in accordance with the provisions of this part.

(2) DEFINITION.—The term “automatic registration” means a system that registers an individual to vote in elections for Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically transferring the information necessary for registration from government agencies to election officials of the State so that, unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered, the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.

4) Alteration of eligibility requirements pursuant to one’s chronological age, specifically with regard to guidelines implemented in prior electoral cycles that restricted an individual’s ability to participate in the voting process if they were under the age of 18 years

(d) TREATMENT OF INDIVIDUALS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE.—A State may not refuse to treat an individual as an eligible individual for purposes of this part on the grounds that the individual is less than 18 years of age at the time a contributing agency receives information with respect to the individual, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. Nothing in the previous sentence may be construed to require a State to permit an individual who is under 18 years of age at the time of an election for Federal office to vote in the election.

On January 3rd of 2019, when this measure was initially entered into the Congressional Record, the above section was entitled, “Part 10—VOTER REGISTRATION OF MINORS,” with the underlying use of Sec. 1094. ACCEPTANCE OF VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE having also been appended to the bill

5) Streamlined voter registrative mandate with the institution of an automatic and same day registration capability at the national level



(a) IN GENERAL.—Title III⁵ of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.) is amended—

(1) by redesignating sections 304 and 305 as sections 305 and 306; and

(2) by inserting after section 303 the following new section:



“(1) REGISTRATION.—Each State shall permit any eligible individual on the day of a Federal election and on any day when voting, including early voting, is permitted for a Federal election—

“(A) to register to vote in such election at the polling place using a form that meets the requirements under section 9(b) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (or, if the individual is already registered to vote, to revise any of the individual’s voter registration information); and

“(B) to cast a vote in such election.

6) Prohibits efforts by independent election oversight committees to maintain ballot integrity across the whole of America

Subtitle C—Prohibiting Voter Caging⁶


“(1) REQUIREMENTS FOR CHALLENGES.—No person, other than a State or local election official, shall submit a formal challenge to an individual’s eligibility to register to vote in an election for Federal office or to vote in an election for Federal office unless that challenge is supported by personal knowledge regarding the grounds for ineligibility which is—

“(A) documented in writing; and “(B) subject to an oath or attestation under penalty of perjury that the challenger has a good faith factual basis to believe that the individual who is the subject of the challenge is ineligible to register to vote or vote in that election, except a challenge which is based on the race, ethnicity, or national origin of the individual who is the subject of the challenge may not be considered to have a good faith factual basis for purposes of this paragraph.

“(2) PROHIBITION ON CHALLENGES ON OR NEAR DATE OF ELECTION.—No person, other than a State or local election official, shall be permitted—

“(A) to challenge an individual’s eligibility to vote in an election for Federal office on Election Day, or

“(B) to challenge an individual’s eligibility to register to vote in an election for Federal office or to vote in an election for Federal office less than 10 days before the election unless the individual registered to vote less than 20 days before the election.

7) Authorizes the inclusion of convicted felons (individuals sentenced in a state penitentiary for federal crimes as compiled from Title 18 and Title 26 of the United States Legal Code⁷) – a seemingly inexhaustible inventory consisting of those incarcerated for the crimes of capital murder, child molestation, sexual assault, and forcible rape – into the national voter registry

Utilization of the terms, ‘disenfranchisement,’ and ‘disproportionate,’ when referring to the impacts of vote-based restrictions against habitually marginalized segments of the civilian population recognized as yet another ploy by the political establishment to cultivate an atmosphere of division within the electorate at the communal level with the ‘restoration of voting privileges’ hinging on the acquiescence of those states outlined within the contents of the provision to formally ratify the partisan directive into their respective constitutional ledgers. The failure of elected officials occupying positions of authority within each of the aforementioned geographical precincts to acknowledge the Democratic National Committee sponsored mandate as a binding legal precedent equated with the violation of an individual’s civil liberties on the basis of nationality, ethnic predisposition, and/ or ancestral lineage.

NOTE: The absence of a concise delineation of the enumerated listing of felonies appearing in both Title 16 and 28 of the United States Legislative Code (U.S.C. Title 18—CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURES • Part 1—CRIMES (§§ 1 – 2725) and U.S.C. Title 26—INTERNAL REVENUE CODE • Subtitle F—Procedure and Administration, Chapter 75—CRIMES, OTHER OFFENSES, AND FORFEITURES Subchapters A and B (§§ 7201 – 7241)) – the perpetrators of which would otherwise merit exclusion from the electoral process – lends credence to the notion that the application of poll-oriented constraints for the entirety of the federal prison population, regardless of the nature of the crime having been committed, have been vacated.

Subtitle E—Democracy Restoration


This subtitle may be cited as the “Democracy Restoration Act of 2021”.

(8) An estimated 5,200,000 citizens of the United States, or about 1 in 44 adults in the United States, currently cannot vote as a result of a felony conviction. Of the 5,200,000 citizens barred from voting, only 24 percent are in prison. By contrast, 75 percent of the disenfranchised reside in their communities while on probation or parole or after having completed their sentences. Approximately 2,200,000 citizens who have completed their sentences remain disenfranchised due to restrictive State laws. In at least 6 States—Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia— more than 5 percent of the total voting-age population is disenfranchised.

(10) State disenfranchisement laws disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minorities. More than 6 percent of the African-American voting-age population, or 1,800,000 African Americans, are disenfranchised. Currently, 1 of every 16 voting-age African Americans are rendered unable to vote because of felony disenfranchisement, which is a rate more than 3.7 times greater than non-African Americans. Over 6 percent of African-American adults are disenfranchised whereas only 1.7 percent of non-African Americans are. In 7 States (Alabama, 16 percent; Florida, 15 percent; Kentucky, 15 percent; Mississippi, 16 percent; Tennessee, 21 percent; Virginia, 16 percent; and Wyoming, 36 percent), more than 1 in 7 African Americans are unable to vote because of prior convictions, twice the national average for African Americans.

(11) Latino citizens are disproportionately disenfranchised based upon their disproportionate representation in the criminal justice system. In recent years, Latinos have been imprisoned at 13 times the rate of Whites. More than 2 percent of the voting-age Latino population, or 560,000 Latinos, are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction. In 16 states Latinos are disenfranchised at a higher rate than the general population. In 11 states 4 percent or more of Latino adults are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction (Alabama, 4 percent; Arizona, 7 percent; Arkansas, 4 percent; Idaho, 4 percent; Iowa, 4 percent; Kentucky, 6 percent; Minnesota, 4 percent; Mississippi, 5 percent; Nebraska, 6 percent; Tennessee, 11 percent, Wyoming, 4 percent), twice the national average for Latinos.

This notion of deliberacy on the part of said states to deny prospective applicants their ‘constitutional’ right to participate in the Federal elections process based on their status as ethnic minorities and the legacy of institutional racism in the criminal justice system is refuted by virtue of the aforementioned voting bloc’s penchant to engage in illegal activity (Link).



(1) NOTIFICATION.—On the date determined under paragraph (2), each State shall notify in writing any individual who has been convicted of a criminal offense under the law of that State that such individual has the right to vote in an election for Federal office pursuant to the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021 and may register to vote in any such election and provide such individual with any materials that are necessary to register to vote in any such election.

8) Appends retroactive extensions to the timetable of early voting procedures such that the time allotted for individuals to participate in the electoral process is limited only by the prospect of a state or municipality’s interpretation of regulatory protocol

Note that the rule’s specification in the sections appearing below the first declaration references the conceptualization of an ‘early voting period’ as detailed in antecedent iterations of the amended decree with the mention of state sanctioned electoral proceedings commencing 15 days prior to the general election, with each of the states being given a limitless degree of discretion in their adjustment of schedule for the preliminary selections process. This portion of the legislative proposal underlined for the purpose of emphasizing its significance.



IN GENERAL.—Each State shall allow individuals to vote in an election for Federal office during an early voting period which occurs prior to the date of the election, in the same manner as voting is allowed on such date.

“(2) LENGTH OF PERIOD.—The early voting period required under this subsection with respect to an election shall consist of a period of consecutive days (including weekends) which begins on the 15th day before the date of the election (or, at the option of the State, on a day prior to the 15th day before the date of the election) and ends on the date of the election.

9) Facilitates the creation of a nationwide vote-by mail absentee ballot system, formally authorizes the imposition of extrajudicially sanctioned interdictions pursuant to the requirement of a valid form of personal identification as a precondition in the acquisition of election-related materials, and removes restrictions governing a document’s proof of authenticity with independently verified notarization and/ or witness signature corroboration being excised from the conventional standard

Subtitle I—Voting by Mail



“(1) IN GENERAL.—If an individual in a State is eligible to cast a vote in an election for Federal office, the State may not impose any additional conditions or requirements on the eligibility of the individual to cast the vote in such election by absentee ballot by mail.


“(A) PROHIBITING IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT AS CONDITION OF OBTAINING BALLOT.—A State may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot, except that nothing in this paragraph may be construed to prevent a State from requiring a signature of the individual or similar affirmation as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot.

“(B) PROHIBITING REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE NOTARIZATION OR WITNESS SIGNATURE AS CONDITION OF OBTAINING OR CASTING BALLOT.—A State may not require notarization or witness signature or other formal authentication (other than voter attestation) as a condition of obtaining or casting an absentee ballot.


“(A) shall permit a voter to designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building, or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any form of compensation based on the number of ballots that the person has returned and no individual, group, or organization provides compensation on this basis; and

“(B) may not put any limit on how many voted and sealed absentee ballots any designated person can return to the post office, a ballot drop off location, tribally designated building, or election office.

10) Provides for the replacement of valid forms of personal identification necessary to participate in the electoral process in favor of the presentation of a sworn written affidavit affirming one’s identity – and thereby voting eligibility – to appropriate local or state election officials under penalty of law

The enforcement of this caveat rendered null and void by the prohibition of a witness signature as detailed in subparagraph (B) PROHIBITING REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE NOTARIZATION OR WITNESS SIGNATURE AS CONDITION OF OBTAINING OR CASTING BALLOT of subsection (2) ADMINISTRATION OF VOTING BY MAIL.


(a) PERMITTING USE OF STATEMENT.—Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 303 the following new section:



“(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection (c), if a State has in effect a requirement that an individual present identification as a condition of receiving and casting a ballot in an election for Federal office, the State shall permit the individual to meet the requirement—

“(A) in the case of an individual who desires to vote in person, by presenting the appropriate State or local election official with a sworn written statement, signed by the individual under penalty of perjury, attesting to the individual’s identity and attesting that the individual is eligible to vote in the election; or

“(B) in the case of an individual who desires to vote by mail, by submitting with the ballot the statement described in subparagraph (A).

11) Codifies an organized ballot harvesting operation into existence at the domestic level with the retraction of legislative caveats that would otherwise preclude the recognition of documents from third party intermediaries by local and state polling representatives



“(I) REQUIRING BALLOTS TO BE OFFERED AND PROVIDED.—The appropriate election official at each polling place that uses a printer or system described in clause (ii)(I) for the administration of elections for Federal office shall offer each individual who is eligible to cast a vote in the election at the polling place the opportunity to cast the vote using a blank pre-printed paper ballot which the individual may mark by hand and which is not produced by the direct recording electronic voting machine or other such system. The official shall provide the individual with the ballot and the supplies necessary to mark the ballot, and shall ensure (to the greatest extent practicable) that the waiting period for the individual to cast a vote is the lesser of 30 minutes or the average waiting period for an individual who does not agree to cast the vote using such a paper ballot under this clause.

“(II) TREATMENT OF BALLOT.— Any paper ballot which is cast by an individual under this clause shall be counted and otherwise treated as a regular ballot for all purposes (including by incorporating it into the final unofficial vote count (as defined by the State) for the precinct) and not as a provisional ballot, unless the individual casting the ballot would have otherwise been required to cast a provisional ballot.

“(III) POSTING OF NOTICE.— The appropriate election official shall ensure there is prominently displayed at each polling place a notice that describes the obligation of the official to offer individuals the opportunity to cast votes using a pre-printed blank paper ballot.

12) Establishes the framework necessary to reclassify the nation’s capital, Washington’s District of Columbia (D.C.), as well as the United States territory of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as the 51st and 52nd states of the union respectively, with future considerations being afforded to the residents of the following territorial municipalities: American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands

The District of Columbia’s admission into the union identified as yet another ploy devised by the Democratic National Committee to cement their claims of regency over the American electoral process in the modern era, with residents of the nation’s capital having pledged their support for Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr., the presidential challenger in the 2020 general election, by an overwhelming statistical margin.

Subtitle C—Findings Relating to District of Columbia Statehood


Congress finds the following:

(1) The 705,000 District of Columbia residents deserve voting representation in Congress and local self-government, which only statehood can provide.

(2) The United States is the only democratic country that denies both voting representation in the national legislature and local self-government to the residents of its Nation’s capital.

(3) There are no constitutional, historical, fiscal, or economic reasons why the Americans who live in the District of Columbia should not be granted statehood.

Subtitle D—Territorial Voting Rights


Congress finds the following:

(1) The right to vote is one of the most powerful instruments residents of the territories of the United States have to ensure that their voices are heard.

(2) These Americans have played an important part in the American democracy for more than 120 years.

(3) Political participation and the right to vote are among the highest concerns of territorial residents in part because they were not always afforded these rights.

13) Facilitates the establishment of an independently accredited redistricting commission under the authority of Congress as a means of ensuring the adequate representation of its constituents based on the following demographically-inspired factors: ethnic minority status, nationality, race, economic standing, and gender identity

Subtitle E—Redistricting Reform


(a) SHORT TITLE.—This subtitle may be cited as the “Redistricting Reform Act of 2021”.


Congress finds that it has the authority to establish the terms and conditions States must follow in carrying out congressional redistricting after an apportionment of Members of the House of Representatives because—

(1) the authority granted to Congress under article I, section 4 of the Constitution of the United States gives Congress the power to enact laws governing the time, place, and manner of elections for Members of the House of Representatives; and

(2) the authority granted to Congress under section 5 of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution gives Congress the power to enact laws to enforce section 2 of such amendment, which requires Representatives to be apportioned among the several States according to their number.




(B) ENSURING DIVERSITY.—In appointing the 9 members pursuant to subparagraph (B) paragraph (1), as well as in designating alternates pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) and in appointing alternates to fill 4 vacancies pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (4), the first members of the independent redistricting commission shall ensure that the membership is representative of the demographic groups (including racial, ethnic, economic, and gender) and geographic regions of the State, and provides racial, ethnic, and language minorities protected under the Voting Rights Act of 1965 with a meaningful opportunity to participate in the development of the State’s redistricting plan.

14) Provides for the levying of civil penalties pursuant to the manufacture, or dissemination thereof, of ‘patently false information’ as it pertains to the electoral process

By virtue of the “Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021,” which is outlined in the contents of ‘Subtitle D—Prohibiting Deceptive Practices and Preventing Voter Intimidation SEC. 1301. SHORT TITLE.,’ individuals deemed to be in violation of clause stipulations present within the memorandum are subject to punitive fines of up to $100,000 USD (United States Dollars), as well as the possibility of incarceration in a federal penitentiary for a period of 5 years.

Subtitle D—Prohibiting Deceptive Practices and Preventing Voter Intimidation


This subtitle may be cited as the ‘‘Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021’’.




‘‘(A) PROHIBITION.—It shall be unlawful for any person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, within 60 days before an election described in subsection (e), by any means, including by means of written, electronic, or telephonic communications, to communicate or cause to be communicated information described in subparagraph (B), or produce information described in subparagraph (B) with the intent that such information be communicated, if such person—

‘‘(i) knows such information to be materially false; and

‘‘(ii) has the intent to mislead voters, or the intent to impede or prevent another person from exercising the right to vote in an election described in subsection (e).

‘‘(B) INFORMATION DESCRIBED.—Information is described in this subparagraph if such information is regarding—

‘‘(i) the time or place of holding any election described in subsection (e); or

‘‘(ii) the qualifications for or restrictions on voter eligibility for any such election, including—

‘‘(I) any criminal penalties associated with voting in any such election; or

‘‘(II) information regarding a voter’s registration status or eligibility.

‘‘(2) PENALTY.—Any person who violates paragraph (1) shall be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.

CONCLUSION: H.R. (House Resolution) 1, also known as the ‘For the People Act of 2021,’ is, in effect, a partisan declaration of electoral supremacy, or what could be more aptly characterized as the ominous presage of a permanent system of one-party authoritarianism in the United States.


37 Stipulations Present Within the House of Representatives Sanctioned ‘For the People Act of 2021’ That Will Effectively Nationalize the Electoral Process and Guarantee the Permanence of Democratic National Committee Political Reign in the United States

Democrats Introduce Bill That Will Destroy America With One Swipe…

Shocking U.S. Bill Would Allow Dems ‘to Steal Elections Forever’

¹ An abbreviation for the Latin phrase, “et sequentes” or “et sequential,” the English equivalent of which is recognized as, “and the following.” Used in a multitude of state and federal channels to reference specific pages, sections, or inventoried listings within statutes, articles, regulations, or other legally binding documents to indicate that the information being presented is elaborated on in greater detail in the form of written annotation appearing below the original entry.

² Refers to SEC. 7. VOTER REGISTRATION AGENCIES and the designation thereof, specifically as it pertains to the following subsection:

(a) DESIGNATION.—(1) Each State shall designate agencies for the registration of voters in elections for Federal office.

³ Enacted into law on October of 2015, the New Motor Voter Act is a statute requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to forward records for all eligible applicants for driver’s licenses to the acting Secretary of State’s office for registration solely on the basis of a prospective individual’s claim of lawful permanent residency

⁴ Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) is a transformative electoral reform proposal allowing for the automated registration of prospective voters, a process contingent on the submission of information to federally subsidized agencies – specifically the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), as well as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other entitlement benefits/ economic subsistence packages (Supplemental Security Income, or SSI; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF; Housing Choice Voucher Initiative, also known as Section 8 or Tenant Based Rental Assistance; Academic Pell Grants, et al) requiring manual application – whereby an individual’s personal records are utilized as a means of bolstering the electorate in terms of its aggregate number. As of December 23, 2020, twenty states, as well the District of Columbia, have adopted AVR as their default method of enrollment. The areas mentioned in the context of the above statement are as follows:

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
West Virginia

The ratification of such measures at the national level heralding the possibility of an additional 50 million voters being added to the system regardless of their country of origin at the time of their entry into the database network.

⁵ Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.) deals with the institution of voting systems standards, specifically with regard to the “UNIFORM AND NONDISCRIMINATORY ELECTION TECHNOLOGY AND ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS” (The heading of this section capitalized in accordance with the original proclamation, thereby preserving its continuity for the purpose of debate) outlined in Sec. 301 with the maintenance of ballot integrity detailed in subchapter (iii) of the (a) REQUIREMENTS subsection, a written account that appears as follows:

(iii) if the voter selects votes for more than one candidate for a single office—

(I) notify the voter that the voter has selected more than one candidate for a single office on the ballot;

(II) notify the voter before the ballot is cast and counted of the effect of casting multiple votes for the office; and

(III) provide the voter with the opportunity to correct the ballot before the ballot is cast and counted.

⁶ Voter caging is the practice by which a political party or partisan-based affiliate challenges the registrational merit of individuals opposed to the election of a prospective candidate into public office on the basis of their ability to demonstrate proof of residency. It involves the distribution of unsolicited articles, predominantly in the form of registered mail issued notices, to the physical addresses of voters that are either members of, or actively engaged in activities sponsored by organizations or entities deemed antithetical to the status quo.

⁷ Alphabetically indexed inventory of criminal offenses detailed in compliance with Title 18 and Title 26 of the United States Legal Code (the mention of these titles in the context of their elucidation consistent with the foundation of the current U.S. penal structure):

Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of the Government
Aggravated Assault/ Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at a Commercial Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Antitrust Violations
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing a Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Attempt to Commit Murder/ Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/ Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters (Threats to employ the use of explosives or incendiary devices on Federal property, et al)
Bond Default
Breaking and/ or Entering Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks or the Use of Fraudulent Instrumentation
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain/ Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Fugitive
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise (aiding and abetting)
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/ Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Delivery to Consignee
Demands Against the U.S.
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce
Destruction of an Energy Facility
Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials
Detention of Armed Vessel
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Security (Violations thereof, including the formulation of impediments)
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Violence
Drive-by Shooting
Drug Abuse Violations
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
DUI/ DWI (Driving Under the Influence/ Driving While Intoxicated) on Federal Property
Economic Espionage
Election Law Crimes
Embezzlement Against Estate
Entering Train to Commit Crime
Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S.
Environmental Scheme Crimes
Escaping Custody/ Escaped Federal Prisoners
Examiner Performing Other Services
Exportation of Drugs/ Narcotics Paraphernalia
Failure to Appear on Felony Offense
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations
False Bail
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
False Information and Hoaxes
False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation
Federal Aviation Act Violations
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female Genital Mutilation
Financial Transactions with Foreign Government
First Degree Murder
Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony
Forced Labor
Forcible Rape
Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement
Hate Crime Acts
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms (convicted felons)
Immigration Offenses
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Importation of Drugs
Influencing Juror by Writing
Injuring Officer
Insider Trading Crimes
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Parental Kidnapping
International Terrorism
Interstate Domestic Violence
Interstate Violation of Protection Order
Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys
Mailing Threatening Communications
Major Fraud Against the U.S.
Medical/Health Care Fraud
Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft (specifically with regard to the monetary funding and/ or development thereof)
Misuse of Passport
Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents
Money Laundering
Motor Vehicle Theft
Murder by a Federal Prisoner
Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by Shooting
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal Audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Officer Failing to Make Reports
Partial Birth Abortion (excluding the states of New York and Virginia, whose legislators codified exemptions into each of their respective constitutions to allow for the procedures to be conducted in a clinical setting – Link)
Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena
Peonage (debt bondage, indentured servitude)
Picketing or Parading
Possession by Restricted Persons
Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S.
Possession of Narcotics
Possession of Child Pornography
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Probation Violation
Product Tampering
Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses
Protection of Foreign Officials
Public Corruption Crimes
Radiological Dispersal Devices (refers to the usage of, in violation of environmental safety regulations)
Ransom Money (the demand thereof, oftentimes associated with the crimes of false imprisonment/ unlawful detainment, and kidnapping)
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds
Registration of Certain Organizations (unregulated by intergovernmental agencies/ intermediaries in an attempt to circumvent tax law)
Reproduction of Citizenship Papers
Resistance to Extradition Agent
Rescue of Seized Property
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances
Sale of Citizenship Papers
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Second Degree Murder
Serial Murders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Sexual Conduct with a Minor
Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking
Shoplifting (felony designation contingent on the value of purloined inventory)
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Stalking (in violation of restraining/ protective order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing (felony designation contingent on the value of purloined inventory)
Subornation of Perjury
Suits Against Government Officials
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Consumer Products
Tampering with Vessels
Theft of Trade Secrets
Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services
Transmission of Wagering Information (gambling offenses related to the orchestration of outcome of organized athletics)
Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale
Transportation of Slaves from U.S.
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Video Voyeurism
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
Violence at International Airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death (physical damage to railways or track-related infrastructure precipitating derailment)
Wire Fraud


The term, ‘one-party imperialism,’ alternatively known as a one-party state, single-party state, one-party system, or single-party system, refers to the conceptualization of a unitary governmental assemblage whose scope of regency is predicated by the formulation of a centralized locus of control. This consolidation of power a hallmark of communist and dictatorial regimes, with two of the most noteworthy examples being the Marxist-Leninist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, commonly known as the Soviet Union) that exercised dominion over a significant portion of Northern Eurasia from 1922-1991, as well as the People’s Republic of China (PRC), where the CPC (Communist Party of China) – founded in 1921 with the aid of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Communist International (Comintern) Assembly – seized jurisdictional authority over the Kuomintang (KMT) Nationalist Government of mainland China in 1949 following a series of events pertaining to the Chinese Civil War.


H.R. (House Resolution) 1 | For the People Act of 2019: Part 10—VOTER REGISTRATION OF MINORS (Partitioned Sectional)

H.R. (House Resolution) 1; 117th Congress, 1st Session | For the People Act of 2021


AVR – Automatic Voter Registration

Comintern – Communist International

CPC – Communist Party of China

D.C. – District of Columbia

DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles

DNC – Democratic National Committee

DUI/ DWI – Driving Under the Influence/ Driving While Intoxicated

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

HAVA – Help America Vote Act

KMT – KuoMinTang

PRC – People’s Republic of China

SEC. – SECtion

SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SSI – Supplemental Security Income

SSN – Social Security Number

TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

U.S.C. – United States Code

USD – United States Dollars

USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Historical Quotes

Written By Michael Reign on Thursday, December 17, 2020 | 10:20 PM

What follows is an extensive compilation of quotes and statements attributed to luminaries occupying various spheres of influence in the geopolitical arena, as well as their contemporaries in the field disciplines of academic instruction, science and discovery, corporate telecommunications, market finance, literary pursuits, theological discourse, etc. These utterances numerically indexed by date and in accordance with their respective topics of emphasis, with citations provided to prospective viewing audiences as a means of validating their authenticity in a public forum. {Updated on a Regular Basis}

NOTE: External site links highlighted in red



The affirmative task we have now, is uh… is to actually um, uh… create a -- a new world order, because the global order is changing again, and the institutions and the rules that worked so well in the post-World War II era for decades, uh, they need to be strengthened, and some have to be changed.”

~ Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr.
47th Vice President of the United States (January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017)
Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation
April 5, 2013 | Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank Conference Formal Address • Washington, D.C.


Vice President Joe Biden: The ‘Affirmative Task’ Before Us Is to ‘Create a New World Order’


The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. This is a harsh – indeed, for me, painful – thing to say, but unfortunately, I am convinced it is true. The United States continues to set the agenda for the world in spite of its loss of influence since 9/11*, and the Bush Administration is setting the wrong agenda. The Bush agenda is nationalistic: it emphasizes the use of force and ignores global problems whose solution requires international cooperation. The rest of the world dances to the tune the United States is playing, and if that continues too long we are in danger of destroying our civilization. Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority.”

~ George Soros (born György Schwartz, August 12, 1930)
HonFBA – Honorary Member of the Fellowship of the British Academy
Business Magnate
Graduate of the London School of Economics
2006 | “The Age of Fallibility;” prologue, page xvi

*NOTE: The written context of this portion of Soros’s declaration alluding to the Project of the New American Century (PNAC), specifically with regard to the imposition of a U.S.-directed international order devoid of strategic rivals seeking to capitalize on the tragic sequence of events surrounding September 11, 2001.


“This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations, aNew World Order’ – a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful – and we will be – we have a real chance at this New World Order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders.”

~ George H.W. (Herbert Walker) Bush (June 12, 1924 – November 30, 2018)
41st President of the United States (January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993)
Republican National Committee Party Affiliation
January 16, 1991 | State of the Union Address Excerpt Referencing the Commencement of the First Persian Gulf War • Washington, D.C.


*VIDEO* Full January 16, 1991 State of the Union Address Announcing the Commencement of the First Persian Gulf Conflict and the Actualization of a Globalist ‘New World Order’

NOTE: The excerpted line of commentary emphasized in the one-time U.S. President’s address begins at the 7 minute, 22 second interval of the above link


“The existing order is breaking down at a very rapid rate, and the main uncertainty is whether mankind can exert a positive role in shaping a new world order or is doomed to await collapse in a passive posture. We believe a new world order will be born no later than early in the next century and that the death throes of the old and the birth pangs of the new will be a testing time for the human species.”

~ Richard Anderson Falk
Princeton University Professor Emeritus of International Law
1975 | “Toward a New World Order: Modest Methods and Drastic Visions” (Article excerpt from the book, “On the Creation of a Just World Order”)

“My country’s history, Mr. President, tells us that it is possible to fashion unity while cherishing diversity, that common action is possible despite the variety of races, interests, and beliefs we see here in this chamber. Progress and peace and justice are attainable. So we say to all peoples and governments: Let us fashion together a new world order.”

~ Heinz “Henry” Alfred Kissinger
56th United States Secretary of State (September 22, 1973 – January 20, 1977)
8th United States National Security Advisor (January 20, 1969 – November 3, 1975)
October, 1975 | United Nations General Assembly Formal Address • New York, NY


The United Nations has not been able – nor can it be able – to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand… (The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems) urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all the free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.”

~ Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (July 8, 1908 – January 26, 1979)
49th New York State Governor (1959-1973)
Republican National Committee Party Affiliation
February, 1962 | “Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard Drive to Build New World Order” (New York Times)


“If there are those who think we are to jump immediately into a new world order, actuated by complete understanding and brotherly love, they are doomed to disappointment. If we are ever to approach that time, it will be after patient and persistent effort of long duration. The present international situation of mistrust and fear can only be corrected by a formula of equal status, continuously applied, to every phase of international contacts, until the cobwebs of the old order are brushed out of the minds of the people of all lands.”

~ Dr. Augustus Orloff Thomas (1863-1935)
Founder and Secretary of the General of the World Federation of Education Association
August, 1927



“It’s long past time we take action to end the scourge of gun violence in America.”

“As president, I’ll ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, implement universal background checks, and enact other common-sense reforms to end our violence epidemic.”

~ Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr.
2020 Democratic National Committee U.S. Presidential Nominee
47th Vice President of the United States (January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017)
Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation


¹ A term whose etymological convention originates from two disparate Greek prefixes, with gyno, referencing “woman,” and kentron, interpreted as “center.” In Ancient Greece, the word’s use incorporated the dialectal fragments ‘γυνή’ and ‘κέντρον,’ with the English equivalent of the first segment recognized as ‘female’ or ‘woman,’ and the latter half being synonymous with the following: sharp point, sting (of bees and wasps), point of a spear and stationary focus of a pair of compasses – the last of the phrases appearing in this montage alluding to the centrifugal locus of an annular composite (the center of a geometrically-inspired circle). The concept’s introduction in literary parlance occurring in 1897 with its appearance in Volume 11 of Open Court (a syndicated monthly magazine whose mass circulation was engendered under the auspices of a publishing agency bearing a similar denomination) where the societal framework of the United States, in accordance with the perceptions of their European counterparts, was being dictated by its unspoken acceptance of gynocentrist philosophy, as opposed to the notion of anthropocentric exceptionalism permeating Western culture. These observations weren’t confined solely to Europe, as George A. Birmingham, the author of ‘From Dublin to Chicago: Some Notes on a Tour in America’ that was released in 1914 by George H. Doran Company, would openly state that “American social life seems to me gynocentric. It is arranged with a view to the convenience and delight of women. Men come in where and how they can.”
A more recent application of this ideology exists as an iteration of second-wave feminism, a period of American history that redefined the socioeconomic standard, specifically with regard to gender-specific roles and institutions exhibiting patriarchal hegemony. Progenitors of this doctrine envision the actualization of a matriarchal potentate, whereby the ‘oppressive’ nature of masculinity is expunged from the prevailing societal dynamic and women are elevated to sovereign status.


“All men should be put in concentration camps.”

“I mean, I would actually put them all in some kind of camp where they can all drive around in quad bikes, or bicycles, or white vans I would give them a choice of vehicles to drive around with, give them no porn, they wouldn’t be able to fight – we would have wardens of course!”

“Women who want to see their sons or male loved ones would be able to go and visit, or take them out like a library book, and then bring them back.”

~ Julie Bindel
Co-Founder of the Justice for Women Legal Reformation Initiative
2015 | Syndicated interview with the RadFem Collective


“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.”

~ Robin Morgan
American Women’s Movement
Founding Member of New York Radical Women
2014 | “Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicles of a Feminist,” page 171 (Open Road Integrated Media)


“We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.”

~ Robin Morgan
American Women’s Movement
Founding Member of New York Radical Women
1970 | “Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings From the Women’s Liberation Movement” (Vintage Books)


“The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that has an incomplete set of chromosomes.”

~ Valerie Jean Solanas (April 9, 1936 – April 25, 1988)
Radical Feminist
1967 | “SCUM Manifesto”

Contextual Synopsis: There are a number of accounts claiming that Solanas’s publication of the “SCUM Manifesto” was born of the book’s title being an acronym for Society for Cutting Up Men, an explanation that was initially proffered by Olympia Press, the subsequent publisher of the book in its commercial form in 1968.



“Anti-maskers are the same people who think they need an AR-15 for ‘protection’.”


~ Alyssa Jayne Milano
Entertainment Industry
Political Activist



“Lucifer comes to give us the final… Luciferic initiation that many people now and in the days ahead, will be facing—for it is an initiation into the New Age.
…No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian initiation.”

~ David Spangler
Planetary Citizens¹ Board of Directors
Findhorn Foundation Co-Director of Education
Lindisfarne Association Co-Founder
Lorian Association (Link 1, Link 2) Founding Member
1978 | Quote attributed to Spangler in ‘The Unicorn in the Sanctuary: The Impact of the New Age on the Catholic Church,’ a 176 page literary publication authored by Randy England that was initially released in 1990 by Trinity Communications

¹ A United Nations-coordinated directive born under the auspices of a 1970 “Conference of Human Survival” symposium conducted by Lester Bowles Pearson (Link 1, Link 2) with monetary funding received by the Kettering Foundation.



“The more people there are, the more resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation, and war.
…In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

~ Prince Phillip (June 10, 1921 – April 9, 2021)
Duke of Edinburgh
August 1988 | Syndicated Interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA)


“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend… One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one another… One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God… They are defective seeds… There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow… Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately, you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God… the riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity.”

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard (December 22, 1929 – April 10, 2019)
Jewish Agnostic
1980 | Book of Co-Creation: Part III, The Revelation Alternative to Armageddon

Contextual Synopsis: Hubbard’s use of the terms, ‘quantum transformation’ and ‘quantum shift,’ when paired with the phrase, ‘the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers,’ an inference to the conceptualization of transhumanist philosophy, an internationalist endeavor advocating the use of technology as a means of accelerating the development of a biosynthetic evolutionary dynamic as an aspect of posthuman interventionism. Proponents of this ideology cite the virtue of transcending the physiological limitations associated with the human condition in a bid to circumvent the aging process through the introduction of an artificially engineered substrate at the biomolecular level to achieve immortality through the extension of one’s natural life expectancy.


“It seems to me that to prevent the multiplication of people below a certain standard, and to encourage the multiplication of exceptionally superior people, is the only real and permanent way of mending the ills of the world.”

~ H.G. (Herbert George) Wells (September 21, 1866 – August 13, 1946)
Social Critic
February 1929 | Journal of Heredity (Volume 20, Issue 2, Page 77)


“My dear Mr. Davenport:

I am greatly interested in the two memoirs you have sent me. They are very instructive, and, from the standpoint of our country, very ominous. You say that these people are not themselves responsible, that it is “society” that is responsible. I agree with you if you mean, as I suppose you do, that society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. It is really extraordinary that our people refuse to apply to human beings such elementary knowledge as every successful farmer is obliged to apply to his own stock breeding. Any group of farmers who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum. Yet we fail to understand that such conduct is rational compared to the conduct of a nation which permits unlimited breeding from the worst stocks, physically and morally, while it encourages or connives at the cold selfishness or the twisted sentimentality, as a result of which the men and women who ought to marry, and if married have large families, remain celibate or have no children or only one or two. Someday we will realize that the prime duty – the inescapable duty – of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world, and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919)
26th President of the United States (September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909)
25th Vice President of the United States (March 4, 1901 – September 14, 1901)
33rd New York State Governor (January 1, 1899 – December 31, 1900)
Republican National Committee Party Affiliation
Freemason (Master Mason – 3rd Degree Rank of the Masonic Order)

“I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feebleminded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them. The emphasis should be laid on getting desirable people to breed.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919)
26th President of the United States (September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909)
25th Vice President of the United States (March 4, 1901 – September 14, 1901)
33rd New York State Governor (January 1, 1899 – December 31, 1900)
Republican National Committee Party Affiliation
Freemason (Master Mason – 3rd Degree Rank of the Masonic Order)
1913 | Twisted Eugenics | Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Hermann Hagedorn (Essay, The Outlook Magazine: An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Current Events • Volume 106, Page 32, January 1914 Edition)



“Trump ran on a vision of America where whiteness is valued at the expense of everything else. In the White House, he gave white supremacists, members of the extreme right and conspiracy theorists their most powerful platforms yet, even claiming that there were ‘very fine people’ among the torch-wielding militia members who converged on Charlottesville in 2017.”

~ Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
2016 Democratic National Committee U.S. Presidential Nominee
67th United States Secretary of State (January 21, 2009 – February 1, 2013)
New York State United States Senator (January 3, 2001 – January 21, 2009)
Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation

“If we look at the Chief Officer group of this constabulary, we are half female and have all sorts of other diverse characteristics – but we are all white. I’m really aware of that and so I’m doing what I can to mitigate this in the short term and I have a very detailed plan, which also national policing has as well, to try and shift that balance. It’s not OK that we look like we do across UK policing and I know my colleagues and I are all determined to shift that.”

~ Olivia Pinkney
Hampshire Constabulary Chief Constable (2016-Present)
January 10, 2021 | Public service address regarding department conduct policy revisions in the wake of the dismissal of several law enforcement officers from the Serious Organised Crime Unit (Socu) after a series of complaints were filed alleging the use of “racist, sexist, and homophobic” language


‘It’s Not Ok That We Look Like We Do’ – Hampshire Constabulary Chief Constable Laments Overabundance of White Police Officers in Her Department’s Jurisdiction


“Young Negro children are like roaches and if you ever let them integrate into a school they’ll infest them and they’ll never get them out.”

“Negroes are animals and they turn our streets into jungles, and if elected I promise to do everything I can to put them in zoos to make the streets safe.”

~ Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr.
New Castle County, Delaware Councilman
United States Senate Nominee
Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation
1972 | First-hand eyewitness account of events by Joseph “Joe” Blakeney Brown Jr., then employed as an intern for a Washington, D.C.-based think tank/ policy institute that had been conducting operations in the surrounding area • Dover, Delaware

Contextual Synopsis: The statements outlined in the above paragraphs are part of a series of controversial remarks made by then New Castle County, Delaware Councilman Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr., who was introduced – according to a verbal testimonial that aired on June 8, 2021, during a syndicated segment of The Alex Jones Show on the Banned.Video platform – as “the last and newest of the Yellow Dog¹ Dixiecrats.” The term ‘Dixiecrat,’ referring to the States’ Rights Democratic Party, a segregationist chapter of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) founded by James Strom Thurmond Sr. in 1948 that actively opposed racial integration at the communal level and sought to retain the Jim Crow legislative mandates that were first introduced in the United States in 1877 in response to the ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. These edicts instituted at the state and local levels of government by the Redeemers, a coalition of political operatives aligned with the DNC occupying areas of the American South during the Reconstruction Era.

¹ The use of the term ‘Yellow Dog,’ applied to voters in the Southern United States who routinely cast their ballots for political candidates representing the ideals of the Democratic National Committee. The phrase “Yellow Dog Democrat” popularized in 1928 during the height of what proved to be a decidedly one-sided presidential electoral cycle between then Republican Secretary of Commerce Herbert Clark Hoover and Democrat Alfred “Al” Emanuel Smith, the acting Governor of the state of New York.


“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now that they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

~ Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) (August 27, 1908 – January 22, 1973)
Texas State United States Senator (January 3, 1949 – January 3, 1961)
Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation
1957 | Prejudicial utterance made to acting Georgia State United States Senator Richard Brevard Russell Jr. as documented in “Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream,” a captivating prosopography authored by Doris Kearns Goodwin (1976, Harper & Row, Publishers)

Contextual Synopsis: LBJ’s controversial line of commentary heralding the passage of a series of politically motivated legislative concessions designed to curry favor with habitually marginalized segments of the civilian population in advance of future electoral cycles. These administrative conciliations part of the future U.S. President’s so-called “War on Poverty” initiative that was first introduced to the general public during the course of a State of the Union address on January 8, 1964. The proposal was hailed by its progenitors, as well as their legions of corporatist telecommunications industry sycophants, as a necessary plan of contingency to reduce the burgeoning rate of destitution, a problematic symptom of the nineteen percent estimate of diminished socioeconomic opportunity disproportionately affecting residents of lower-income urban municipalities and districts. Johnson’s oratory culminating with the passage of the Economic Opportunity Act (Pub.L. 88-452), a provision ratified into law on August 20, 1964, following its passage in the U.S. Senate by a margin of 228-164 twelve days prior. The aforementioned directive a component of Johnson’s Great Society national plank, a comprehensive inventory of taxpayer funded programs crafted for the express purpose of eliminating the prospect of cultural penury, expanding educational opportunities for the financially disadvantaged, establishing a community-based measure of fiscal security for the unemployed, and providing monetary assistance to the elderly for medical care and pharmaceutical necessities. The reality encompassing the ratification of this set of domestic policies, which the Johnson Administration, with the aid of commercially syndicated news agencies and mainstream media organizations, attempted to cast in a beneficent aura with the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88–352, 78 Stat. 241), far different than that of its portrayal with the creation of a system of perpetual government dependency as illustrated in this excerpt from Johnson’s March 16, 1964, Special Message to Congress where he touted the benefits of the Economic Opportunity Act, obfuscating the underlying intentions of the decree, most notably the actualization of a North American wealth redistribution apparatus¹:

“This Act was created to eliminate the paradox of poverty on the midst of plenty in this nation by opening… To everyone… the opportunity for education and training, the opportunity to work and the opportunity to live in decency and dignity.”

The budgetary cost expenditures associated with this legislation totaling $2,620,768,630,706 over a span of 57 years, the monetary equivalent of an aggregate sum of $22.39 trillion ($22,392,946,212,758.49 to be precise) in 2021 with the current inflationary prospectus factored into the cumulative assessment (Link).

¹ The Food Stamp Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88-525), now referred to as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which costs an average of $68 billion annually, identified as one of many egregious examples of Johnson’s attempt to foster an atmosphere of bureaucratic reliance.


LBJ’s Great Society and the Emergence of Progressivist Socialism



“The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.”

~ Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr.
46th President of the United States
47th Vice President of the United States (January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017)
Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation

“Around 75 percent to 85 percent of the US population need to be inoculated to create an umbrella of immunity that prevents the virus from spreading.
It’s very disturbing that on the basis of political persuasion people are not wanting to get vaccinated.
I find that really extraordinary because those are the ones that keep saying you’re encroaching on our liberties by asking us to wear masks and to do the kinds of restrictions that are public health issues. The easiest way to get out of that is to get vaccinated. So it’s almost paradoxical that they don’t want to get vaccinated.”

~ Anthony Stephen Fauci
Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID)
Chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation (LIR)
Chief Medical Adviser of the Biden Administration

Contextual Synopsis: Fauci’s statements regarding the prospect of ‘herd immunity’ have since received a renewed measure of skepticism, with prior proclamations by the acting Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) having been revisited by a plethora of independent media outlets. On December 15, 2020, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, lauded by the corporate telecommunications industry as the nation’s premier infectious disease expert, was quoted with the following during the course of a conversation with VOX Media consultant Sean Rameswaram:

“If you really want true herd immunity, where you get a blanket of protection over the country ... you want about 75 to 85 percent of the country to get vaccinated.”

Just nine days later, on December 24, 2020, the NIAID Director proffered this revised assessment:

“We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent.”

The Biden Administration’s Chief Medical Adviser later admitting in a syndicated interview conducted by the New York Times that he has been intentionally raising the bar based, in part, on what he believes the country would be willing to accept.


“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.”

~ Aldous Leonard Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963)
English Author and Philosopher
Seven-Time Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in Literature
Companion of Literature Title Recipient by the Royal Society of Literature in 1962
March 20, 1962 | “Ultimate Revolution” Oral Proclamation (Berkeley Language Center • University of California, Berkeley)


¹ Also referred to as psychological conditioning, the prospect of shaping behavior patterns in targeted segments of the civilian population through the introduction of stimuli designed to illicit a predicted response was authored into existence through the machinations of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR), a globally centralized psychoanalytical profiling apparatus. Established after the First World War by Prince George (George Edward Alexander Edmund), the Duke of Kent (December 20, 1902 – August 25, 1942) as the Tavistock Clinic, a London-based British intelligence operation masquerading under the guise of legitimacy as a national mental health services network. Terms and expressions born from the auspices of this pseudoscientific consortium are as follows: counterculture, deprogramming, diversity, gender identity, group dynamism, humanism, inclusion, intersectionality, political correctness, radical feminism, re-education, secular progressivism, social equity, subliminal manipulation, women’s liberation, et al.


THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States | John Coleman (2006, World in Review)

Redefining the Social Compact: The Tavistock Agenda of Predictive Programming | Iona Miller (2009)

Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking | Christopher Hadnagy (2011, Wiley Publishing, Inc.)

Psychological Warfare on Humanity: The Insidious Tactics of Social Engineering | Daniel Taylor (2018)


“And the question is: How are we going to really, almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?”

~ Katherine “Katie” Anne Couric
American Television
Investigative News Correspondent



“So this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playin’ with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right, be in order, make them pay.”

~ Cynthia A. Johnson
Member of the Michigan State House of Representatives
Congressional District 5 (Democratic National Committee Party Affiliation)
December 8, 2020 | Facebook Live Social Media Broadcast

Contextual Synopsis: Johnson’s controversial series of remarks were purportedly made in response to an unverified number of communications from individuals that had expressed serious doubts regarding the electoral integrity of Michigan’s voting process following allegations of impropriety in the tabulation of mail-in ballots in the Wayne County district. According to various mainstream media affiliates familiar with the circumstances surrounding the fledgling public official’s threatening vitriol, several of the messages received by the first-year representative were rumored to have possessed a decidedly misogynistic bent, while others appear to have been racially motivated. Some of the more noteworthy enunciations emphasized by the corporate telecommunications industry in their attempts to rationalize the U.S. government official’s questionable conduct (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3) documented below:

“Fuck you, bitch. Your time is fucking coming, you’ll see. From the fucking gallows you’ll be hanging.” (Audio of voicemail left on Johnson’s personal cellular communications device)

“I hope you like burning crosses in your front yard.”

“Ghetto hood rat, I hope you choke on a chicken bone.”

The last line of commentary from the Congressional District 5 member of the Michigan State House of Representatives a clear indication of her efforts to enlist the services of seditious elements, primarily black nationalist organizations (Black Lives Matter, New Black Panther Party, et al.) and black bloc revolutionary appendages (Antifa, Youth Liberation Front, etc.), throughout the continental United States to intimidate supporters of the outgoing political administration.


*VIDEO* Cynthia A. Johnson, the Democratic National Committee Party Affiliated Congressional District 5 Member of the Michigan State House of Representatives, Openly Threatens Trump Supporters During the Course of a Facebook Live Social Media Broadcast

“We stand at a critical point in history… Give black people their rights, or we will burn this country to ashes.”

~ Hawk Newsome
President of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Chapter of Greater New York
June 7, 2020 | Times Square, New York, NY


*VIDEO* President of the BLM Chapter of Greater New York: “Give Black People Their Rights, or We Will Burn This Country to Ashes”



“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.”

~ Aldous Leonard Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963)
English Author and Philosopher
Seven-Time Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in Literature
Companion of Literature Title Recipient by the Royal Society of Literature in 1962
1956 | “A Case of Voluntary Ignorance” (Esquire Publishing Company)


“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

~ George Orwell¹ (June 25, 1903 – January 21, 1950)
English Novelist, Essayist, Journalist, and Literary Critic
April 1946 | Horizon Journal (Volume 13, Issue 76)

¹ ‘George Orwell’ is the pen name alias or pseudonymous identity that was routinely used by Eric Arthur Blair in a number of written publications.


“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”

~ Aldous Leonard Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963)
English Author and Philosopher
Seven-Time Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in Literature
Companion of Literature Title Recipient by the Royal Society of Literature in 1962
1937 | “The Olive Tree and Other Essays” (Harper and Brothers)


“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

~ William Pitt the Younger (May 28, 1759 – January 23, 1806)
Chancellor of the Exchequer (July 10, 1782 – March 31, 1783; December 19, 1783 – January 1, 1801; May 10, 1804 – January 23, 1806)
Prime Minister of Great Britain (December 19, 1783 – January 1, 1801)
Member of Parliament for Cambridge University (May 18, 1784 – January 23, 1806)
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (January 1, 1801 – March 14, 1801; May 10, 1804 – January 23, 1806)
November 18, 1783 | Formal Address in the Parliament of Great Britain House of Commons



“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. (United Nations) troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being, granted to them by their world government.”

~ Heinz “Henry” Alfred Kissinger
56th United States Secretary of State (September 22, 1973 – January 20, 1977)
8th United States National Security Advisor (January 20, 1969 – November 3, 1975)
May 21, 1992 | Bilderberg Group Symposium Formal Address • Evian, France







Agency of Record Documented Percentile Equivalent
BLS CPI 7.91
SGS Alternative 16.27*

*The 16.27 percent rate of inflation emphasized on John Williams’ Shadow Government Statistics site is a figure derived from pre-1980 methods of interpretation. This estimate occupying the 35th position in the history of the measure’s documentation.


Rank Date Percentage
1 June 1920 23.67
2 May 1920 21.89
3 April 1920 21.56
4 November 1918 20.74
5 December 1918 20.44
6 June 1917 20.37¹
7 March 1920 20.12
8 September 1917 19.82
9 March 1947 19.67
10 January 1918 19.66
11 May 1917 19.63
12 July 1920 19.54
13 October 1917 19.47
14 August 1917 19.27
15 April 1947 19.02
16 April 1917 18.87
17 February 1947 18.78
18 July 1917 18.52²
19 August 1918 18.46
20 May 1947 18.38
21 December 1946 18.13³
22 December 1917 18.10
23 September 1918 18.05
24 July 1918 17.97
25 January 1919 17.86
26 November 1946 17.68
27 June 1947 17.65
28 April 1919 17.61
29 February 1918 17.50
30 November 1917 17.39
31 March 1919 17.14
32 January 1920 16.97
33 March 1918 16.67
34 May 1919 16.55
35 February 2022 16.27
36 January 2022 15.61
37 February 1917 15.38
38 July 1919 15.23
39 December 2021 15.15
40 June 1919 14.97

¹ The 20.37 percent rate of inflation also occurring in February of 1920

² The 18.52 percent rate of inflation mirroring that of the October 1918 itemized entry

³ The 18.13 percent rate of inflation matching that of January 1947

NOTE: The data outlined in the above graphic representing the most recent online publication of the consumer price index as dictated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) paired in conjunction with the SGS monthly adjusted statistical information series release for January 12, 2022. The latter indicator based on the determination of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (Link 1, Link 2) using pre-1980 reporting methodologies that identified it as an instrument of comparison for the price of a fixed basket of goods and services occupying two distinct time frames. The revision of the inflationary standard instituted by Paul Volcker, the newly appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve, in response to the Carter Administration’s concerns of a looming recession hastened by years of stagflation, a term that economists in the United States adopted from Iain Macleod, the United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1970. The CPI’s evolution from what was originally a cost of goods index (COGI) to its present incarnation as a cost of living index (COLI) utilized by the U.S. Federal Government as a means of suppressing the actual rate of inflation, thereby allowing for the publication of a deliberately contrived, and therefore, routinely understated cost to consumers. This shift in policy designed to diminish any ancillary political impacts that would otherwise influence the decision making process of the general public in future electoral cycles. The formula being utilized by statisticians in the calculation of this metric – where time, paired with the prospect of an inflationary economic cycle, governs the purchasing power of fiat currency – detailed in the following:


A=The initial month or year a specific data series was entered into the Consumer Price Index for a particular product or service

B=The most recent entry submitted into the CPI analytics registry for the commodity or industrial sector specified in variable A


BLS – Bureau of Labor Statistics

COGI – Cost Of Goods Index

COLI – Cost Of Living Index

CPI – Consumer Price Index

SGS – Shadow Government Statistics

Statistics Proffered by the United States Federal Government’s Most Recent Publication of the CPI (Consumer Price Index)¹, a Numeric Measure Utilized as a Means of Calculating the Diminished Purchasing Power of the American Dollar Relevant to the Acquisition of Products or Services Within the Economic Sector, Indicate That the Intrinsic Market Value of the USD (United States Dollar), When Compared to Its Initial Assessment of Worth in 1913², Has Surrendered 2739.9% of Its Monetary Caliber

The percentage, obtained in accordance with the agency’s findings, indicates that $1 USD in FY 1913 is equivalent to $28.40 USD in FY 2021

¹ A measure utilized as a means of examining market-specific fluctuations in the median price designation of a weighted average of prices pertaining to a number – oftentimes referred to as a ‘basket’ – of consumer-driven products and services, most notably transportation, food, and medical care.

² December 23rd, 1913 witnessed the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, a legislative provision that effectively established a central banking conglomerate in the United States and heralded the onset of a fractional-reserve dependent fiduciary structure. The premise of this market-based dynamic contingent on the faith of the general public in the solvency of financial institutions, as well as the financial industry’s – specifically banks – practice of accepting monetary deposits, oftentimes in the form of cash or check, from prospective consumers and processing loan agreements, while holding in reserve an amount equal to a fraction of the original estimate.




Median Price of Preowned Vehicles Increases by a Margin of 39% to $29,011, Compared to $20,871 Just 12 Months Prior, According to Recent Data Assessments by Inc., an American Online Resource for Automotive Inventory and Information

The heightened consumer costs driven primarily by the premature closure of manufacturing and production facilities in response to the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 pandemic declaration, prolonged labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, and the orchestrated scarcity of semiconductor-related materials* – most notably integrated circuits, which are an essential component in maintaining an optimum level of basic function in cars. Automobiles account for 15 percent of global chip assembly, while personal electronics account for nearly 50 percent. The abject lack of this necessary commodity expected to set the global automotive industry back an estimated $20 billion USD in terms of revenue in FY 2021.

*NOTE: The engineered absence of such contrivances designed to hasten the actualization of a UN-directed collapse of industry, otherwise known as creative destruction¹, in advance of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset

¹ A fundamental tenet of Marxian economic theory, predicated on the reinterpretation of the capitalist dynamic through a coordinated strategy of deindustrialization whereby the prevailing macroeconomic standard is supplanted through a process of engineered obsolescence operating under the guise of innovative restructuralism. Oftentimes referred to as Schumpeter’s gale as an ode to Joseph Alois Schumpeter, the Austrian-born economist for whom the use of the term was initially credited, the concept of creative destruction (German transliterative equivalent: schöpferische Zerstörung) first originated in 1942 with the written publication of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, where the author described it as a “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.” Inspired, in large part, by the literary exploits of Karl Heinrich Marx, the ideological basis of its ascent to prominence in contemporary fiscal pursuits governed by corpocratic gentrification, whereby the elimination of competition through the institution of entrepreneurial constraints by legislative decree is advanced through the manufacture of “unforeseen” exigencies at the national level. The most routinely mentioned concerns meriting ‘crisis’ designation that provide bureaucrats and their ancillary agencies of influence in the industrial sector with the impetus to effectively codify a feudalistic oligopoly into existence are as follows:

1) Ecological Sustainability – Utilized as justification to abolish the carbon footprint of commercial venues through the eradication of fossil fuels as a viable resource and substituting it with “green” renewable energy. Modern iterations of environmentalist policy are designed to incorporate themes associated with a number of globalist imperatives, most notably: Agenda 21, Agenda 2030* (Link 1, Link 2), The Great Reset (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5), and the Wildlands Project (since rebranded by its progenitors as the ‘Wildlands Network’)

Example: Solar power in place of electronically supported technologies – monetary investment in these fields occurring primarily in California with government officials citing the need to address the dramatic increase in wildfires ravaging wide swaths of the state that many claim have resulted from severed electrical wires

2) Market Volatility – Profit fluctuation, specifically as it relates to financial service organizations and banking institutions that manipulate currency values and implement policies of investment that favor monopolistic assemblies

Example: Government imposed economic shutdowns, formulated by the global financial system/ central banking authority, together with multinational corporations and the medical establishment as a means of mitigating the spread of coronavirus, culminating in the collapse of the private sector (small business). The elimination of free enterprise through the orchestrated demolition of the proprietary market resulting in the permanent closure of 58% of businesses across America according to Yelp, Inc. (Link), a peer services review portal specializing in the development of privately owned and operated companies through the publication of consumer-based evaluational assessments on various social media platforms and online correspondence utilities.
A troubling sequence of events openly admitted to by U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard who acknowledged the role of his agency in the suspension of America’s economy in the second quarter of FY 2020 (Fiscal Year 2020) in the following assessment:

“This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.”

Bullard’s controversial line of reasoning the by-product of a prior prognostication where he emphasized the possibility of a 30% rate of unemployment in the United States, a 50 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP), and the loss of an estimated $2.5 trillion USD in revenue from corporate industry in lieu of the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
(Link). The engineered obsolescence of the existing template of commerce a vital component of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR, Industry 4.0), where the fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering, quantum computing, et al., can proceed unabated in advance of their posthuman/ transhumanist agenda (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3). This Noospheric Imperative part of a broader technocratic vision of compartmentalization, where entrepreneurial ingenuity and the spirit of individualism is supplanted by an oligopolist network of conformity.

3) Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Demographic Shifts – A by-product of federal regulation emphasizing the necessity of immigration by proxy to promote multiculturalism as a means of curtailing ‘white supremacy.’ This organized plan of contingency thoroughly detailed in the UN’s (United Nations) Replacement Migration Initiative, an internationalist endeavor devised by the United Nations Population Division to mitigate the prospect of low fertility rates among the indigenous populations of the industrialized world – specifically France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), the Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States – through the migratory influx of foreign nationals from socioeconomically maladjusted regions (Africa, war torn areas of the Middle East, Central and South America, et al) as a means of bolstering productivity by way of labor force continuity (The calculated increase in sources of expendable labor in the corporate sector coinciding with the genesis of a new multigenerational tax base)

*NOTE: Creative destruction is also an operant extension of the deindustrializational impetus outlined in the contents of the United Nations Agenda 2030 declaration, specifically with regard to the internationalist consortium’s goals for sustainable development, with the 7.2 target subsection present within the seventh imperative entitled, ‘Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy,’ being the most prescient. This formulated decree emphasizing the necessity of replacing each of the following ‘non-renewable/ finite sources’ of power with ‘green/ renewable’ energy-based alternatives as a means of curtailing the effects of climate change hastened by the introduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere:

The industries mentioned in the context of this advisory separated by arrows, with those slated for replacement – some of which include parenthetically encapsulated examples – positioned to the left.

Conventional Oil/ Natural Gas Refineries (Industrial Pipelines) ⟹ Biodiesel/ Biodegradable Fuel Repositories

Electrical Power Plant Facilities ⟹ Solar Panel Assemblies/ Photo-Voltaic Modules

Coal-Fired Power Stations ⟹ Wind Farms/ Turbine Collectives

Fossil Fuel (Petroleum Gas) Dependent Transportation ⟹ Electric Vehicles


Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Oceans (November 2017, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Emerging Cities (November 2017, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Life on Land (January 2018, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Water (September 2018, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Purpose of Constructing a Blockchain Technological Infrastructure to Revitalize the Planet (September 2018, World Economic Forum)


COVID-19 – COronaVIrus Disease – 2019

UN – United Nations

WEF – World Economic Forum




American Consumers Warned to Budget for $5 Gallon Gas As Oil Prices Surge in the Midst of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Paired With the Biden Administration’s Commitment to Advancing a Deindustrialist Agenda Through the Elimination of Fossil Fuels

The fidelity of the status quo in America to hypothetical conjecture in the association of human activity with various climatological anomalies well documented, as Jennifer Mulhern Granholm, the acting United States Secretary of Energy, has stated on numerous occasions The cost of fuel projected to reach $5 in the coming weeks as the situation between Russia and Ukraine continues to deteriorate





Date of Record Documented Numerical Approximation
1/1/2022 207,000
1/8/2022 231,000
1/15/2022 290,000
1/22/2022 261,000
1/29/2022 239,000
2/5/2022 225,000
2/12/2022 249,000
2/19/2022 233,000
2/26/2022 216,000
3/5/2022 227,000
3/12/2022 215,000
3/19/2022 187,000
TOTAL 2,782,000
FY 2021 TOTAL 24,535,000

NOTE: The prior fiscal year’s totals included for the purpose of informational comparison






The Business Insider, an American Financial and Business News Aggregation Portal, Touts the Benefits of Inflation in Recent Publication Equating Significant Increases in the Prices of Goods and Services as a Sign of Economic Recovery




Gas Prices Projected to Double in 2022 According to Recent Oil Market Analysis by J.P. Morgan

Brent crude cost expenditures expected to reach $125 per barrel in FY 2022 with a steeper increase to $150 set for FY 2023 in response to an OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) spare capacity deficit of 2 million barrels in the consensus estimate of a 4.8 million barrel-per-day production requirement necessary to accommodate consumer demand

The $125 prognostication the equivalent of a $4.45 USD national average price per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline with the following factors being taken into account as a means of yielding the appropriate mathematical calculation:

1 Barrel of Oil equals 42 United States Liquid Gallons

$125/42 yields 2.97619047619, a decimal approximation, that, when rounded to the nearest hundredth, equates to $2.98. The $2.98 figure representing the net worth of a single gallon of U.S. grade petroleum in compliance with the most recent inflationary indexed market assessments. Oil and natural gas industry refinement standard optimization costs occupy 17% of the prevailing cost per gallon obligation. 17% of $2.98 USD being 0.5066, or $0.51 when rounded to the nearest hundredth. 11% of the aforementioned base metric pertaining to distribution and marketing campaigns by each of the respective OPEC-affiliated corporate conglomerates (Exxon Mobil Corporation, Chevron Corporation, Valero Industries, Royal Dutch Shell PLC, et al.), a portion representing 0.3839, or $0.38 when rounded to the nearest hundredth that is also extracted from the new figure of $3.49 (obtained from $2.98+$0.51). Ancillary surcharges in the form of taxes at the state and federal levels of government involve another 15% of the total cost to consumers, the arithmetical equivalent of an additional $0.58 added to the now $3.87 USD estimate ($3.49+$0.38).

The $150 forecast in 2023 heralding a nationwide $5.34 USD median purchase price for a single gallon of regular unleaded gas.








U.S. Financial Market Sell-Off Precipitated by Fears of a Renewed Pandemic Emergency Declaration by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Erases 725.81 Points From the Dow Jones Industrial Average Open Trading Session Figure of 34687.85

The 725.81 point decline registered on Monday, July 19th of 2021; representing the 27th most significant decrease in the history of the average’s calculation




Digitally Transcribed Cryptocurrency Asset Yields Eclipse Market-Based Valuation of Established Physical Currencies in the United States for the First Time in Recorded History

On May 8th of 2021, cryptocurrencies surpassed the $2.25 trillion threshold, effectively surpassing the value of physical dollars in circulation (Link).




Data Irregularities in the State of Illinois Engineer Optimistic Sentiment in Most Recent Jobless Claims Assessment as the Number of Documented Unemployment Insurance Petitions Fail to Achieve Statistical Consensus

The official Department of Labor (DOL) statistical synopsis relevant to the documentation of weekly indexed initial unemployment insurance applications detailed in the following graphic (the previous fiscal year’s totals from March 21 to December 26 included as a point of reference):


Date of Record Documented Numerical Approximation
1/2/2021 784,000
1/9/2021 926,000
1/16/2021 914,000
1/23/2021 812,000
1/30/2021 812,000
2/6/2021 848,000
2/13/2021 841,000
2/20/2021 736,000
2/27/2021 745,000
3/6/2021 725,000
3/13/2021 781,000
3/20/2021 658,000
3/27/2021 728,000
4/3/2021 744,000
4/10/2021 576,000
4/17/2021 547,000
4/24/2021 590,000
5/1/2021 507,000
5/8/2021 478,000
5/15/2021 444,000
5/22/2021 405,000
5/29/2021 385,000
6/5/2021 375,000
6/12/2021 418,000
6/19/2021 415,000
6/26/2021 371,000
7/3/2021 386,000
7/10/2021 360,000
7/17/2021 424,000
7/24/2021 399,000
7/31/2021 387,000
8/7/2021 377,000
8/14/2021 349,000
8/21/2021 354,000
8/28/2021 345,000
9/4/2021 310,000
9/11/2021 335,000
9/18/2021 351,000
9/25/2021 364,000
10/02/2021 329,000
10/09/2021 293,000
10/16/2021 291,000
10/23/2021 283,000
10/30/2021 271,000
11/6/2021 269,000
11/13/2021 270,000
11/20/2021 194,000
11/27/2021 227,000
12/4/2021 188,000
12/11/2021 206,000
12/18/2021 205,000
12/25/2021 200,000
TOTAL 24,535,000
FY 2020 TOTAL 73,236,000
FY 2020 ACTUAL* 96,778,000

*NOTE: The actual number of unemployment insurance claims was 23,542,000 higher than that of the DOL’s proffered assessment in 2020. It remains unclear if this arithmetical aberration will extend into the present calendar year, as there is no definitive indication referencing the degree of the aforementioned anomaly’s resolution

DISCLAIMER: Preliminary estimates pertaining to the prior year’s survey pointed to an alarming trend of inconsistency in the DOL’s determination, with as many as 6 in 10 individuals remaining unaccounted for in its cumulative analysis. This observation was illustrated in the 2020 report’s findings indicating that for every 10 people who successfully filed unemployment claims, three to four were unable to register, and an additional two had yet to apply for benefits. The information outlined within that formulated table detailed both the DOL’s official estimate of filed UICs, as well as the actual number of petitions submitted to the agency, with no further mention as to the employment status of the original claimants; therefore any correlation to the monthly rate of joblessness assessments released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) remained open to speculation





U.S. National Debt Obligations to Surpass $78 Trillion by 2028 in Accordance With Most Recent Market Projections




U.S. Department of Treasury to Borrow a Record $4.395 Trillion in 2020, More Than the Previous Five Years Combined

The department’s current marketable borrowing estimates, as well as the numerical projection for FY 2020, summarized in the following graphic:


Fiscal Year Documented Numerical Approximation
2015 $558,000,000,000
2016 $795,000,000,000
2017 $519,000,000,000
2018 $1,195,000,000,000
2019 $1,280,000,000,000
2020 $4,395,000,000,000

The $4.395 trillion mathematical projection surpassing the entirety of the $4.347 trillion sustained debt accumulation occurring from 2015, the final year of Obama’s tenure as the President of the United States, and extending into the current administration with the years of 2016-2019 having been taken into account



¹ A fundamental tenet of Marxian economic theory, predicated on the reinterpretation of the capitalist dynamic through a coordinated strategy of deindustrialization whereby the prevailing macroeconomic standard is supplanted through a process of engineered obsolescence operating under the guise of innovative restructuralism. Oftentimes referred to as Schumpeter’s gale as an ode to Joseph Alois Schumpeter, the Austrian-born economist for whom the use of the term was initially credited, the concept of creative destruction (German transliterative equivalent: schöpferische Zerstörung) first originated in 1942 with the written publication of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, where the author described it as a “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.” Inspired, in large part, by the literary exploits of Karl Heinrich Marx, the ideological basis of its ascent to prominence in contemporary fiscal pursuits governed by corpocratic gentrification, whereby the elimination of competition through the institution of entrepreneurial constraints by legislative decree is advanced through the manufacture of “unforeseen” exigencies at the national level. The most routinely mentioned concerns meriting ‘crisis’ designation that provide bureaucrats and their ancillary agencies of influence in the industrial sector with the impetus to effectively codify a feudalistic oligopoly into existence are as follows:

1) Ecological Sustainability – Utilized as justification to abolish the carbon footprint of commercial venues through the eradication of fossil fuels as a viable resource and substituting it with “green” renewable energy. Modern iterations of environmentalist policy are designed to incorporate themes associated with a number of globalist imperatives, most notably: Agenda 21, Agenda 2030* (Link 1, Link 2), The Great Reset (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5), and the Wildlands Project (since rebranded by its progenitors as the ‘Wildlands Network’)

Example: Solar power in place of electronically supported technologies – monetary investment in these fields occurring primarily in California with government officials citing the need to address the dramatic increase in wildfires ravaging wide swaths of the state that many claim have resulted from severed electrical wires

2) Market Volatility – Profit fluctuation, specifically as it relates to financial service organizations and banking institutions that manipulate currency values and implement policies of investment that favor monopolistic assemblies

Example: Government imposed economic shutdowns, formulated by the global financial system/ central banking authority, together with multinational corporations and the medical establishment as a means of mitigating the spread of coronavirus, culminating in the collapse of the private sector (small business). The elimination of free enterprise through the orchestrated demolition of the proprietary market resulting in the permanent closure of 58% of businesses across America according to Yelp, Inc. (Link), a peer services review portal specializing in the development of privately owned and operated companies through the publication of consumer-based evaluational assessments on various social media platforms and online correspondence utilities.
A troubling sequence of events openly admitted to by U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard who acknowledged the role of his agency in the suspension of America’s economy in the second quarter of FY 2020 (Fiscal Year 2020) in the following assessment:

“This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.”

Bullard’s controversial line of reasoning the by-product of a prior prognostication where he emphasized the possibility of a 30% rate of unemployment in the United States, a 50 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP), and the loss of an estimated $2.5 trillion USD in revenue from corporate industry in lieu of the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
(Link). The engineered obsolescence of the existing template of commerce a vital component of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR, Industry 4.0), where the fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering, quantum computing, et al., can proceed unabated in advance of their posthuman/ transhumanist agenda (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3). This Noospheric Imperative part of a broader technocratic vision of compartmentalization, where entrepreneurial ingenuity and the spirit of individualism is supplanted by an oligopolist network of conformity.

3) Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Demographic Shifts – A by-product of federal regulation emphasizing the necessity of immigration by proxy to promote multiculturalism as a means of curtailing ‘white supremacy.’ This organized plan of contingency thoroughly detailed in the UN’s (United Nations) Replacement Migration Initiative, an internationalist endeavor devised by the United Nations Population Division to mitigate the prospect of low fertility rates among the indigenous populations of the industrialized world – specifically France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), the Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States – through the migratory influx of foreign nationals from socioeconomically maladjusted regions (Africa, war torn areas of the Middle East, Central and South America, et al) as a means of bolstering productivity by way of labor force continuity (The calculated increase in sources of expendable labor in the corporate sector coinciding with the genesis of a new multigenerational tax base)

*NOTE: Creative destruction is also an operant extension of the deindustrializational impetus outlined in the contents of the United Nations Agenda 2030 declaration, specifically with regard to the internationalist consortium’s goals for sustainable development, with the 7.2 target subsection present within the seventh imperative entitled, ‘Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy,’ being the most prescient. This formulated decree emphasizing the necessity of replacing each of the following ‘non-renewable/ finite sources’ of power with ‘green/ renewable’ energy-based alternatives as a means of curtailing the effects of climate change hastened by the introduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere:

The industries mentioned in the context of this advisory separated by arrows, with those slated for replacement – some of which include parenthetically encapsulated examples – positioned to the left.

Conventional Oil/ Natural Gas Refineries (Industrial Pipelines) ⟹ Biodiesel/ Biodegradable Fuel Repositories

Electrical Power Plant Facilities ⟹ Solar Panel Assemblies/ Photo-Voltaic Modules

Coal-Fired Power Stations ⟹ Wind Farms/ Turbine Collectives

Fossil Fuel (Petroleum Gas) Dependent Transportation ⟹ Electric Vehicles


Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Oceans (November 2017, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Emerging Cities (November 2017, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Life on Land (January 2018, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Water (September 2018, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Purpose of Constructing a Blockchain Technological Infrastructure to Revitalize the Planet (September 2018, World Economic Forum)





Green Street Advisors Real Estate Consultation and Services Firm Forecasting the Permanent Closure of 50% of Department Store Retailers Anchoring America’s Shopping Malls at the Close of FY 2021 in the Wake of the Government Instituted Shutdown of the Economy





Precipitous Increases in Housing Costs and Basic Amenities Associated With the Inflated Monetary Burden of the Fundamental Living Standard Consuming in Excess of Half the Earned Income of Wage Earners Across the United States

Recent documents published by the Joint Centers for Housing Studies of Harvard University indicated that an estimated 10.9 million households spent in excess of 50 percent of their income to satisfy rental obligations in Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2018), a figure yielding a 1:4 (One in Four) ratio equivalency

The findings presented in the report also documented a statistical increase of 6 million financially encumbered family units over the span of 11 years (The Harvard University-based study encompassing the years of 2001-2018)

Recently Published Documentation by Salary Finance Limited, a Debt Consolidation and Loan Services Agency Founded in 2015, Indicates That 32% of Americans Employed in the United States Expend All of Their Monetary Resources Generated From Earned Income on Preexisting Debt Obligations (Revolving Credit Card Payments, Medical Cost Expenditures, Student Loans, Etc.) and Household-Related Expenses (Rental Fees, Basic Amenities, Utilities, Mortgage Fees and Property Taxes, Etc.), Prior to Receiving Their Next Paycheck

The field study was conducted on a labor pool of 2,700 businesses and corporations whose active personnel registries exceeded 500

Once solely confined to individuals and family units occupying the terminus of the economic spectra, the paycheck-to-paycheck dilemma has begun to impact wage earners whose gross annual pay surpasses the $100,000 threshold with 31% of respondents experiencing significant budgetary shortfalls prior to the issuance of their next payroll disbursement

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s (BLS) Consumer Price Index, basic costs relevant to medical care, housing, food, and education exhibited a median increase of 2.3% in comparison to the previous year

Cost expenditures pertaining to the healthcare industry rose 4.6% in 2019, the most significant year-over-year increase since 2007

Housing costs rose 3.2%, with educational expenses climbing 2.1%, and food prices rising 1.8%

According to the PayScale Index, real wage growth, or earned income adjusted for inflation, Has declined 9% since 2006




Volatile Week for U.S. Financial Markets Concludes With the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Yielding 157.51 Points From Its Previous Close of 26,659.11

Four of the five most recent trading sessions registered negative outcomes with the 943.24 point debasement that occurred on October 28, 2020 capturing the 13th position of one of the measure’s most dubious distinctions in its illustrious 124-year history

The 1,833.97 decline acknowledged as the most significant event in the metric’s weekly cycle since February 2020 when it surrendered a staggering 3,583.05 points, a collapse that effectively erased 12.36% of its nominal value

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Weekly Synopsis

U.S. Financial Market Week Opening – 28335.57
U.S. Financial Market Week Closing – 26501.60

October 30, 2020 | -157.51
October 29, 2020 | 139.16
October 28, 2020 | -943.24
October 27, 2020 | -222.19
October 26, 2020 | -650.19

Friday, October 30, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Monday, October 26, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average)/ Futures Index Registers Its 4th Most Significant Decline in Point-Based Differential at the Close of the Trading Session, Yielding 1861.82 Points on the Heels of Renewed Concerns of a Second Wave of Coronavirus Infections and Mounting Skepticism on the Part of Investors Regarding the Overall Health of the Economy


Rank Date Differential
1 3/16/2020 -2997.10
2 3/12/2020 -2352.60
3 3/9/2020 -2013.76
4 6/11/2020 -1861.82
5 3/11/2020 -1464.94
6 3/18/2020 -1338.46
7 2/27/2020 -1190.95
8 2/5/2018 -1172.29
9 2/8/2018 -1032.89
10 2/24/2020 -1031.61

NOTE: An overwhelming majority of the documented incidences of 1000-plus point losses in differential have occurred in 2020, with all but two of the top tier ranked positions having been occupied by events within the current Gregorian calendar year

U.S. Financial Markets Decimated in Most Significant One-Day Decline in Point-Loss Differential in Recorded History as the Futures Index Surrenders a Staggering 2997.10 Points in Volatile Intraday Trading Session That Was Briefly Suspended in Response to the Average’s Negative 2800 Point Opening

The 12.93% depreciation in the nominal value of the index surpassed only by the 22.61% decrease on October 19th, 1987


Rank Date Percent Change
1 10/19/1987 -22.61%
2 3/16/2020 -12.93%
3 10/28/1929 -12.82%
4 10/29/1929 -11.73%
5 3/12/2020 -9.99%
6 11/6/1929 -9.92%
7 12/18/1899 -8.72%
8 8/12/1932 -8.40%
9 3/14/1907 -8.29%
10 10/26/1987 -8.04%

The unprecedented losses having occurred despite the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s reduction of interest rates from 1%-1.25% to 0%-0.25% (A full percentage point below its previous estimate), as well as an announcement by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the central bank’s resumption of quantitative easing (QE) in the amount of $700 billion ($500 billion in treasuries and an additional $200 billion in mortgage-backed securities) to stimulate economic activity within the financial sector

The sequence of events precipitating Monday’s collapse marking the third time in the last six trading sessions that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has sustained a loss in excess of 2000 points

NOTE: At the height of its descent, the DJIA plunged 3069.2 points before relinquishing 2997.10 and closing at 20188.52, effectively erasing three years of market gains with trade-specific indicators having lost 9362.9 points, the equivalent of approximately 31.68% (precisely 31.68341825875%) of their base caliber, since their registered apex of 29551.42 on February 12, 2020

ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IMMINENT? Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Registers Steepest One Day Decline in Point-Based Differential in the 124-Year History of the Average’s Calculation With a 2352.60 Decrease

The 9.99% depreciation in the market’s nominal value cataloged as the fifth most significant on record

The prodigious losses having occurred despite the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s offer of $1.5 trillion in additional short-term monetary loans in the form of repurchase agreements to commercial financial institutions

The central banking conglomerate also instituting a policy revision involving the purchase of a wider array of government-backed securities including long-term Treasuries that pay coupons, TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, and floating-rate notes (FRNs)

U.S. Financial Market Tumult: Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Plummets 1464.94 Points as Losses Accelerate Following the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Declaration of Coronavirus as a Global Pandemic, as Well as Significant Declines in the Share Price Value of Boeing Aerospace Company Stocks and Bonds

Shares of the military and commercial airline manufacturer plunged more than 18% during the course of the intraday trading session – the most significant decrease experienced by the American multinational corporation in more than four decades

The precipitous downturn occurring in spite of a monetary infusion of an estimated $150 billion into preexisting repo markets¹ by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)²

The $150 billion injection (since increased to $175 billion) of Federal funding part of a sustained bi-annual campaign of disbursement of capital-driven assets into the prevailing market dynamic orchestrated through the purchase of short-term Treasury securities at a rate of $60 billion per month by the FOMC

¹ Repo markets are stock option-based contractual concessions, oftentimes predicated by the issuance of repurchase agreements (alternatively known as a repo, RP, or sale and purchase agreement) in the form of government-backed securities to investors and financial institutions that are repackaged and later sold at a higher price to the firm originally responsible for their distribution to prospective buyers. The party credited with the initial sale of the repo is identified as the borrower, as opposed to the purchaser of the security who is commonly referred to as the lender. The lender receiving an implicit rate of interest return generated from the difference in price cataloged in the initiation of the transaction and concluding with its repurchase. A significant source of funds for large financial institutions comprising the non-depository banking division that has since rivalled traditional deposit-oriented sectors of finance, repo markets account for an estimated $1 trillion in collateral value-based transactions each day.

² Created by virtue of the Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933, the Federal Open Market Committee is widely acknowledged as the principal organ of United States monetary policy, whereby the open market operations of domestic central banking institutions are effectively coordinated through the establishment of a target figure for the federal funds rate³. The FOMC, through the Federal Reserve System, also unilaterally regulates foreign exchange markets (Forex, FX), with currency valuation dictated by the nominal intrinsic value of the USD (United States Dollar), as well as its status as the World’s Reserve Currency.

³ The rate of interest that financial institutions lend in reserve balances to depository agencies (savings and loan associations, credit unions, commercial banks) nightly on an uncollateralized⁴ basis.

⁴ Loans utilizing credit score and/ or history as a security in place of tangible assets (personal property such as real estate, computers, or automotive transportation).

BLACK MONDAY: The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Craters, Plummeting a Record 2013.76 Points Following the Collapse of U.S. Equity Markets Resulting From Gas/ Oil Industry Production Disputes Between OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Representative Nations, Specifically Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation, as Well as a Heightened Degree of Pessimism in the Federal Government’s Capability of Addressing the Spread of the Coronavirus Contagion Within the Territorial Periphery of the United States

The 2013.76 point decline obliterating the previous maximum one-day point loss differential of 1190.95 points by a margin of 822.81, a troubling sequence of events threatening to compromise the integrity of an 11-year bull market run

At the height of the fiscal sell-off, market-driven indices fell 2150 points from their opening figure of 25864.78 to 23714.78 before levelling off just prior to the close of the session

The 7.79% fluctuation in the nominal value of the index occupying the 14th position in the storied history of the average’s measure with prevailing trade-specific indicators losing 19.29% of their base caliber since their registered apex of 29551.42 on February 12, 2020

U.S. Financial Markets Register Most Precipitous One Week Decline in Point Loss Differential Since the Height of the 2008 Recession as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Surrenders a Staggering Total of 3583.05 Points, Erasing 12.36% (Precisely 12.3585795%) of the Market’s Nominal Value in Five Days

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Weekly Synopsis

U.S. Financial Market Week Opening – 28992.41
U.S. Financial Market Week Closing – 25409.36

February 28, 2020 | -357.28
February 27, 2020 | -1190.95
February 26, 2020 | -123.77
February 25, 2020 | -879.44
February 24, 2020 | -1031.61

Friday, February 28, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Monday, February 24, 2020

Opening Figure

Closing Figure

Margin Loss/ Gain

Markets in Freefall Following CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Confirmation of the First Case of a Coronavirus Infection of Unknown Origin in Solano County, California; as Well as Acting California State Governor Gavin Newsom’s Open Admission That Health Officials Are Actively Monitoring 8,400 Potential Instances of COVID-19 Infections Within the State, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Plunges 1190.95 Points

The 1190.95 point decrease supplanting the previous one day record metric loss of 1175.21 points that was established on February 5th of 2018

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Yields an Additional 879.44 Points Following the Issuance of a Dire Proclamation by Nancy Messonnier, the Acting Director of the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Referencing the Inevitablity of the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infections Within the United States

The two day loss of 1911.05 points from the market’s initial week opening of 28992.41 points representative of the most significant decline in terms of a 48 hour point-based differential since the financial metric’s premiere publication on May 26 of 1896 with an estimated $1.7 trillion having been excised from the balance sheets of U.S. financial institutions

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Plummets 1031.61 Points Amid Mounting International Concern Over the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus, Since Reclassified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 19, the Use of the ‘19’ Numeric as a Suffix-Relegated Identifier Indicative of the Year – in This Instance 2019 – of the Illness’s First Reported Diagnosis), With Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump Threatening to Suspend Federal Funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Wake of the Futures Index’s Marked Descent

The 1031.61 point decline recognized as the 10th most significant in terms of single day market value point-based depreciation as all previous gains for FY 2020 (fiscal year 2020) were erased



The People’s Republic of China Facing Financial Armageddon With 85% of Businesses Expected to Deplete a Vast Majority of Their Monetary Holdings in 3 Months Time in the Wake of a Prolonged Suspension of Economic Activity Born of the Regime’s Inability to Contain the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus Within Its Territorial Periphery

According to Nikkei 225, oftentimes referred to as Nikkei, the Nikkei Index, or the Nikkei Stock Average; over 85% of China’s small businesses – an industry that employs an estimated 80% of the civilian population – expect to run out of cash in three months, with a third anticipating the total depletion of their monetary reserves in a month’s time




Fitch Ratings Inc., a North American-Based Credit Rating Agency, Strips Canada of Its AAA Status, Citing the Nation’s Deteriorating in Financial Stability and Burgeoning Monetary Spending Deficit in the Public Sector as the Principal Factors in Its AA+ Redesignation

The country’s long-term foreign currency issuer default assignation also reduced to AA+




Online Poll Generated by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) Proffers the Assertion That the Figures Being Presented by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Concerning the Current State of Joblessness Resulting From the Government-Coordinated Shutdown of Industry in Lieu of the Coronavirus Pandemic Have Been Grossly Underestimated, With the Number of Americans Relegated to the Unemployment Registry Eclipsing 50 Million

Initial estimates pertaining to the survey point to an alarming trend of inconsistency in the DOL’s determination, with as many as 6 in 10 individuals remaining unaccounted for in the current analysis. This observation being illustrated in the report’s findings indicating that for every 10 people who have successfully filed unemployment claims, three to four have been unable to register, and an additional two have yet to apply

The official DOL statistical synopsis relevant to the documentation of weekly indexed initial unemployment insurance applications detailed in the following graphic:


Date of Record Documented Numerical Approximation
3/21/2020 3,307,000
3/28/2020 6,867,000
4/4/2020 6,615,000
4/11/2020 5,237,000
4/18/2020 4,432,000
4/25/2020 3,839,000
5/2/2020 3,176,000
5/9/2020 2,981,000
5/16/2020 2,440,000
5/23/2020 2,100,000
5/30/2020 1,877,000
6/6/2020 1,566,000
6/13/2020 1,508,000
6/20/2020 1,480,000
6/27/2020 1,427,000
7/4/2020 1,314,000
7/11/2020 1,300,000
7/18/2020 1,416,000
7/25/2020 1,434,000
8/1/2020 1,186,000
8/8/2020 971,000
8/15/2020 1,106,000
8/22/2020 1,011,000
8/29/2020 881,000
9/5/2020 893,000
9/12/2020 860,000
9/19/2020 870,000
9/26/2020 849,000
10/3/2020 845,000
10/10/2020 842,000
10/17/2020 787,000
10/24/2020 758,000
10/31/2020 757,000
11/7/2020 709,000
11/14/2020 742,000
11/21/2020 787,000
11/28/2020 716,000
12/5/2020 862,000
12/12/2020 892,000
12/19/2020 806,000
12/26/2020 790,000
TOTAL 73,236,000
ACTUAL* 96,778,000

The 6.867 million job losses registered for the week of March 22nd to March 28th, 2020, recognized as the most significant recorded collapse in the employment prospectus in the history of the metric’s calculation

*NOTE: The actual number of unemployment insurance claims is 23,542,000 higher than that of the DOL’s proffered assessment

DISCLAIMER: The information outlined within this formulated table details both the DOL’s official estimate of filed UICs, as well as the actual number of petitions submitted to the agency, with no further mention as to the employment status of the original claimants; therefore any correlation to the monthly rate of joblessness assessments released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is subject to debate

April Jobs Report Underscores the Scope of the Economic Devastation Affecting the United States as 20.5 Million Occupations Evaporate in the Wake of Government Imposed Lockdowns

The staggering losses 10 times the number sustained during the height of the Great Depression, resulting in a 14.7% Official Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) rate of unemployment

Despite the BLS-proffered assessment being less than the 16.0% consensus and the overall drop in payroll employment being 20.5 million as opposed to the 22.0 million projected; independent analyses conducted by the Standard Chartered PLC (Public Limited Company) Financial Services Company that factor in a number of adjustments to the official calculation, dramatically increases the estimate to 42 million displaced workers with a commensurate rate of joblessness exceeding 25.5%

This revised figure exceeding the current U-6¹ evaluation of 22.8%

¹ The U-6 measure of unemployment is a mathematical extrapolation of the total number of unemployed individuals within the prevailing labor force contingent, inclusive of the U-5 designated measure that accounts for ‘marginally attached workers,’ or ‘loosely attached’ economic sectors






Examining the Unfathomable Scale of Debt Plaguing America in 2019

Every Second That Passes Bears Witness to an Increase of Nearly $46,000 in Additional Unpaid Monetary Debt Obligations in the United States, $4 Billion Per Day

The inflation-adjusted costs associated with U.S. involvement in the Second World War – approximately $4 trillion – is equal to the deficit spending attributed to the Trump Administration in 25 months time

The $22,028,519,005,000 (trillion) is greater than the combined market share value of the entire Fortune 500 ($21.7 trillion Equivalent)

Interest payments on existing debt-specific service obligations – a figure of $383 billion – dwarfs the entire Federal budget of Canada whose deficit spending projection of $254.35 billion for the current fiscal year pales in comparison

The $383 billion attributed to interest payments on preexisting debt obligations is also more than that of Mexico’s $291.5 billion Federal budget

The $136 billion net worth of Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Amazon, would cover 11 days of U.S. Federal Government expenditures




Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Registers 660.02 Point Loss Amid Mounting Concerns of a Prolonged Economic Recession

The sharp decrease compounded by the fiscal tumult of Apple Inc., whose cumulative market share value has plummeted $452 billion from its peak numeric estimate of $1 trillion on August 2nd of 2018

Its stock valuation, a measure of the firm’s level of market-based capitalization, has also declined substantially, falling 39.1 percent since October 3rd of 2018, when it reached a 52-week summit of $233.74 a share





U.S. Financial Markets Plunge 653.17 Points, the Most Significant Loss in the History of Economic Trading Ever Recorded on Christmas Eve

The DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average)/ Futures Index Experiences Its Most Significant Seven Day Decline Since the Height of the 2008 Recession, Registering a Loss of 1655 Points, or the Numeric Equivalent of 6.8% of Its Nominal Value, at the Close of the Week’s Fiscal Session

Other noteworthy developments pertinent to the economic cycle include the following:

NASDAQ (initially the acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) Composite Index/ Security Exchanges plummeted 8.3 percent at the end of the week, 22 percent below its historic high of 8030.04 points on August 28th of 2018

The S&P 500 (Standard & Poor’s 500) yielded a loss of 7 percent, with corporate shares comprising the bulk of America’s largest corporate institutions having surrendered 17.8 percent of their market worth

Both the Dow and S&P 500 market indices have sustained significant losses in December, a level of performance drawing comparisons to the Great Depression of 1931, with each measure down in excess of 12 percent for the month

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Plunges 799.36 Points, the 20th Most Significant Decline Since the Financial Metric’s Premiere Publication on May 26 of 1896

The precipitous market downturn the by-product of renewed economic concern following the release of several statements through Twitter’s social media platform by acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump affirming his underlying intention of reinstituting tariffs on the import of Chinese goods and services into the United States as a means of mitigating the burgeoning trade deficit between the two countries

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Relinquishes 724.42 Points Amid Concerns of a Looming Trade War With China Following the President’s Decision to Institute Tens of Billions of Dollars in Monetary Tariffs on the Import of Chinese Goods and Services Into the United States

The 724.42 point decline on Thursday, March 22nd of 2018; representing the 27th most significant decrease in the history of the average’s calculation

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Sheds 1032.89 Points as Financial Markets Enter Correction Phase

The 1032.89 point decline on Thursday, February 8th of 2018; occupying the 9th position in the cataloged assessment of decreases in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index’s storied history

MARKET CORRECTION LOOMING? Volatile Day of Trading Culminates With the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Plummeting a Record 1175.21 Points on Monday, February 5th of 2018; Shattering the Previous Mark of 777.68 Points That Was Established on Monday, September 29th of 2008; During the Height of the Great Recession

For the first time in recorded U.S. history, the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls more than 650 points in succession – one day record 1175.21 point decline on Monday, February 5, 2018; follows 665.75 point market descent on Friday, February 2, 2018; the 1840.96 two-day numeric loss eclipsing the former 48 hour benchmark of 1119.34, erasing the entirety of the New Year’s financial gains

Officially, the Futures Index fell 1597.79 points from its opening figure of 25337.87 to 23740.08, the hemorrhaging of the prevailing system’s dynamic having been mitigated by a slight increase in the indices of 30 of the United States’s largest corporate institutions at the close of the market’s session

Initial assessments proffered by leading market analysts point to the levying of monetary sanctions against Wells Fargo – a San Francisco-based multinational banking and financial services holding company – by the Federal Reserve, which implemented an asset cap restriction designed to curb unconstrained increases in the investment potential of the institution’s share valuation in the wake of the bank’s accounting scandal that allowed it to effectively manipulate its balance sheets

U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Experiences Its Most Precipitous Decline Since June of 2016 Following Speculation Regarding the Possibility of the Acting Federal Reserve Chairman’s Institution of a Rate of Interest Increase

The financial market’s 665.75 point decline representing the 31st most significant loss in the recorded history of the average’s measure






American Citizens Now Have the Highest Credit Card Debt in the History of the United States

Recent Reports Published by the U.S. Federal Reserve System Indicate a Figure of $1.021 Trillion in Outstanding Revolving Debt, Surpassing the April 2008 Record of a Collective $1.02 Trillion



Stock Trading Activity Across the Globe Exhibits Bear Market Tendency as One-Fifth of All Financial Market-Driven Wealth Assets Evaporate in Lieu of 20% Decline in the MCSI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) ACWI (All-Country World Index)

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) Plunges to Lowest Level on Record on Wednesday, February 10th of 2016, Registering in at a Dismal 290 Points, the Twelfth Straight Market Session of the Measures Decline

Compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and encompassing cost and price metric expenditures for the transport of commodities (coal, grain, iron ore, etc.), the index is calculated as a statistical composite of 23 shipping routes measured on a timecharter basis and includes Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk vessels carrying a wide array of materials



Marked Decline in the Market Value of the Canadian Loonie Elicits Panic From Citizens as the Price of Food Soars in the Wake of Crude Oil's Prolonged Descent


New Information Released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Affirms Absence of Sustained 3% Annual Growth in Real Gross Domestic Product in the United States From 2006 to 2015

10-year drought in 3% annually forecast growth rate analytic represents the first time in the BEA’s 85 year recorded history that the measure has failed to yield a consistent level of increase above the 2.7 percent threshold experienced in 2006

BEA has been responsible for the calculation of inflation-adjusted annual fluctuations in GDP since 1930

For the First Time in Recorded U.S. History, the Dow Jones Industrial Average Plummets More Than 500 Points in Succession – 588.40 Point Decline on Monday, August 24, 2015 Follows 530.94 Point Market Descent on Friday, August 21, 2015

U.S. Financial Market Tumult – Dow Jones Industrial Average Plunges 1089 Points During the Opening Minutes of Trading

U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)/ Futures Index Plummets 610.32 Points in Lieu of Landmark Referendum Whose Outcome Resulted in Great Britain’s Departure From the European Union (EU)



IMF (International Monetary Fund) Western Hemisphere Director Alejandro Werner Warns of Insurmountable 720% Inflationary Increase in the Costs Associated With the Purchase of Goods and Services in Venezuela as Nation is on the Verge of Bankruptcy

The revised numerical estimate exceeds previous forecast of a 700% increase by Nomura Securities



German 10-Year Sovereign Bond Yields Plummet Into Negative Territory for the First Time Ever Amid Global Economic Growth Concerns and Fears of the United Kingdom’s Impending Rescission of Membership From the European Union



7 Percent Market Decline Triggers an Emergency Shutdown of Stock Trading Activities in China for the Second Time in Four Days

Shanghai Composite Index Down Close to 40 Percent From the Peak of the Chinese Financial Market

The 8.492% decline recognized as the largest one-day percentage decline since February 27, 2007




Chinese Government Representatives Expand on Earlier Proclamation Emphasizing the Necessity of Corporate and Economic Restructuralization by Yin Weimin, the Nation’s Acting Minister for Human Resources and Social Security, With the Elimination of 5 to 6 Million State Worker Positions Over a Two to Three Year Period in a Concerted Effort to Mitigate Industrial Overcapacity and Environmental Pollution

Yin Weimin, China’s Minister for Human Resources and Social Security, Formally Announces Plan to Lay Off 1.8 Million Employees in the Coal and Steel Industries as Part of a Comprehensive Strategy of Economic Restructuralization by Acting President Xi Jinping



Doomsday Clock for Global Market Collapse Strikes One Minute to Midnight as Central Banking Institutions Lose Control

Currency devaluation of the Chinese Yuan believed by many to be a harbinger of steep equity market declines




Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Authorizes the Use of Military Force as a Means of Mitigating the Incidence of Looting with Regard to Articles of Basic Necessity

Legislative Regulations Instituted by the Government Following Its Adoption of Rationing Policies in the Wake of Regional Inflation, Rigged Foreign-Exchange Rates/ Currency Market Speculation, and Price Controls

Famine Takes Hold in Venezuela as Food Crisis is Exacerbated by the Legislative Policies of the Maduro Regime – Price Controls, Currency Devaluation, and Production Quotas Negatively Impacting the Fragile State of the Nation’s Economy - VIDEO





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House Resolution 1: For the People Act of 2021 | Blueprint for One-Party Imperialism¹

Having secured United States Senate majority with the appointment of Georgia State Representatives Thomas Jonathan “Jon” Ossoff and Raphael Gamaliel Warnock by virtue of the January 5th, 2021 runoff elections; John Peter Spyros Sarbanes, Democratic National Committee (DNC) member of Maryland’s 3rd congressional district, reintroduces 791 page House Resolution 1 (H.R. 1) to guarantee the DNC dominion over the execution of policy governing the voter registration process in future electoral cycles

Formally titled as the “For the People Act of 2021,” H.R. 1 was a legislative provision that initially appeared in the House Chamber on January 3, 2019, as a 706 page partisan decree designed “to expand Americans access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants,” however, the measure failed to garner support from members of the Republican Caucus, who, at the time of its declaration, possessed senatorial authority, thereby precluding its amendment into the Federal Register

A written summation of this controversial resolution detailed in the following synopsis with portions of each section emphasized for the purpose of clarification:

1) Enhanced online voter registration capability with the introduction of a government sanctioned electronically transcribed signature submission and verification apparatus. Executed in compliance with the institution of a federal mandate designed to ensure the availability of a viable internet service connection for the express purpose of maintaining public accessibility to the election process

It’s important to note that the Federal Government’s use of technology in the electoral process – specifically with regard to the prospect of a nationally coordinated system of online-based communication – is inherently susceptible to intrusion from a multitudinous array of nefarious ensembles (decentralized international hacktivist collectives, foreign government intelligence operatives, rogue domestic cybersecurity specialists, et al), a fact evidenced with the infiltration of internal email correspondence relays within the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments (Link).

Subtitle A—Voter Registration Modernization


This subtitle may be cited as the “Voter Registration Modernization Act of 2021”.



(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Registration.—The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20501 et seq.²) is amended by inserting after section 6 the following new section:


“(a) Requiring Availability Of Internet For Online Registration.—

“(1) AVAILABILITY OF ONLINE REGISTRATION AND CORRECTION OF EXISTING REGISTRATION INFORMATION.—Each State, acting through the chief State election official, shall ensure that the following services are available to the public at any time on the official public websites of the appropriate State and local election officials in the State, in the same manner and subject to the same terms and conditions as the services provided by voter registration agencies under section 7(a)³:

“(A) Online application for voter registration.

2) Rescission of the individual requirement to provide a complete SSN (Social Security Number) for the purpose of voter registration on the basis that stipulations present within such mandates are designed to discriminate against racial and ethnic minorities


(a) FORM INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION FOR MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER’S LICENSE.—Section 5(c)(2)(B)(ii) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is amended by striking the semicolon at the end and inserting the following: ‘‘, and to the extent that the application requires the applicant to provide a Social Security number, may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such number;’’.

(b) NATIONAL MAIL VOTER REGISTRATION FORM.—Section 9(b)(1) of such Act (52 U.S.C. 20508(b)(1)) is amended by striking the semicolon at the end and inserting the following: ‘‘, and to the extent that the form requires the applicant to provide a Social Security number, the form may not require the applicant to provide more than the last 4 digits of such number;’’.

3) The actualization of a nationwide “Motor Voter” registration apparatus designed to inflate the existing alphanumeric registry of the electorate

The utilization of this methodology being actively employed in the states of California and Nevada where undocumented immigrants are routinely incorporated into the electorate through the acquisition of a valid state-issued driver’s license. In California specifically, by virtue of the New Motor Voter Act of 2015⁴, voter registration benefits are routinely afforded to foreign nationals on the basis of said party’s claim of lawful permanent residency, with no questions asked and no investigations being conducted by state government agencies to effectively corroborate such assertions (Link).



(a) SHORT TITLE.—This part may be cited as the “Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2021”.


(1) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that—

(A) the right to vote is a fundamental right of citizens of the United States;

(B) it is the responsibility of the State and Federal Governments to ensure that every eligible citizen is registered to vote;

(C) existing voter registration systems can be inaccurate, costly, inaccessible and confusing, with damaging effects on voter participation in elections for Federal office and disproportionate impacts on young people, persons with disabilities, and racial and ethnic minorities; and

(D) voter registration systems must be updated with 21st Century technologies and procedures to maintain their security.

(2) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this part—

(A) to establish that it is the responsibility of government at every level to ensure that all eligible citizens are registered to vote in elections for Federal office;

(B) to enable the State and Federal Governments to register all eligible citizens to vote with accurate, cost-efficient, and up-to-date procedures;

(C) to modernize voter registration and list maintenance procedures with electronic and Internet capabilities; and

(D) to protect and enhance the integrity, accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of the electoral process for all eligible citizens.



(1) IN GENERAL.—The chief State election official of each State shall establish and operate a system of automatic registration for the registration of eligible individuals to vote for elections for Federal office in the State, in accordance with the provisions of this part.

(2) DEFINITION.—The term “automatic registration” means a system that registers an individual to vote in elections for Federal office in a State, if eligible, by electronically transferring the information necessary for registration from government agencies to election officials of the State so that, unless the individual affirmatively declines to be registered, the individual will be registered to vote in such elections.

4) Alteration of eligibility requirements pursuant to one’s chronological age, specifically with regard to guidelines implemented in prior electoral cycles that restricted an individual’s ability to participate in the voting process if they were under the age of 18 years

(d) TREATMENT OF INDIVIDUALS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE.—A State may not refuse to treat an individual as an eligible individual for purposes of this part on the grounds that the individual is less than 18 years of age at the time a contributing agency receives information with respect to the individual, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. Nothing in the previous sentence may be construed to require a State to permit an individual who is under 18 years of age at the time of an election for Federal office to vote in the election.

On January 3rd of 2019, when this measure was initially entered into the Congressional Record, the above section was entitled, “Part 10—VOTER REGISTRATION OF MINORS,” with the underlying use of Sec. 1094. ACCEPTANCE OF VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE having also been appended to the bill

5) Streamlined voter registrative mandate with the institution of an automatic and same day registration capability at the national level



(a) IN GENERAL.—Title III⁶ of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.) is amended—

(1) by redesignating sections 304 and 305 as sections 305 and 306; and

(2) by inserting after section 303 the following new section:


‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—

“(1) REGISTRATION.—Each State shall permit any eligible individual on the day of a Federal election and on any day when voting, including early voting, is permitted for a Federal election—

“(A) to register to vote in such election at the polling place using a form that meets the requirements under section 9(b) of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (or, if the individual is already registered to vote, to revise any of the individual’s voter registration information); and

“(B) to cast a vote in such election.

6) Prohibits efforts by independent election oversight committees to maintain ballot integrity across the whole of America

Subtitle C—Prohibiting Voter Caging⁷


“(1) REQUIREMENTS FOR CHALLENGES.—No person, other than a State or local election official, shall submit a formal challenge to an individual’s eligibility to register to vote in an election for Federal office or to vote in an election for Federal office unless that challenge is supported by personal knowledge regarding the grounds for ineligibility which is—

‘‘(A) documented in writing; and “(B) subject to an oath or attestation under penalty of perjury that the challenger has a good faith factual basis to believe that the individual who is the subject of the challenge is ineligible to register to vote or vote in that election, except a challenge which is based on the race, ethnicity, or national origin of the individual who is the subject of the challenge may not be considered to have a good faith factual basis for purposes of this paragraph.

‘‘(2) PROHIBITION ON CHALLENGES ON OR NEAR DATE OF ELECTION.—No person, other than a State or local election official, shall be permitted—

‘‘(A) to challenge an individual’s eligibility to vote in an election for Federal office on Election Day, or

‘‘(B) to challenge an individual’s eligibility to register to vote in an election for Federal office or to vote in an election for Federal office less than 10 days before the election unless the individual registered to vote less than 20 days before the election.

7) Authorizes the inclusion of convicted felons (individuals sentenced in a state penitentiary for federal crimes as compiled from Title 18 and Title 26 of the United States Legal Code⁸) – a seemingly inexhaustible inventory consisting of those incarcerated for the crimes of capital murder, child molestation, sexual assault, and forcible rape – into the national voter registry

Utilization of the terms, ‘disenfranchisement,’ and ‘disproportionate,’ when referring to the impacts of vote-based restrictions against habitually marginalized segments of the civilian population recognized as yet another ploy by the political establishment to cultivate an atmosphere of division within the electorate at the communal level with the ‘restoration of voting privileges’ hinging on the acquiescence of those states outlined within the contents of the provision to formally ratify the partisan directive into their respective constitutional ledgers. The failure of elected officials occupying positions of authority within each of the aforementioned geographical precincts to acknowledge the Democratic National Committee sponsored mandate as a binding legal precedent equated with the violation of an individual’s civil liberties on the basis of nationality, ethnic predisposition, and/ or ancestral lineage.

NOTE: The absence of a concise delineation of the enumerated listing of felonies appearing in both Title 16 and 28 of the United States Legislative Code (U.S.C. Title 18—CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURES • Part 1—CRIMES (§§ 1 – 2725) and U.S.C. Title 26—INTERNAL REVENUE CODE • Subtitle F—Procedure and Administration, Chapter 75—CRIMES, OTHER OFFENSES, AND FORFEITURES Subchapters A and B (§§ 7201 – 7241)) – the perpetrators of which would otherwise merit exclusion from the electoral process – lends credence to the notion that the application of poll-oriented constraints for the entirety of the federal prison population, regardless of the nature of the crime having been committed, have been vacated.

Subtitle E—Democracy Restoration


This subtitle may be cited as the “Democracy Restoration Act of 2021”.

(8) An estimated 5,200,000 citizens of the United States, or about 1 in 44 adults in the United States, currently cannot vote as a result of a felony conviction. Of the 5,200,000 citizens barred from voting, only 24 percent are in prison. By contrast, 75 percent of the disenfranchised reside in their communities while on probation or parole or after having completed their sentences. Approximately 2,200,000 citizens who have completed their sentences remain disenfranchised due to restrictive State laws. In at least 6 States—Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia— more than 5 percent of the total voting-age population is disenfranchised.

(10) State disenfranchisement laws disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minorities. More than 6 percent of the African-American voting-age population, or 1,800,000 African Americans, are disenfranchised. Currently, 1 of every 16 voting-age African Americans are rendered unable to vote because of felony disenfranchisement, which is a rate more than 3.7 times greater than non-African Americans. Over 6 percent of African-American adults are disenfranchised whereas only 1.7 percent of non-African Americans are. In 7 States (Alabama, 16 percent; Florida, 15 percent; Kentucky, 15 percent; Mississippi, 16 percent; Tennessee, 21 percent; Virginia, 16 percent; and Wyoming, 36 percent), more than 1 in 7 African Americans are unable to vote because of prior convictions, twice the national average for African Americans.

(11) Latino citizens are disproportionately disenfranchised based upon their disproportionate representation in the criminal justice system. In recent years, Latinos have been imprisoned at 13 times the rate of Whites. More than 2 percent of the voting-age Latino population, or 560,000 Latinos, are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction. In 16 states Latinos are disenfranchised at a higher rate than the general population. In 11 states 4 percent or more of Latino adults are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction (Alabama, 4 percent; Arizona, 7 percent; Arkansas, 4 percent; Idaho, 4 percent; Iowa, 4 percent; Kentucky, 6 percent; Minnesota, 4 percent; Mississippi, 5 percent; Nebraska, 6 percent; Tennessee, 11 percent, Wyoming, 4 percent), twice the national average for Latinos.

This notion of deliberacy on the part of said states to deny prospective applicants their ‘constitutional’ right to participate in the Federal elections process based on their status as ethnic minorities and the legacy of institutional racism in the criminal justice system is refuted by virtue of the aforementioned voting bloc’s penchant to engage in illegal activity (Link).



(1) NOTIFICATION.—On the date determined under paragraph (2), each State shall notify in writing any individual who has been convicted of a criminal offense under the law of that State that such individual has the right to vote in an election for Federal office pursuant to the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021 and may register to vote in any such election and provide such individual with any materials that are necessary to register to vote in any such election.

8) Appends retroactive extensions to the timetable of early voting procedures such that the time allotted for individuals to participate in the electoral process is limited only by the prospect of a state or municipality’s interpretation of regulatory protocol

Note that the rule’s specification in the sections appearing below the first declaration references the conceptualization of an ‘early voting period’ as detailed in antecedent iterations of the amended decree with the mention of state sanctioned electoral proceedings commencing 15 days prior to the general election, with each of the states being given a limitless degree of discretion in their adjustment of schedule for the preliminary selections process. This portion of the legislative proposal underlined for the purpose of emphasizing its significance.



IN GENERAL.—Each State shall allow individuals to vote in an election for Federal office during an early voting period which occurs prior to the date of the election, in the same manner as voting is allowed on such date.

‘‘(2) LENGTH OF PERIOD.—The early voting period required under this subsection with respect to an election shall consist of a period of consecutive days (including weekends) which begins on the 15th day before the date of the election (or, at the option of the State, on a day prior to the 15th day before the date of the election) and ends on the date of the election.

9) Facilitates the creation of a nationwide vote-by mail absentee ballot system, formally authorizes the imposition of extrajudicially sanctioned interdictions pursuant to the requirement of a valid form of personal identification as a precondition in the acquisition of election-related materials, and removes restrictions governing a document’s proof of authenticity with independently verified notarization and/ or witness signature corroboration being excised from the conventional standard

Subtitle I—Voting by Mail



“(1) IN GENERAL.—If an individual in a State is eligible to cast a vote in an election for Federal office, the State may not impose any additional conditions or requirements on the eligibility of the individual to cast the vote in such election by absentee ballot by mail.


“(A) PROHIBITING IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT AS CONDITION OF OBTAINING BALLOT.—A State may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot, except that nothing in this paragraph may be construed to prevent a State from requiring a signature of the individual or similar affirmation as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot.

‘‘(B) PROHIBITING REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE NOTARIZATION OR WITNESS SIGNATURE AS CONDITION OF OBTAINING OR CASTING BALLOT.—A State may not require notarization or witness signature or other formal authentication (other than voter attestation) as a condition of obtaining or casting an absentee ballot.


‘‘(A) shall permit a voter to designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building, or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any form of compensation based on the number of ballots that the person has returned and no individual, group, or organization provides compensation on this basis; and

“(B) may not put any limit on how many voted and sealed absentee ballots any designated person can return to the post office, a ballot drop off location, tribally designated building, or election office.

10) Provides for the replacement of valid forms of personal identification necessary to participate in the electoral process in favor of the presentation of a sworn written affidavit affirming one’s identity – and thereby voting eligibility – to appropriate local or state election officials under penalty of law

The enforcement of this caveat rendered null and void by the prohibition of a witness signature as detailed in subparagraph (B) PROHIBITING REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE NOTARIZATION OR WITNESS SIGNATURE AS CONDITION OF OBTAINING OR CASTING BALLOT of subsection (2) ADMINISTRATION OF VOTING BY MAIL.


(a) PERMITTING USE OF STATEMENT.—Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 303 the following new section:



‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subsection (c), if a State has in effect a requirement that an individual present identification as a condition of receiving and casting a ballot in an election for Federal office, the State shall permit the individual to meet the requirement—

“(A) in the case of an individual who desires to vote in person, by presenting the appropriate State or local election official with a sworn written statement, signed by the individual under penalty of perjury, attesting to the individual’s identity and attesting that the individual is eligible to vote in the election; or

‘‘(B) in the case of an individual who desires to vote by mail, by submitting with the ballot the statement described in subparagraph (A).

11) Codifies an organized ballot harvesting operation into existence at the domestic level with the retraction of legislative caveats that would otherwise preclude the recognition of documents from third party intermediaries by local and state polling representatives



“(I) REQUIRING BALLOTS TO BE OFFERED AND PROVIDED.—The appropriate election official at each polling place that uses a printer or system described in clause (ii)(I) for the administration of elections for Federal office shall offer each individual who is eligible to cast a vote in the election at the polling place the opportunity to cast the vote using a blank pre-printed paper ballot which the individual may mark by hand and which is not produced by the direct recording electronic voting machine or other such system. The official shall provide the individual with the ballot and the supplies necessary to mark the ballot, and shall ensure (to the greatest extent practicable) that the waiting period for the individual to cast a vote is the lesser of 30 minutes or the average waiting period for an individual who does not agree to cast the vote using such a paper ballot under this clause.

“(II) TREATMENT OF BALLOT.— Any paper ballot which is cast by an individual under this clause shall be counted and otherwise treated as a regular ballot for all purposes (including by incorporating it into the final unofficial vote count (as defined by the State) for the precinct) and not as a provisional ballot, unless the individual casting the ballot would have otherwise been required to cast a provisional ballot.

‘‘(III) POSTING OF NOTICE.— The appropriate election official shall ensure there is prominently displayed at each polling place a notice that describes the obligation of the official to offer individuals the opportunity to cast votes using a pre-printed blank paper ballot.

12) Establishes the framework necessary to reclassify the nation’s capital, Washington’s District of Columbia (D.C.), as well as the United States territory of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as the 51st and 52nd states of the union respectively, with future considerations being afforded to the residents of the following territorial municipalities: American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands

The District of Columbia’s admission into the union identified as yet another ploy devised by the Democratic National Committee to cement their claims of regency over the American electoral process in the modern era, with residents of the nation’s capital having pledged their support for Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden Jr., the presidential challenger in the 2020 general election, by an overwhelming statistical margin.

Subtitle C—Findings Relating to District of Columbia Statehood


Congress finds the following:

(1) The 705,000 District of Columbia residents deserve voting representation in Congress and local self-government, which only statehood can provide.

(2) The United States is the only democratic country that denies both voting representation in the national legislature and local self-government to the residents of its Nation’s capital.

(3) There are no constitutional, historical, fiscal, or economic reasons why the Americans who live in the District of Columbia should not be granted statehood.

Subtitle D—Territorial Voting Rights


Congress finds the following:

(1) The right to vote is one of the most powerful instruments residents of the territories of the United States have to ensure that their voices are heard.

(2) These Americans have played an important part in the American democracy for more than 120 years.

(3) Political participation and the right to vote are among the highest concerns of territorial residents in part because they were not always afforded these rights.

13) Facilitates the establishment of an independently accredited redistricting commission under the authority of Congress as a means of ensuring the adequate representation of its constituents based on the following demographically-inspired factors: ethnic minority status, nationality, race, economic standing, and gender identity

Subtitle E—Redistricting Reform


(a) SHORT TITLE.—This subtitle may be cited as the ‘‘Redistricting Reform Act of 2021’’.


Congress finds that it has the authority to establish the terms and conditions States must follow in carrying out congressional redistricting after an apportionment of Members of the House of Representatives because—

(1) the authority granted to Congress under article I, section 4 of the Constitution of the United States gives Congress the power to enact laws governing the time, place, and manner of elections for Members of the House of Representatives; and

(2) the authority granted to Congress under section 5 of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution gives Congress the power to enact laws to enforce section 2 of such amendment, which requires Representatives to be apportioned among the several States according to their number.




(B) ENSURING DIVERSITY.—In appointing the 9 members pursuant to subparagraph (B) paragraph (1), as well as in designating alternates pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) and in appointing alternates to fill 4 vacancies pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (4), the first members of the independent redistricting commission shall ensure that the membership is representative of the demographic groups (including racial, ethnic, economic, and gender) and geographic regions of the State, and provides racial, ethnic, and language minorities protected under the Voting Rights Act of 1965 with a meaningful opportunity to participate in the development of the State’s redistricting plan.

14) Provides for the levying of civil penalties pursuant to the manufacture, or dissemination thereof, of ‘patently false information’ as it pertains to the electoral process

By virtue of the “Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021,” which is outlined in the contents of ‘Subtitle D—Prohibiting Deceptive Practices and Preventing Voter Intimidation SEC. 1301. SHORT TITLE.,’ individuals deemed to be in violation of clause stipulations present within the memorandum are subject to punitive fines of up to $100,000 USD (United States Dollars), as well as the possibility of incarceration in a federal penitentiary for a period of 5 years.

Subtitle D—Prohibiting Deceptive Practices and Preventing Voter Intimidation


This subtitle may be cited as the “Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2021”.




“(A) PROHIBITION.—It shall be unlawful for any person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, within 60 days before an election described in subsection (e), by any means, including by means of written, electronic, or telephonic communications, to communicate or cause to be communicated information described in subparagraph (B), or produce information described in subparagraph (B) with the intent that such information be communicated, if such person—

“(i) knows such information to be materially false; and

“(ii) has the intent to mislead voters, or the intent to impede or prevent another person from exercising the right to vote in an election described in subsection (e).

“(B) INFORMATION DESCRIBED.—Information is described in this subparagraph if such information is regarding—

“(i) the time or place of holding any election described in subsection (e); or

“(ii) the qualifications for or restrictions on voter eligibility for any such election, including—

“(I) any criminal penalties associated with voting in any such election; or

“(II) information regarding a voter’s registration status or eligibility.

‘‘(2) PENALTY.—Any person who violates paragraph (1) shall be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.

¹ The term, ‘one-party imperialism,’ alternatively known as a one-party state, single-party state, one-party system, or single-party system, refers to the conceptualization of a unitary governmental assemblage whose scope of regency is predicated by the formulation of a centralized locus of control. This consolidation of power a hallmark of communist and dictatorial regimes, with two of the most noteworthy examples being the Marxist-Leninist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, commonly known as the Soviet Union) that exercised dominion over a significant portion of Northern Eurasia from 1922-1991, as well as the People’s Republic of China (PRC), where the CPC (Communist Party of China) – founded in 1921 with the aid of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Communist International (Comintern) Assembly – seized jurisdictional authority over the Kuomintang (KMT) Nationalist Government of mainland China in 1949 following a series of events pertaining to the Chinese Civil War.

² An abbreviation for the Latin phrase, “et sequentes” or “et sequential,” the English equivalent of which is recognized as, “and the following.” Used in a multitude of state and federal channels to reference specific pages, sections, or inventoried listings within statutes, articles, regulations, or other legally binding documents to indicate that the information being presented is elaborated on in greater detail in the form of written annotation appearing below the original entry.

³ Refers to SEC. 7. VOTER REGISTRATION AGENCIES and the designation thereof, specifically as it pertains to the following subsection:

(a) DESIGNATION.—(1) Each State shall designate agencies for the registration of voters in elections for Federal office.

⁴ Enacted into law on October of 2015, the New Motor Voter Act is a statute requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to forward records for all eligible applicants for driver’s licenses to the acting Secretary of State’s office for registration solely on the basis of a prospective individual’s claim of lawful permanent residency

⁵ Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) is a transformative electoral reform proposal allowing for the automated registration of prospective voters, a process contingent on the submission of information to federally subsidized agencies – specifically the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), as well as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other entitlement benefits/ economic subsistence packages (Supplemental Security Income, or SSI; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF; Housing Choice Voucher Initiative, also known as Section 8 or Tenant Based Rental Assistance; Academic Pell Grants, et al) requiring manual application – whereby an individual’s personal records are utilized as a means of bolstering the electorate in terms of its aggregate number. As of December 23, 2020, twenty states, as well the District of Columbia, have adopted AVR as their default method of enrollment. The areas mentioned in the context of the above statement are as follows:

New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
West Virginia

The ratification of such measures at the national level heralding the possibility of an additional 50 million voters being added to the system regardless of their country of origin at the time of their entry into the database network.

⁶ Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (52 U.S.C. 21081 et seq.) deals with the institution of voting systems standards, specifically with regard to the “UNIFORM AND NONDISCRIMINATORY ELECTION TECHNOLOGY AND ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS” (The heading of this section capitalized in accordance with the original proclamation, thereby preserving its continuity for the purpose of debate) outlined in Sec. 301 with the maintenance of ballot integrity detailed in subchapter (iii) of the (a) REQUIREMENTS subsection, a written account that appears as follows:

(iii) if the voter selects votes for more than one candidate for a single office—

(I) notify the voter that the voter has selected more than one candidate for a single office on the ballot;

(II) notify the voter before the ballot is cast and counted of the effect of casting multiple votes for the office; and

(III) provide the voter with the opportunity to correct the ballot before the ballot is cast and counted.

⁷ Voter caging is the practice by which a political party or partisan-based affiliate challenges the registrational merit of individuals opposed to the election of a prospective candidate into public office on the basis of their ability to demonstrate proof of residency. It involves the distribution of unsolicited articles, predominantly in the form of registered mail issued notices, to the physical addresses of voters that are either members of, or actively engaged in activities sponsored by organizations or entities deemed antithetical to the status quo.

⁸ Alphabetically indexed inventory of criminal offenses detailed in compliance with Title 18 and Title 26 of the United States Legal Code (the mention of these titles in the context of their elucidation consistent with the foundation of the current U.S. penal structure):

Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of the Government
Aggravated Assault/ Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at a Commercial Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Antitrust Violations
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing a Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Attempt to Commit Murder/ Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/ Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters (Threats to employ the use of explosives or incendiary devices on Federal property, et al)
Bond Default
Breaking and/ or Entering Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks or the Use of Fraudulent Instrumentation
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain/ Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Fugitive
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise (aiding and abetting)
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/ Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Delivery to Consignee
Demands Against the U.S.
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce
Destruction of an Energy Facility
Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials
Detention of Armed Vessel
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Security (Violations thereof, including the formulation of impediments)
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Violence
Drive-by Shooting
Drug Abuse Violations
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
DUI/ DWI (Driving Under the Influence/ Driving While Intoxicated) on Federal Property
Economic Espionage
Election Law Crimes
Embezzlement Against Estate
Entering Train to Commit Crime
Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S.
Environmental Scheme Crimes
Escaping Custody/ Escaped Federal Prisoners
Examiner Performing Other Services
Exportation of Drugs/ Narcotics Paraphernalia
Failure to Appear on Felony Offense
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations
False Bail
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
False Information and Hoaxes
False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation
Federal Aviation Act Violations
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female Genital Mutilation
Financial Transactions with Foreign Government
First Degree Murder
Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony
Forced Labor
Forcible Rape
Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement
Hate Crime Acts
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms (convicted felons)
Immigration Offenses
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Importation of Drugs
Influencing Juror by Writing
Injuring Officer
Insider Trading Crimes
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Parental Kidnapping
International Terrorism
Interstate Domestic Violence
Interstate Violation of Protection Order
Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys
Mailing Threatening Communications
Major Fraud Against the U.S.
Medical/Health Care Fraud
Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft (specifically with regard to the monetary funding and/ or development thereof)
Misuse of Passport
Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents
Money Laundering
Motor Vehicle Theft
Murder by a Federal Prisoner
Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by Shooting
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal Audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Officer Failing to Make Reports
Partial Birth Abortion (excluding the states of New York and Virginia, whose legislators codified exemptions into each of their respective constitutions to allow for the procedures to be conducted in a clinical setting – Link)
Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena
Peonage (debt bondage, indentured servitude)
Picketing or Parading
Possession by Restricted Persons
Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S.
Possession of Narcotics
Possession of Child Pornography
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Probation Violation
Product Tampering
Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses
Protection of Foreign Officials
Public Corruption Crimes
Radiological Dispersal Devices (refers to the usage of, in violation of environmental safety regulations)
Ransom Money (the demand thereof, oftentimes associated with the crimes of false imprisonment/ unlawful detainment, and kidnapping)
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds
Registration of Certain Organizations (unregulated by intergovernmental agencies/ intermediaries in an attempt to circumvent tax law)
Reproduction of Citizenship Papers
Resistance to Extradition Agent
Rescue of Seized Property
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances
Sale of Citizenship Papers
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Second Degree Murder
Serial Murders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Sexual Conduct with a Minor
Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking
Shoplifting (felony designation contingent on the value of purloined inventory)
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Stalking (in violation of restraining/ protective order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing (felony designation contingent on the value of purloined inventory)
Subornation of Perjury
Suits Against Government Officials
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Consumer Products
Tampering with Vessels
Theft of Trade Secrets
Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services
Transmission of Wagering Information (gambling offenses related to the orchestration of outcome of organized athletics)
Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale
Transportation of Slaves from U.S.
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Video Voyeurism
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
Violence at International Airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death (physical damage to railways or track-related infrastructure precipitating derailment)
Wire Fraud


H.R. (House Resolution) 1 | For the People Act of 2019: Part 10—VOTER REGISTRATION OF MINORS (Partitioned Sectional)

H.R. (House Resolution) 1 | For the People Act of 2021


AVR – Automatic Voter Registration

Comintern – Communist International

CPC – Communist Party of China

D.C. – District of Columbia

DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles

DNC – Democratic National Committee

DUI/ DWI – Driving Under the Influence/ Driving While Intoxicated

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

HAVA – Help America Vote Act

KMT – KuoMinTang

PRC – People’s Republic of China

SEC. – SECtion

SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SSI – Supplemental Security Income

SSN – Social Security Number

TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

U.S.C. – United States Code

USD – United States Dollars

USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics



¹ A fundamental tenet of Marxian economic theory, predicated on the reinterpretation of the capitalist dynamic through a coordinated strategy of deindustrialization whereby the prevailing macroeconomic standard is supplanted through a process of engineered obsolescence operating under the guise of innovative restructuralism. Oftentimes referred to as Schumpeter’s gale as an ode to Joseph Alois Schumpeter, the Austrian-born economist for whom the use of the term was initially credited, the concept of creative destruction (German transliterative equivalent: schöpferische Zerstörung) first originated in 1942 with the written publication of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, where the author described it as a “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.” Inspired, in large part, by the literary exploits of Karl Heinrich Marx, the ideological basis of its ascent to prominence in contemporary fiscal pursuits governed by corpocratic gentrification, whereby the elimination of competition through the institution of entrepreneurial constraints by legislative decree is advanced through the manufacture of “unforeseen” exigencies at the national level. The most routinely mentioned concerns meriting ‘crisis’ designation that provide bureaucrats and their ancillary agencies of influence in the industrial sector with the impetus to effectively codify a feudalistic oligopoly into existence are as follows:

1) Ecological Sustainability – Utilized as justification to abolish the carbon footprint of commercial venues through the eradication of fossil fuels as a viable resource and substituting it with “green” renewable energy. Modern iterations of environmentalist policy are designed to incorporate themes associated with a number of globalist imperatives, most notably: Agenda 21, Agenda 2030* (Link 1, Link 2), The Great Reset (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5), and the Wildlands Project (since rebranded by its progenitors as the ‘Wildlands Network’)

Example: Solar power in place of electronically supported technologies – monetary investment in these fields occurring primarily in California with government officials citing the need to address the dramatic increase in wildfires ravaging wide swaths of the state that many claim have resulted from severed electrical wires

2) Market Volatility – Profit fluctuation, specifically as it relates to financial service organizations and banking institutions that manipulate currency values and implement policies of investment that favor monopolistic assemblies

Example: Government imposed economic shutdowns, formulated by the global financial system/ central banking authority, together with multinational corporations and the medical establishment as a means of mitigating the spread of coronavirus, culminating in the collapse of the private sector (small business). The elimination of free enterprise through the orchestrated demolition of the proprietary market resulting in the permanent closure of 58% of businesses across America according to Yelp, Inc. (Link), a peer services review portal specializing in the development of privately owned and operated companies through the publication of consumer-based evaluational assessments on various social media platforms and online correspondence utilities.
A troubling sequence of events openly admitted to by U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard who acknowledged the role of his agency in the suspension of America’s economy in the second quarter of FY 2020 (Fiscal Year 2020) in the following assessment:

“This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.”

Bullard’s controversial line of reasoning the by-product of a prior prognostication where he emphasized the possibility of a 30% rate of unemployment in the United States, a 50 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP), and the loss of an estimated $2.5 trillion in revenue from corporate industry in lieu of the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
(Link). The engineered obsolescence of the existing template of commerce a vital component of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR, Industry 4.0), where the fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering, quantum computing, et al., can proceed unabated in advance of their posthuman/ transhumanist agenda (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3). This Noospheric Imperative part of a broader technocratic vision of compartmentalization, where entrepreneurial ingenuity and the spirit of individualism is supplanted by an oligopolist network of conformity.

3) Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Demographic Shifts – A by-product of federal regulation emphasizing the necessity of immigration by proxy to promote multiculturalism as a means of curtailing ‘white supremacy.’ This organized plan of contingency thoroughly detailed in the UN’s (United Nations) Replacement Migration Initiative, an internationalist endeavor devised by the United Nations Population Division to mitigate the prospect of low fertility rates among the indigenous populations of the industrialized world – specifically France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), the Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States – through the migratory influx of foreign nationals from socioeconomically maladjusted regions (Africa, war torn areas of the Middle East, Central and South America, et al) as a means of bolstering productivity by way of labor force continuity (The calculated increase in sources of expendable labor in the corporate sector coinciding with the genesis of a new multigenerational tax base)

*NOTE: Creative destruction is also an operant extension of the deindustrializational impetus outlined in the contents of the United Nations Agenda 2030 declaration, specifically with regard to the internationalist consortium’s goals for sustainable development, with the 7.2 target subsection present within the seventh imperative entitled, ‘Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy,’ being the most prescient. This formulated decree emphasizing the necessity of replacing each of the following ‘non-renewable/ finite sources’ of power with ‘green/ renewable’ energy-based alternatives as a means of curtailing the effects of climate change hastened by the introduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere:

The industries mentioned in the context of this advisory separated by arrows, with those slated for replacement – some of which include parenthetically encapsulated examples – positioned to the left.

Conventional Oil/ Natural Gas Refineries (Industrial Pipelines) ⟹ Biodiesel/ Biodegradable Fuel Repositories

Electrical Power Plant Facilities ⟹ Solar Panel Assemblies/ Photo-Voltaic Modules

Coal-Fired Power Stations ⟹ Wind Farms/ Turbine Collectives

Fossil Fuel (Petroleum Gas) Dependent Transportation ⟹ Electric Vehicles


Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Oceans (November 2017, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Emerging Cities (November 2017, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Life on Land (January 2018, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for Water (September 2018, World Economic Forum)

Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth Series | Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Purpose of Constructing a Blockchain Technological Infrastructure to Revitalize the Planet (September 2018, World Economic Forum)




Acting U.S. President Joe Biden Revokes the Permit for the Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, Eliminating an Estimated 71,000 Jobs in the Process

The rescission of the prior political administration’s commitment to formulate the petroleum conduit’s development as a means of ensuring energy independence and divesting the nation of foreign reliance in the fuel sector motivated by ecospheric considerations, with officials citing the urgency of zero carbon emissions to stave off the effects of climate change




Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour-Linked Foundation and Children’s Circuit Court Judge Arrested on Seven Counts of Child Porn

Brett Blomme, 38, a Court Magistrate based in Milwaukee County, was taken into custody by authorities following allegations of involvement in the promotion and distribution of suggestive images and sexually explicit video content of prepubescent boys to Kik Messenger, a freeware instant messaging mobile services application/ telecommunications utility that debuted in Canada

A homosexual residing in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with his husband and two adopted children, Blomme also served as the president and CEO of the Cream City Foundation, the organization responsible for coordinating various Drag Queen Story Hour events throughout the community.

In an attempt to address the controversy surrounding the former corporate executive’s arrest, the Foundation’s Board of Directors released a statement to the general public that appears as follows:

“The Cream City Foundation is deeply troubled, angered and shocked to learn of the allegations involving our former CEO, Brett Blomme. Cream City Foundation categorically denounces the actions he is accused of as abhorrent and totally contrary to the values that Cream City Foundation holds dear. We are deeply concerned about the young victims of all child sex crimes and we reiterate our commitment to the safety and well-being of all youth in our community. Cream City Foundation remains committed to serving the LGBTQ+ community.”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a syndicated online news and opinion publication also available in written format, later issuing a formal proclamation pursuant to the criminal complaints being levied against Blomme. Their documented assessment in accordance with their own independent journalistic investigations, as well as those of David Maas, the State of Wisconsin’s Assistant Attorney General, who has since been tasked with the prosecution of the case:

“A 44-page search warrant filed Friday by a DCI (Defence for Children International) special agent said investigators found Blomme, using the name ‘dommasterbb,’ uploaded 27 videos and images containing child pornography. Two of the files were uploaded at a Milwaukee County government building. The special agent sought permission to search Blomme’s courtroom, chambers, houses in Milwaukee and Dane counties and his 2017 Audi. Blomme is currently assigned to Milwaukee County Children’s Court.”




Microbial Barcodes: Genetically Modified Pro-Biotic Spores Possessing Unique DNA Tracking Signatures Being Integrated Into the World’s Food Supply Through the Use of High Altitude Aerosolized Dispersants¹ and Industrial Grade Misting Technologies to Create a Blockchain/ Artificial Intelligence Coordinated Panopticon of Surveillance

¹ Synonymous with the mention of chemtrails, geoengineering, and ionospheric terraforming, with a more accurate description of the terminology being stratospheric sulfate reflective nano-particulate (aerosol) dispersants. The existence of government-funded research involving the use of what then CIA Director John Brennan referred to as stratospheric aerosol injections (SAI) to mitigate the effects of climate change during a public speaking engagement with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), well documented in a number of independent media publications (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4) and military policy recommendations (Link 1, Link 2). The infusion of immunological derivatives through the introduction of GMO spores laced with biomolecularly synthesized nanotechnological repositories into the ecosystem through SAI not beyond the realm of possibility, as the scientific community is actively invested in a number of projects designed to hasten the development of DNA-specific vaccine delivery systems incorporating the use of nanoparticles as medicinal vectors (Link 1, Link 2).


CFR – Council on Foreign Relations

CIA – Central Intelligence Agency

DNA – DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

SAI – Stratospheric Aerosol Injections





Unprecedented Ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit¹ Heralding the Abolition of Concealed Carry in America

The controversial declaration made in conjunction with Hawaiian State government officials prohibiting residents – with the exception of law enforcement and security detail – from acquiring open-carry licenses. In a 7-4 decision following the full bench review of the Young v. Hawaii case, the majority argued that there is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment.” The judiciary panel insisting that the aforementioned provision outlined within the contents of the U.S. Constitution only applies to the “defense of hearth and home²” while also proclaiming that the government has the absolute authority to “regulate carrying arms in the public square.” The federally-sanctioned court of appeals’ verdict eliciting reactions from both the National Rifle Association (NRA), who openly condemned the resolution as an attack on one’s right to bear arms as guaranteed under the Second Amendment, as well as Neal Kumar Katyal, who served in the Obama Administration as the Acting Solicitor General of the United States from May 2010 until June 2011, who unabashedly celebrated the outcome of the proceeding. The en banc³ determination born from the vestiges of a suit brought against the state of Hawaii in 2011 by Vietnam War Veteran George K. Young, who was repeatedly denied a permit to carry a gun on the basis that such privileges aren’t afforded to citizens under the county regulations. During the course of litigation, Young, identified as the appellant in the case, posited that the law in its current interpretation violated the Second Amendment’s prohibition on infringing “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” Four of the 11 judges tasked with administering a ruling on the case echoed Young’s sentiments, releasing the following statement:

“Hawaii law and regulations destroy the core right to carry a gun for self-defense outside the home and are unconstitutional under any level of scrutiny.”

Diarmuid Fionntain O’Scannlain, a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, called the ruling “unprecedented as it is extreme” in his rebuttal, his subsequent characterization of the majority’s assessment belying their intent to “undermine not only the Constitution’s text, but also half a millennium of Anglo-American legal history,” two major U.S. Supreme Court decisions, and “the foundational principles of American popular sovereignty itself.” In its dissent, the majority argued that the plaintiff’s desire to be granted the right to open carry through the issuance of a licensing permit was aligned with the American colonial premise of “English sensibilities outweighing the carrying of arms in public,” with the “mere presence” of guns “presenting a terror to the public” and the “widespread carrying of handguns strongly suggesting that state and local governments have lost control” of the public arena.

¹ The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is an intermediate appellate court based in San Francisco, California possessing jurisdictional regency over the following geographical precincts:

District of Alaska
District of Arizona
Central District of California
Eastern District of California
Northern District of California
Southern District of California
District of Hawaii
District of Idaho
District of Montana
District of Nevada
District of Oregon
Eastern District of Washington
Western District of Washington

The 29-member tribunal also occupying authority over the designated U.S. territories of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands with American Samoa also being included, as its legislative branch oftentimes defers to the magistrative assemblies of the District of Hawaii in the adjudication of federal law

² The use of the phrase, “in defense of hearth and home,” attributed to Mary Elizabeth Lease (September 11, 1850 – October 29, 1933), an advocate for the suffrage movement and active member of the People’s Party, an agrarian populist assemblage associated with the Farmer’s Alliance that sought to combat the predatory tendencies of creditors through abolition of the crop-lien system that oftentimes plunged tenant farmers and sharecroppers in the South into a life of indentured servitude.

³ A legal term referencing the presence of an aggregate judiciary command structure, or magistrational quorum. First utilized in 1854; en banc, also written as ‘in banc,’ ‘in banco,’ or ‘in bank,’ possesses Anglo-French (en-banke) etymological distinction and is synonymous with the phrase, ‘on the bench.’


NRA – National Rifle Association

Biden’s Nominee to Serve as the Acting Director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Promoted a Series of Dubious Claims Concerning the U.S. Federal Government’s Role in the Siege on the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco as Justification for the Institution of a Nationwide Ban on Assault Rifles

During the course of a prescheduled “Reddit Ask Me Anything” event, David Chipman, the acting senior policy adviser to former Arizona State Congressional District 8 Representative Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Dee Giffords and the presumptive selection by the Biden Administration to head the ATF, issued a number of statements that contradicted the findings of an independently accredited investigative panel in their submission of House Report 104-749 | INVESTIGATION INTO THE ACTIVITIES OF FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES TOWARD THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS, specifically the following:

“At Waco, cult members used 2 .50 caliber Barretts to shoot down two Texas Air National Guard helicopters. Point, it is true we are fortunate they are not used in crime more often. The victims of drug lords in Mexico are not so lucky. America plays a role in fueling the violence south of the border.”

The fallacy of Chipman’s argument laid bare in the document, which exposed the prevaricative nature of his musings in its summation, with evidence suggesting that a triumvirate of helicopters hovering above the religious sect’s compound sustained structural damage from gunfire, but not to the extent that would otherwise culminate with the aircraft’s descent

In a more recent exchange highlighting the aspiring ATF director’s condescending attitude toward gun owners seeking to protect their households from exponential increases in violent crimes being committed in many of America’s major metropolitan areas, Chipman proffered the following assertion:

“If you care about your family, spend the $500 on groceries and stronger dead bolts for the exterior doors of your home.”







EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Foreign Intelligence Sources Indicate That the Communist Party of China (CCP) Has Finalized a Clandestine Three-Year Contractual Services Agreement With High Ranking Government Officials Within the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Expand Each Nation’s Biological Warfare Capabilities Involving the Use of “Anthrax-Like” Pathogenic Derivatives for the Purpose of Initiating a Preemptive Tactical Military Weapons Offensive Against the Nation of India and Any Western-Backed Rivals That Would Otherwise Interfere With Their Regional Operations

The compact being part of a collaborative venture between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and Pakistan’s Defense Science and Technology Organization (DESTO) – a subsidiary of the Pakistan Armed Forces network, purportedly the sixth largest in the world in terms of active service personnel.

The program, formally identified as the “Collaboration for Emerging Infectious Diseases and Studies on Biological Control of Vector Transmitting Diseases,” is being actively funded by the CCP with material and scientific support granted to DESTO by the WIV.

According to one senior level intelligence official familiar with the aforementioned intergovernmental coalition, “DESTO has been engaged in various dual-use research projects related to anthrax under a covert biological weapons program” with a number of “successful soil sampling tests” having been conducted by scientists to effectively isolate Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT)¹ for the express purpose of modifying the genomic sequence of the prokaryotic microorganism through the introduction of biological toxins capable of evading a targeted host’s innate immune response system.

The alteration of a preselected populational demographic’s immunological defensive capability accomplished by the process of bacterial glycosylation, allowing for enhanced microbial pathogenicity through the premature activation of immunoregulatory receptors by virtue of the toxin’s interaction with the transmembranous protein surface layer of a cell. The interface of a synthetic agent with the anatomical structure of cellular units – specifically the polysaccharide shell – made possible through the attachment of cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs) to the cell’s exterior. Alterations in cell adhesion functionality capable of disrupting the operation of crucial intracellular components designed to inhibit the early onset of diseases, most notably arthritis and cancer. Gain-of-function research (GOFR) into the possibility of augmenting the adhesive potential of an artificially engineered bacteriophage (viruses or pathogenic derivatives that compromise the structural integrity of bacterium through the degradation of its peptidoglycan barrier and the dilution of its cytoplasmic interior) identified in experimental trials involving the use of Streptococcus agalactiae (commonly referred to as group B streptococcus or GBS, the ‘B’ identifier emblematic of blood type and referencing the presence of an oligosaccharide-specific antigen on the surface layer of red blood cells or RBCs) as an infectious agent. Research-based computer simulations examining the reciprocitous nature of two types of paired sialic acid-binding immunoglobin like lectin (the recognized abbreviation of which is Siglec) receptors – specifically Siglec-5, which possesses inhibitory properties pertaining to the regulation of macrophagal (macrophages are specialized cells involved in the detection, phagocytic degeneration and eventual destruction of bacteria and other disease causing microorganisms) immunity response, and Siglec-14, which enhances the release of pro-immune and proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β – Interleukin-1 Beta), a vital component in the activation of cytosolic multiprotein oligomers, oftentimes referred to as inflammasomes, which initiate inflammatory response in conjunction with the incidence of viral or bacterial infection when exposed to GBS, as well as ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and Nigericin³ – were utilized as a means of gauging the physiological vulnerability of certain cultural/ ethnic demographics whose levels of Siglec-14 cellular expression were compromised by the detection of a Siglec-5/ Siglec-14 fusion polymorphism. This genetic aberration possessing the potential for exploitation in the development of ethnic bioweapons designed to impact a preselected geographical area based on the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) profile of its inhabitants (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3).

Pakistan’s scientific community purportedly having been provided with “extensive training on the manipulation of pathogens and bio-informatics” as a means of facilitating the Islamic regime’s development of “its own virus collection database.” Other sources of intelligence expressed similar concerns with the following assessments being the most prescient:

The Wuhan lab’s active investment in the region “could help Pakistan enhance its capability of genetic identification of viruses,” thereby granting it unfettered “access to dangerous microorganisms, and use of genomic tools for research and infectious diseases.” The covert biological weapons convention deliberately “detached from the supervision of civilian universities or government-funded health facilities in Pakistan,” having been structured to permit the continuance of an “unspecified” number of future endeavors. The agreement “clearly outlines that cooperation” between the two nations “is not necessarily limited to stated objectives” and “new thematic research to monitor potential new diseases can be added by either party. China’s keen interest in the project is driven chiefly by its agenda to engage Pakistan against India and to conduct potentially dangerous experiments on foreign soil, without subjecting its own land and people to unnecessary risk.” The collaborative venture recognized as a concerted effort by Beijing to utilize the regional periphery of Pakistan as a “destination for hazardous biochemical research” while “evading use of its own territory for such activities,” which “stand the risk of drawing criticism and condemnation from the international community.” The China-Pakistan biological weapons manufacture and development proposal also rumored to have been involved in a series of experiments designed to enhance the pathogenicity of Nairoviruses (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3), specifically the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV), a BSL-4 (Biosafety Level 4) Class pathogen possessing a 25% rate of mortality in affected patients.

¹ Bacillus Thuringiensis is a ubiquitous gram-positive, spore-generating bacterium that forms a parasporal crystal encapsulate during the stationary phase of its evolutionary cycle. Initially characterized as an ectognathous² pathogen, the use of BT as a bioinsecticidal derivative to manage the populations of certain species of insects (Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera) – predominantly those contributing to the premature loss of crop yields in rural farm-based economic sectors – designed to function as an alternative or supplement to synthetic chemical pesticide application in commercial agriculture, forest management, and mosquito control.

² An adjective descriptor of the term, ‘Ectognatha,’ a class of wingless ametabolous arthropods comprising the Hexapoda subphylum, specifically elements present within the Pterygota and Thysanura (a deprecated assignation since reclassified by entomologists as, ‘Zygentoma,’ in light of recent discoveries pertaining to the order’s paraphyletic distinction – Link) taxonomic hierarchies. Examples of which include ants, cockroaches, fleas, lice, silverfish, and termites

³ Nigericin is a microbial toxin derived from isolated cultures of the Streptomyces hygroscopicus bacteria that acts as a potassium ionophore and induces a net decrease in intracellular levels of potassium, the absence of which is recognized as a contributing factor in the incidence of cardiovascular abnormalities.


Siglec-14 Enhanced NLRP3-Inflammasome Activation in Macrophages Following Exposure to Microbial Toxins | Chih-Ming Tsai – Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Angelica M. Riestra, Syed Raza Ali, Jerry J. Fong, Janet Z. Liu, Gillian Hughes, Ajit Varki – University of California, San Diego, Victor Nizet – University of California, San Diego (Journal of Innate Immunity – December 2019)

NLRP3 Gene: Nucleotide-Binding Domain Leucine-Rich Repeating Family Pyrin Domain Type 3 Analysis and Description | National Institutes of Health (NIH) U.S. National Library of Medicine – MedlinePlus (August 17, 2020)


ATP – Adenosine TriPhosphate

BSL-4 – BioSafety Level 4

BT – Bacillus Thuringiensis

CAM – Cell-Adhesion Molecule

CCP – Communist Party of China

DESTO – DEfense Science and Technology Organization

GBS – Group B Streptococcus

GOFR – Gain-Of-Function Research

IL-1β – InterLeukin-1 Beta

NLRP3 – Nucleotide-binding domain Leucine-Rich repeating family Pyrin domain type 3

Siglec – Sialic acid-binding immunoglobin like lectin

RBC – Red Blood Cell

WIV – Wuhan Institute of Virology


DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

Bats, Genomic Editing Sequences and Biological Weapons Proliferation: Recent Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Coordinated Experiments Elicit Concern Amid Protracted Coronavirus Outbreak

DARPA recently invested an estimated $45 million on research involving a number of mammalian species of the Chiroptera Order, whereby experiments involving the manipulation of the prevailing genetic structure of coronaviruses and related pathogenic derivatives were conducted in 2018, one year prior to the onset of the spread of a coronavirus contagion whose scope of regency now spans 60 countries (A total documented at the time of this initial article’s publication, the numeric having since been revised to include all of the 195 independent sovereign nations, as well as 22 overseas territories, dependent areas, and disputed regions)

The use of bats as vectors of transmissibility coinciding with previous studies conducted by the agency involving the use of arthropods (insects – hexapod invertebrates) for the purpose of “protecting the U.S. agricultural food supply by delivering protective genes to plants via insects, which are responsible for the transmission of most plant viruses” and to ensure “food security in the event of a major threat”

DARPA’s “Insect Allies” Program identified as the catalyst by an independently accredited panel of scientists for the proliferation of biogenetically engineered viruses and bacteriophages as weapons in future military conflicts with representatives within the JASON¹ Defense Advisory Committee examining the potential strategic advantages of utilizing HEGAAS (Horizontal Environmental Genetic Alteration Agents) as a means of enhancing wartime offensive capability

A vast number of these federally-funded research-based initiatives also closely associated with the PREventing EMerging Pathogenic Threats (PREEMPT) Program, an intergovernmentally-coordinated venture announced in April 2018 focused specifically on animal designated reservoirs of disease, the latent trans-specieal component of zoonotic-borne illness driven by the migratory patterns of bats noted as being a subject of particular interest

DARPA’s pronouncement of intent relevant to the PREEMPT Project paralleling a controversial decision by the U.S. State Department to terminate its moratorium on “gain-of-function (GOF)” studies² involving synthetically redesigned BSL (Biological Safety Level) classified Level 3 and 4 pathogenic derivatives under the pretext of national security concerns

The 2004 Publication of a British Medical Association (BMA) Science and Education Department Document entitled, “Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity II,” examining the possible development of ethnic bioweapons, a synthetically derived class of contagions designed to target the cell receptors of certain segments of the civilian population based solely on their DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) profile. The BMA, categorically disregarded the notion of genetic weapons technology development in a 1999-issued report entitled, “Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity I.” Concerns that were once dismissed as the by-product of hypothetical conjecture gaining renewed traction following the discovery of mutations at the genomic level known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Link 1, Link 2) that vary in accordance with ethnic/ cultural predisposition. These findings providing conclusive evidence of a biosynthetically manipulated class of viruses capable of disrupting the prevailing RNA (RiboNucleic Acid) expression – a gain-of-function research (GOFR) technique oftentimes referred to as RNA interference – of a targeted ethnic subset by virtue of their propensity to impede the basic function of vital gene sequence

This document proving to be more prescient given the release of a preliminary study by multiple authors from three separate medical institutions in mainland China, these facilities having been noted as:

Shanghai East Hospital
School of Medicine
Tongji University
200433 Shanghai, China

Regend Therapeutics
245000 Suzhou, China

State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
510120 Guangzhou, China

These medical professionals, all of which have varying degrees of expertise in the fields of biotechnology and research, proffering the assertion that the initial strain of the Wuhan 2019-nCov (2019 Novel Coronavirus) contagion possessed a significantly higher threshold of prevalence in individuals of East Asian descent, as this particular cultural demographic possesses a higher concentration of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) cell receptors than their Caucasian or African American counterparts. research specialists tasked with this analysis would later note, however, that no definitive conclusions could be utilized as a means of attaining scientific consensus due to disparities present within the sample size of their germinal assessment

¹ Oftentimes miscategorized as the acronymic equivalent of July, August, September, October, November, or as being synonymous with the phrase: “Junior Achiever, Somewhat Older Now,” the use of the word “JASON” being attributed to a character present within Greek mythology, i.e. Jason of the Argonauts

² Gain-of-Function Research (GOFR) involves experimental trials conducted in a laboratory setting with the express purpose of augmenting the transmissibility factor and/ or pandemic potential of microorganisms possessing pathogenic attribution through the introduction of synthetically or artificially engineered adjuvants³ into said agent’s genomic code sequence – a process designed to enhance the mutagenic dynamic of communicable illnesses.

³ Pharmacological elements utilized as a means of altering immune response, oftentimes through the administration of vaccines in a controlled setting.


Biological Warfare, Bioterrorism, Biodefence and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention – Edgar J. DaSilva Director, Division of Life Sciences UNESCO, France (Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 1999)

Declassified Pentagon-Sanctioned Biological Weapons Programs and Initiatives (Dilyana Gaytandzhieva – April, 29, 2018)

Project BioShield | The Bush Administration’s Attempt to Mitigate the Looming Threat of Biochemical Warfare Operations Being Conducted Against the United States in Future Military Conflicts and the Sordid Legacy of Biological Weapons Testing on Civilian Populations

The Future of Drone Surveillance: The HI-MEMS (Hybrid Insect - Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) Initiative and the Rise of Cybernetic Insect Battalions

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Formally Announce Their Intention to Resume Monetary Funding Impetus on Gain-of-Function (GOF) Experiments Involving Influenza, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), Government Subsidized Initiatives That Had Been Purportedly Discontinued by Both the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) Since October of 2013 in Response to Legitimate Concerns of Lapses in Biosafety Regulation on the Premises of Federal Research Facilities


Bat-Borne Zoonotic Disease Emergence in Western Asia | Science Program Review February 8-10, 2017 – Department of Defense (DoD) Cooperative Threat Reduction Program

Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens | United States Air Force (USAF) Counterproliferation Center Future Warfare Series No. 53, June 2010 (Lieutenant Colonel Joel O. Almosara, USAF)

Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity (International Committee of the Red Cross, Montreux Report)

CONPLAN (Contingency Plan) 3591-09 | United States NORTHCOM (Northern Command) Response to Pandemic Influenza

Discovery and Characterization of Novel Bat Coronavirus Lineages from Kazakhstan | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), April 17, 2019

Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens (2017, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)


Single-Cell RNA (RiboNucleic Acid) Expression Profiling of ACE2 (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2), the Putative Receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov (2019 Novel Coronavirus)




Acting Member of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors Reveals Planned Strategy for the Development of a National Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Lael Brainard, 58, the Administrative Governor and Chair of the Committee on Financial Stability, Federal Reserve Bank Affairs, Consumer and Community Affairs and Payments, Clearing and Settlements, emphasized the necessity of the agency’s involvement in a progressive approach to examine distributed ledger technology and digital currencies as a viable alternative to physical cash equivalencies (banknotes, coin)

In a speech given on the premises of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, during the one of the aforementioned financial consortium’s ‘Innovation Office Hours’ branch roundtable discussion forums, Brainard issued the following proclamation:

“Given the dollar’s important role, it is essential that the Federal Reserve remain on the frontier of research and policy development regarding CBDCs. As part of this research, central banks are exploring the potential of innovative technologies to offer a digital equivalent of cash… We are continuing to assess the opportunities and challenges of, as well as the use cases for, a CBDC, as a complement to cash and other payments options.”

Research conducted at the ‘Board Technology Lab’ by a multidisciplinary contingent of application specialists from the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland, Dallas, and New York for the purpose of examining the potential benefits and “implications of digital currencies on the payments ecosystem, monetary policy, financial stability, banking and finance, and consumer protection” deemed necessary in lieu of China’s renewed commitment to divest itself of tangible assets as a means of competing against United States Dollar (USD) hegemony in the prevailing market dynamic by virtue of its status as the World’s Reserve Currency


An Update on Digital Currencies | Lael Brainard, Administrative Governor and Chair of the Committee on Financial Stability, Federal Reserve Bank Affairs, Consumer and Community Affairs and Payments, Clearing and Settlements (August 13, 2020; Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Innovation Office Hours, San Francisco, California)

The Future of Retail Payments in the United States | Lael Brainard, Administrative Governor and Chair of the Committee on Financial Stability, Federal Reserve Bank Affairs, Consumer and Community Affairs and Payments, Clearing and Settlements (August 6, 2020; FedNow Service Webinar, Washington, D.C.)





Former Vice President, and One-Time U.S Senatorial Representative From the State of Delaware, Joe Biden Proffers the Suggestion of Using Hellfire Missiles Against Gun Owners That Refuse to Comply With Government-Sanctioned Firearm Safety Regulations Designed to Curtail the Use of Semi-Automatic Assault Weapons During the Course of a 2020 Presidential Campaign Rally in New Hampshire

The full context of his statement, which aired on C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network), appearing below:

“Those who say ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots’ -- a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government you need an F-15 with Hellfire Missiles. There is no way an AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947) is going to take care of you if you’re going to take on – if you’re worried about the government coming down knocking down your door – and so it’s bizarre, we never said you could own any weapon at all from the beginning, you can’t own a machine gun, you can’t own a bazooka, you can’t own an M-1 (Main Abrams Battle) Tank no matter how much money you have. You can limit the kind of weapons that are able to be owned, and so I think, and by the way I’ve… all the work I’ve done on this including in our administration (referring to his efforts in deterring gun violence through the enactment of restrictive mandates during his tenure as the 47th Vice President in the Obama Administration), I now have over 58% of the NRA (National Rifle Association) members acknowledging you can’t own an assault weapon… there’s no need for it, you can’t have a magazine that has more than 10 rounds in it.”





Alan Dershowitz, Special Counsel to Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump During the 2019 Impeachment Inquiry, One-Time Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, Harvard Law Professor Emeritus, and Self-Proclaimed Constitutional Scholar; Openly Claims That the Federal Government Possesses the Extrajudicial Authority Necessary to Retroactively Detain and Forcibly Inoculate Citizens by Virtue of the 10th Amendment to Curb the Spread of a Contagious Disease

Citing a 1905 ruling by the United States Supreme Court in the Jacobson v. Massachusetts¹ proceeding as justification for his pedantic assertions, Dershowitz would later proclaim in the following series of statements, that individuals have no right to refuse the overtures of the state with regard to the imposition of medical mandate requiring them to submit to a vaccine regimen in the midst of a prolonged national public health emergency:

“Let me put it very clearly, you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business.”

When questioned by Jason Goodman during a syndicated May 16th, 2020, ‘Crowdsource the Truth’ podcast regarding the constitutional viability of such recourse, the Aristotelian author and media endorsed advocate of civil liberties issued the following utterance – an exclamation whose content could more aptly be characterized as a contemporary incarnation of Stalinist edict, as opposed to rhetorical contrivance extolling the inviolable nature of one’s personal freedom:

“Absolutely, and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.”

¹ Written synopsis from the Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute

Henning Jacobson, Pltff. in Err. (Plaintiff in Error), v. (versus) the Commonwealth of Massachusetts No. 70

197 U.S. 11
25 S.Ct. (25th Convening of the Supreme Court) 358
49 L.Ed. 643

Argued December 6, 1904

Decided February 20, 1905

A case determining the validity, as dictated by precepts outlined within the contents of the Constitution of the United States, of certain provisions contained within the statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts pertaining to vaccine mandate.

The Revised Laws of that commonwealth, Chap. 75, § 137 (Chapter 75, Signum Sectiōnis or Section 137), provide that ‘the board of health of a city or town, if, in its opinion, it is necessary for the public health or safety, shall require and enforce the vaccination and revaccination of all the inhabitants thereof, and shall provide them with the means of free vaccination. Whoever, being over twenty-one years of age and not under guardianship, refuses or neglects to comply with such requirement shall forfeit $5’ ($5 USD being the numerical equivalent of $147.68 in 2020)

An exception is made in favor of ‘children who present a certificate, signed by a registered physician, that they are unfit subjects for vaccination’ – § 139.

Proceeding under the above statutes, the board of health of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, on the 27th day of February, 1902, adopted the following regulation: ‘Whereas, smallpox has been prevalent to some extent in the city of Cambridge, and still continues to increase; and whereas, it is necessary for the speedy extermination of the disease that all persons not protected by vaccination should be vaccinated; and whereas, in the opinion of the board, the public health and safety require the vaccination or revaccination of all the inhabitants of Cambridge; be it ordered, that all the inhabitants habitants of the city who have not been successfully vaccinated since March 1st, 1897, be vaccinated or revaccinated.’

Subsequently, the board adopted an additional regulation empowering a named physician to enforce the vaccination of persons as directed by the board at its special meeting of February 27th.

The above regulations being in force, the plaintiff in error, Jacobson, was proceeded against by a criminal complaint in one of the inferior courts of Massachusetts. The complaint charged that on the 17th day of July, 1902, the Board of Health of Cambridge, being of the opinion that it was necessary for the public health and safety, required the vaccination and revaccination of all the inhabitants thereof who had not been successfully vaccinated since the 1st day of March, 1897, and provided them with the means of free vaccination; and that the defendant, being over twenty-one years of age and not under guardianship, refused and neglected to comply with such requirement.

The defendant, having been arraigned, pleaded not guilty. The government put in evidence the above regulations adopted by the board of health, and made proof tending to show that its chairman informed the defendant that, by refusing to be vaccinated, he would incur the penalty provided by the statute, and would be prosecuted therefor; that he offered to vaccinate the defendant without expense to him; and that the offer was declined, and defendant refused to be vaccinated.

The prosecution having introduced no other evidence, the defendant made numerous offers of proof. But the trial court ruled that each and all of the facts offered to be proved by the defendant were immaterial, and excluded all proof of them.

The defendant, standing upon his offers of proof, and introducing no evidence, pleaded for the inclusion of numerous instructions to the jury, among which were the following:

That § 137 of Chapter 75 of the Revised Laws of Massachusetts was in derogation of the rights secured to the defendant by the preamble to the Constitution of the United States, and tended to subvert and defeat the purposes of the Constitution as declared in its preamble;

That the section referred to was in derogation of the rights secured to the defendant by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, specifically with regard to clauses of present within the contents of said amendment providing that no state shall make or enforce any law abridging the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws; and

That said stipulation was opposed to the spirit of the Constitution.

Each of defendant’s petitions for the inclusion of such considerations were rejected, and he duly objected. The defendant requested the court, but the court refused, to instruct the jury to return a verdict of not guilty. And the court instructed the jury, in substance, that, if they believed the evidence introduced by the commonwealth, and were satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty of the offense charged in the complaint, they would be warranted in finding a verdict of guilty. A verdict of guilty was thereupon returned.

CONCLUSION: Citing the necessity of ensuring the safety of the general public through the imposition of extrajudicial authority in what the court determined was a justifiable exercise of police power – a power which the state did not surrender when becoming a member of the Union under the Constitution – the U.S. Supreme Court held that the law was a legitimate exercise of the state’s jurisdictional regency to protect the public health and safety of its citizens. Local boards of health determined when mandatory vaccinations were needed, thus making the requirement neither unreasonable nor arbitrarily enforced.






Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump Formally Authorizes the Deregulation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Through Executive Order (EO)¹

The Administration’s legislative decree directing consumer protection agencies, as well as environmental oversight review committees, to retroactively exempt biotechnology firms specializing in the sale, distribution, and manufacture of genetically engineered crop yields from the standard regulatory process

The stipulation also codifies into law the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) national bioengineered food disclosure provision (a legislative extension of the National Bioengineered Food Standard, an amendment to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946), whereby an estimated 10,000 food-specific products, specifically those containing biogenetically engineered and synthetically refined sugars and oils, are granted Federal Immunity from prosecution by independently contracted consumer protectionist bureaus or organizations

Under the guidelines of the U.S. Federal Government’s mandate, corporations are no longer required to label GMOs as a standard prerequisite of food safety protocol

Restrictions governing the certification of organically grown foodstores that currently exist independently of crop yields cultivated with the aid of genetically modified agents (pesticides, biochemical derivatives) and by processes of biomolecular alteration/ genomic editing could also be redacted in the future, according to testimony submitted to the House Agriculture Subcommittee by Greg Ibach, the USDA Undersecretary of Agriculture

¹ Executive Order 13874, Document Citation: 84 FR (Federal Register) 27899 | Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products (June 11, 2019)




George Soros, 88, Hungarian-Born International Business Magnate, Multibillionaire Financial Investor, and Corporate Telecommunications Industry Ordained ‘Philanthropist,’ Connected to Global Impetus Promoting the Decriminalization of Chemically Enhanced Narcotic Derivatives Under a Guise of Humanitarianism Designed to Foster a Semblance of Reliance on the Use of Psychedelic Hallucinogens by Various Segments of the Civilian Population in the Treatment of Debilitating Physical Ailments

The blanket endorsement of experimental drugs as viable medicinal surrogates conducted primarily through the auspices of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) while under the direction of Timothy Francis Leary, both of whom were the beneficiaries of donations from Soros’s considerable coffers of investment. In a collaborative venture with the Soros-sponsored Drug Policy Alliance, secularist progressive assemblies have begun demanding access to “psychedelic medicine,” emphasizing the necessity of reclassifying mind-altering substances such as LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide), Psilocybin Mushrooms, and Ecstasy as “legal prescription” alternatives in the mitigation of symptoms arising from incurable afflictions.

Prior to these revelations of his organization’s role in the monetary subsistence of a transnationally-coordinated drug trafficking operation, Soros, born under the name of György Schwartz on August 12, 1930, and acknowledged recipient of the Fellowship of the British Academy (FBA) merit of distinction, actively funded the legalization efforts of marijuana in the United States through a number of NGOs (Non-government organizations) as a means of facilitating its market distribution on a hemispheric scale (Link).





U.S. Congressional Representatives Formally Approve 2,232 Page, $1.3 Trillion Monetary Appropriations Bill as a Means of Staving Off the Possibility of a Prolonged Government Shutdown, the Passage of the Measure Achieved by a Margin of 256-167, With 145 Republicans and 111 Democrats Voicing Their Support, and 90 Republicans and 77 Democrats Having Voted Against the Provision

Congressional representatives procrastinated for six months before adopting the policy, the contents of which lawmakers had less than 1,000 minutes to canvass

The 2018 House Appropriations Committee Resolution – commonly referred to as an omnibus spending package – allocates an additional $48.8 million to the budgetary coffers of the House and Senate (fiscal comparisons validate this assertion with $871.1 million having been reserved for members of the legislative branch of government in 2017, as opposed to $919.9 million having been allocated to the aforementioned entities in 2018), allowing for a taxpayer funded increase in the salaries of Federal officials and employees by $12.58 million

Some of the other more egregious examples outlined in the contents of the legislative memorandum that illustrate the U.S. Federal Government’s preoccupation with baseless expenditure are as follows (many of these having been made public by Kentucky State Senator Rand Paul in a series of posts via Twitter):

$6 billion reserved for the purposes of funding the National Science Foundation, a 501c3 tax exempt organization that, prior to 2018, spent $350,000 to determine if species of quail indigenous to the island nation of Japan exhibited promiscuous tendency when exposed to certain controlled substances, in this instance, ‘cocaine’

Increased retirement funding provisions and benefits packages for Central Intelligence Agency operatives

$1 million for the purpose of funding the Cultural Antiquities Task Force (Born into existence on January 23, 2004, through the enactment of Public Law 108-199, the CATF is part of the U.S. Department of State and includes partnerships with the Department of Justice, ICPO-INTERPOL-US National Central Bureau, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security. Its principal objective is to assume a mantle of leadership in the preservation of various internationally-based culturally exclusive landmarks)

$6.25 million dedicated to the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (One of many programs run by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as part of its mission of public diplomacy through educational and cultural programming and exchange. The term, ‘cultural programming,’ refers to various state-sponsored measures instituted at an academic level, that are designed to benefit certain segments of the civilian population based solely on the premise of one’s ancestral lineage)

$20 million utilized as a means of Countering Foreign State Propaganda with an additional $12 million having been reserved for Countering State Disinformation and Pressure

$5 million for Vietnam Education Foundation Grants

$2.579 million for the Commission on Security and Co-operation in Europe

$15 million to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for the purpose of promoting international higher education standards between universities

$2.696 billion for International Disaster Assistance

$1.371 billion for Contributions to International Organizations (The United States, by way of public funding, is a member of more than 40 international organizations pursuant to treaties, conventions, or Acts of Congress. Examples include: United Nations, World Health Organization, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

$51 million to promote International Family Planning and Reproductive Health

$7 million promoting International Conservation

$10 million to fund UN-based (United Nations-based) Environmental Programs

$1 million to the World Meteorological Organization (Tasked with climatological study and the comprehensive analysis of weather patterns pertinent to the prospect of global warming)

$218 million designed to promote Democracy Development in Europe

$25 million expressly packaged as a means of ensuring religious autonomy on a transnational scale (International Religious Freedom)

$10 million for disadvantaged Egyptian students

$12 million in educational scholarships designed to benefit students in Lebanon

$20 million dedicated to the Middle East Partnership Initiative Scholarship Program

$12 million in monetary funding designed to benefit Vietnamese military regiments (The Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a Communist nation occupying the eastern periphery of the Indochina Peninsula that routinely incarcerates political dissidents and suppresses free speech and the exchange of information deemed seditionist by its ruling class)

$3.5 million in nutritional assistance to the residents of Laos

$15 million in developmental assistance to the People’s Republic of China (A nation oftentimes described by acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump as a geopolitical rival)

$10 million to bolster the salaries of female Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) in Afghanistan

$500 million in monetary funding to Planned Parenthood (A broken campaign pledge by then Republican National Committee presidential nominee Donald J. Trump who swore to defund the organization that receives an annual stipend of approximately $500 million in taxpayer subsidies through Medicaid and Title X federal grants)

The measure – which does next to nothing to address the 21.2 trillion national deficit – later signed into law on March 23, 2018 by acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump


CATF – Cultural Antiquities Task Force

ICPO-INTERPOL – The International Criminal Police Organization-International Police




The Late 41st U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush’s Funeral Service and Related Ceremonial Extravagances Expected to Cost American Taxpayers in Excess of $500 Million in Lost Revenue for Federal Government Representatives

Findings conducted in 2008 by the National Taxpayers Union revealed that Federal holidays cost the gainfully employed an estimated $450 million per day in monetary compensation packages for unscheduled furloughs and lost labor productivity

By comparison, taxpayers were obligated to pay a staggering $423 million to government workers as a means of reimbursement in light of the funeral procession for former U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 2004; a figure that, when adjusted for inflation and the increases in salary for tenured Federal level employees, would stand at $566 million in 2018

Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s authorization of the flight of Air Force One, a modified Boeing 747, from Washington, D.C. to Houston during the first week of December to transport the casket of the deceased Bush and return it to the grounds of the nation’s Capitol Building for a public viewing in the Rotunda will cost in excess of $2 million in travel expenses alone, as operational expenditures pertaining to the hourly use of the aircraft oftentimes exceed $200,000

Ceremonial flourishes, similar in context to the 21-plane military flyover designed to commemorate the combat services career of the late president are expected to cost $126,000





The California State Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is Actively Considering the Enactment of Legislative Provisions Allowing for the Taxation of Text-Generated Correspondence by Current Wireless Communications Device Users as a Means of Generating Revenue to Ensure Accessibility of Phone Service to Low-Income Residents

The advent of new charges and compulsory fees related to the measure’s ratification is estimated to exceed an annual figure of $44 million, with written stipulations present within the proposal permitting the retroactive application of additional surcharges factored into the estimate that would include the previous five years of smartphone-based interactions of prospective consumers

California Becomes the First State in the Nation to Enact Comprehensive Water-Efficiency Standards, Effectively Limiting Indoor Residential Consumption to 55 Gallons Per Day Under Penalty of Law

Assembly Bill 1668 (AB 1668), hailed by its progenitors as a means of preparation “for future droughts and climate change,” is an Agenda 2030 compliant mandate patented under the guise of environmentalist conservatism that effectively prohibits residents from exceeding the State Legislature’s recently adopted policy of a 55 gallon daily allowance

This usage constraint, when taken in context, making it illegal for any of the state’s estimated 39.78 million inhabitants to use basic amenities or wash clothing apparel, fabrics, or linens on the same day as evidenced in the following:


8-minute shower: 17 gallons
Typical load of laundry: 40 gallons
Dishwasher: 6 gallons
Bathtub (full capacity): 80 to 100 gallons

The controversial measure providing for further restrictions over a period of 12 years as outlined in an excerpted portion of the stipulation below:

”The bill, until January 1, 2025, would establish 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, would establish the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, would establish the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. The bill would impose civil liability for a violation of an order or regulation issued pursuant to these provisions, as specified.”

Senate Bill 606 (SB 606), which was passed in conjunction with AB 1668, authorizes the establishment of an independent California State Government sanctioned committee to monitor utility companies, specifically domestic water supply chains, for possible infractions related to the directive’s imposition

Recently Enacted Legislative Policy Provides for the Expulsion of Unvaccinated Youth From the Utah State Public Education System

House Bill 308 (HB 308), signed into law in 2017 by acting RNC-affiliated (Republican National Committee-affiliated) Governor Gary Richard Herbert, allows for the removal of students deemed to be non-compliant with the aforementioned stipulation’s vaccination mandate

Beginning July 1, 2018, prospective enrollees in any of Utah’s school districts who have yet to participate in the statewide mandatory inoculation program will only be permitted to attend class for 21 days under a predefined set of conditions with the understanding that at the conclusion of this three week period that unvaccinated students face the possibility of expulsion unless a valid statement of exemption is presented

Parents or guardians refusing to adhere to this directive will be required to complete an online education module outlining the benefits of vaccination in a classroom setting, should this recommendation be met with resistance by said parties, they could then be subject to appear before a public health official for purposes of an “in-person consultation”


Written Provisions Present Within Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s Unilateral USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) Trade Proposal Grant Multinational Telecommunications Firms (Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter) Immunity From Government Oversight in the Restriction of User-Specific Generated Content Appearing on Their Platforms, Expanding on Prior Codified Legal Protections Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996

The controversy associated with the directive stemming from Article 19.17: Interactive Computer Services, Section 3, Subsectionals (a) and (b), a stipulation that reads in its entirety as follows:

3. No Party shall impose liability on a supplier or user of an interactive computer service on account of:

(a) any action voluntarily taken in good faith by the supplier or user to restrict access to or availability of material that is accessible or available through its supply or use of the interactive computer services and that the supplier or user considers to be harmful or objectionable; or

(b) any action taken to enable or make available the technical means that enable an information content provider or other persons to restrict access to material that it considers to be harmful or objectionable

Senatorial Representatives Within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Actively Formulating Authoritarian Legislative Provisions Expressly Designed to Facilitate the Regulation of Information on Digital Platforms

The restrictive mandate, entitled, “Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms,” authored into existence by Virginia State Senator Mark Robert Warner, acting Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, as well as the Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee; emphasizes the necessity of government interventionist policy as a means of preserving the public trust in American “institutions, democracy, free press, and markets”

Warner’s draft policy revision also endorses the enactment of measures similar in context to the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), a parliamentary decree allowing for the establishment of an unelected data and information regulatory appendage – a “supervisory authority” position – unique to each member nation comprising the EU

In keeping with the EU model, the “Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms” memoranda proffers the following solutions as a means of mitigating the “cancerous” spread of disinformation and waning patterns of credibility currently plaguing the corporate telecommunications industry:

Mandatory Location Verification Protocol – A government-coordinated process of coercion whereby social media platforms would be obligated to participate in the authentication process of user-specific accounts through the online disclosure of geographic origin of posted entries and contact information

Compulsory Identity Verification – Legislated data excision at the Federal level on the basis of verifiable identity, where anonymity guaranteed through the use of VPN’s (Virtual Private Networks) designed to obfuscate what would otherwise serve as publicly-shared information (IP or Internet Protocol signatures – octet specific identifiers – example, which is acknowledged as Google’s proprietary DNS, or Domain Name System – utilized by marketing agencies, data mining companies, and clandestine surveillance networks affiliated with the international intelligence community to effectively track prospective users of a particular service whose pathway of digitally transcribed communication is dependent on web-based connectivity) is systematically eliminated on the basis of “ensuring the continuity of the electoral process, as well as the integrity of digital markets”

“Failure to appropriately address the threat of inauthentic account activity” would be deemed a “violation of both the Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) rules and/ or Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act”

Bot Labeling – Under penalty of law, companies would be required to identify bots (autonomously-rendered service applications acting independently of host programs to facilitate the execution of certain tasks or operations) on the basis of national security

Classifying Popular Technology as “Essential Facilities” – Deliberately vague in its scope of regency, this section of Warner’s proposal allowing for the terms and conditions of service typically ascribed to large-scale corporate entities (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google being utilized as examples) to be dictated by the Federal Government

Other noteworthy suggestions emphasize the necessity of establishing clauses of informational disclosure pertaining to political speech as it appears on online-specific forums, as well as the requirement that companies or businesses in industrialized technology would be subject to periodical audits by government intermediaries (this data then actively distributed to various universities and institutions of higher learning) whereby the “interoperability between dominant platforms” could be maintained

Warner’s provision would also authorize the establishment of a federal mandate that technological firms – on the basis of economic status and influence – be required to submit a detailed inventory of internal data and processing metrics to “independent public interest researchers” as a means of identifying potential “public health/ addiction effects, anticompetitive behavior, radicalization,” scams, “user propagated misinformation,” and harassment, this information then being used as a means of determining regulatory policy through Congressional oversight

Revisions to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, recently amended by Congress to exclude protections for prostitution-related content, allowing certain segments of the population to restrict the visibility of certain content on the basis of perception. Failure to remove information deemed to be absent of credibility by these multimedia platforms resulting in their financial liability for aiding and abetting the “spread of disinformation”

InfoWars, an Alternative Media Organization Co-Founded by Alexander Emric Jones in March of 1999, Expunged From Apple, Facebook, Pinterest, Spotify, Vimeo, and YouTube’s System Directories Following a Relentless Campaign of Demonization by Various Elements of the Corporate Telecommunications Industry

The aforementioned agencies, citing repeated violations of their platform’s community guidelines/ standards, as well as breaches of their terms of service agreements prohibiting the promotion of hate speech and content deemed offensive to protected segments of the population, terminated a vast majority of the Austin, Texas-based news outlet’s registered accounts on Monday, August 6th of 2018

This coordinated purge of content identified as contrarian to accredited academic institutions and their erstwhile contemporaries in journalistic and politically motivated intelligentsia follows the removal of several high profile independent sources of information from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s communications utility, most notably the following (alphabetized listing of pages with documented numerical estimate of subscribers emphasized in parentheses):

1) Alternative Health Universe (420K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
2) Amazing World (872K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 6th of 2018
3) Area 51 (1.5M Subscribers) – Retroactively Unpublished on June 5th of 2018
4) Awareness Act (1.1M Subscribers) – Account Terminated in Mid-2017
5) Brighten Your Soul (100K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 20th of 2018
6) Check These Things (80K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
7) Chocolate Socrates (608K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
8) Collectively Conscious (915K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
9) Conscious Life News (1.1M Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 5th of 2018
10) Daily Health Keeper (190K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
11) Deeper Perspectives (32K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
12) Diabetes Health Page (180K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 13th of 2018
13) Earth We Are One (1.7M Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 5th of 2018
14) Essence of Spirit (12K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 20th of 2018
15) EWAO (30K Subscribers) – Retroactively Unpublished on June 5th of 2018
16) Exposing the Truth (800K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 5th of 2018
17) Floral Photobook (160K Subscribers) – Account Terminated on June 20th of 2018
18) Flower of Life (670K Subscribers) – Retroactively Unpublished on June 5th of 2018
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EXCLUSIVE UNDERCOVER VIDEO INVESTIGATION: Software Engineers and Account Service Providers Employed With Twitter’s Social Media Platform Surreptitiously Restricting the Visibility of Content by Way of Digitally Transcribed Algorithms Designed to Censor Political Opinion

According to Steven Pierre, a software engineer at Twitter, automated censorship and the unspoken interdiction of uploaded material deemed contrary to the progressive ideological preset is being actively explored as a means of influencing the viewability of certain user-generated communications:

“Every single conversation is going to be rated by a machine and the machine is going to say whether or not it’s a positive thing or a negative thing. And whether it’s positive or negative doesn’t (inaudible), it’s more like if somebody’s being aggressive or not. Right? Somebody’s just cursing at somebody, whatever, whatever. They may have a point, but it will just vanish… It’s not going to ban the mindset, it’s going to ban, like, a way of talking.”

Olinda Hassan, a policy manager for Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team Explains on December 15th of 2017, during the course of one of the company’s many holiday gatherings, that the development of a system of “down ranking,” account holders she describes as “shitty people,” is being openly considered:

”Yeah. That’s something we’re working on. It’s something we’re working on. We’re trying to get the shitty people to not show up. It’s a product thing we’re working on right now.”



Malaysia Effectively Outlaws ‘Fake News’ Under Penalty of Law With Violators of the Government's Recently Instituted Legislative Accord Subject to Six Year Terms of Incarceration and Monetary Fines of Up to 500,000 Ringgit (The Equivalent of $123,000 USD)

The restrictive measures instituted as an Anti-Fake News 2018 Bill by the country’s acting Prime Minister, Najib Razak, were ratified into law by Malaysia’s parliamentary appendage as a means of countering political dissent




*VIDEO* EXCLUSIVE: Village of Deerfield, Illinois, a Residential Community Situated in Lake County, Approximately 25 Miles North of the City of Chicago, Effectively Prohibits the Possession, Sale, and Manufacture of Assault Weapons and High Capacity Magazines Under Penalty of Law

Violation of the proposed ordinance by any of the community’s 18,000 residents resulting in fines ranging anywhere from $200 to $1,000 per day, as determined by the Village’s Municipal Board

The measure, which takes effect on June 13th of 2018, mandates the forfeiture of all firearms meriting semiautomatic weapons distinction

The policy, similar in context to a legislative statute passed by the city of Highland Park, was ratified into law by a vote of 6-0 by a panel whose members consist of the following:

Robert “Bob” Benton
Tom Jester
Mary Oppenheim
William “Bill” Seiden
Dan Shapiro
Barbara Struthers

Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump, in Direct Violation of Due Process and Guarantees Afforded to Prospective Gun Owners by Virtue of the Second Amendment of the Constitution, as Well as the Fourth Amendment Within the Bill of Rights That Unequivocally States That People Possess the Inalienable Right to Be Secure in Their Persons, Places of Residence, Papers, and Effects, Against Unwarranted Searches and Seizures; Expresses Support for Confiscating Firearms From Individuals Deemed by Authorities to Be an Imminent Threat to the Safety and Security of the Most Vulnerable Segments of Society, Specifically as It Pertains to Academic Institutions and Educational Facilities in the Wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Mass Casualty Event¹ That Occurred in Parkland, Florida; on February 14th of 2018

The gist of the President’s statement cataloged as a response to comments from Vice President Mike Pence, who was quoted with the following:

“Allow due process so no one’s rights are trampled, but the ability to go to court, obtain an order and then collect not only the firearms, but any weapons.”

In contrast, Trump’s retort emphasized the necessity of law enforcement agencies to exercise preemptive authoritative measures and actively target segments of the civilian population identified as imminent threats to themselves or others based primarily on the opinions of their peers, immediate or extended family, and/ or police officers, a fact evidenced in the utterances below:

“Or, Mike, take the firearms first, then go to court. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida… to go to court would have taken a long time. Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

¹ The events that occurred on the premises of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida; became the foundation for the U.S. Federal Government’s adoption of Red Flag Ordinances – legislative directives that permit Law Enforcement Agencies, Immediate or Extended Family Members, or Concerned Citizens to actively petition a state’s judiciary assembly to confiscate firearms from an individual deemed to be a danger to the community based solely on their potential to engage in or participate in criminal acts or exhibit violent tendency. Orders issued under the pretext of these stipulations, also known as “risk-based gun removal laws,” are ubiquitous with the terminology appearing below:

Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs, a descriptor used to refer to the restrictive mandate in the states of Colorado, Maryland, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington)

Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs, a term used to describe the ordinance in the state of California)

Proceedings for the Seizure and Retention of a Firearm (Endemic to the state of Indiana)

Risk Protection Orders (Commonly used as a point of reference in trial proceedings in the state of Florida)

As of January 1st of 2020, the following states and/ or intergovernmental municipalities have formally adopted Red Flag legislation as a means of deterring gun violence:

District of Columbia
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island


EXCLUSIVE UNDERCOVER VIDEO INVESTIGATION: Twitter Employees Paid to View the Content Users Upload to Their Social Media Account, Including “Sexually Suggestive Communications”

According to Clay Haynes, a software engineer at Twitter, admitted that Twitter has hired hundreds of employees whose sole purpose is to examine sexually explicit images, primarily pictures of men’s exposed genitalia:

”There’s teams dedicated to it. I mean, we’re talking three to four… at least, three to four hundred people… Yes they’re paid to look at d*ck pics.”

Pranay Singh, a Direct Messaging Engineer for Twitter Corroborated Haynes’s Assertions During the Course of Conversation:

”Everything you send is stored on my server… So all your sex messages and your, like, d*ck pics are on my server now…”

”All your illegitimate wives and, like, all the girls you’ve been f*cking around with, they’re on my server now… I’m going to send it to your wife, she’s going to use it in your divorce.”

So, what happens is like, you like, write something or post pictures online, they never go away… Because even after you send them, people are like analyzing them, to see what you are interested in, to see what you are talking about. And they sell that data.”




Lengthy 886-Page Series of Documents Submitted to a Pennsylvania State Grand Jury Illustrate the Indefensible Depravity of 301 Priests and Clergymen Spanning the Course of 70 Years Who Sexually Abused In Excess of 1,000 Children – One of the Victims Having Been Only 15-Months of Age at the Time of One of the Incidents – Across Six Separate Catholic Dioceses

Disturbing revelations pertinent to the jury’s investigation highlight the reluctance of senior level church officials, including the now Archbishop of Washington, D.C., to address allegations of sexual impropriety

The contents of the report revealed an untold number of children were anally, orally, and vaginally compromised, plied with alcohol, and made to perform for clergymen in the production of sexually explicit material since the mid-1950s; some of the more heinous acts mentioned during the course of the deposition detailed below:

Young prepubescent boys were instructed to rinse their mouths with Holy Water as a means of ‘purification’ after they were forced to perform oral sex on clergymen

One of the juveniles mentioned during the course of the proceeding having been forced to pose nude in the guise of Jesus while priests took pornographic pictures of him, sharing them with one another

In one instance, a priest, during the course of his visitation with a bedridden 7-year-old girl at a local children’s hospital – the child in question having just undergone a tonsillectomy – forcibly raped her without drawing the attention of the medical healthcare facility’s staff

An established pedophile ring within one of the church’s six dioceses whipped little boys, allowing men to rape them for a fee

Another priest, during the course of grooming his middle school students to perform oral sex, taught them how Mary had to ‘bite off the cord’ and ‘lick’ Jesus clean after He was born

Many priests documented in the court’s findings made children wear gold crosses as a means of identification, the adornments designed to aid and abet sexual predators operating within the confines of the diocese as to which of the children were available for abuse

Incriminating evidence that would have otherwise led to the excommunication and eventual incarceration of prospective clergy was categorically dismissed by church leaders who sought to protect their subordinates from undue scrutiny by attributing incidences of unwarranted physical contact with prepubescent juveniles to ‘wrestling’ and ‘horseplay’

Since the initial release of these documents, 247 of the priests and clergymen have since been identified, legal statutes of limitation protecting a vast majority of the accused, with only two of that number facing trial and the possibility of involuntary confinement. Segregated in accordance with their respective diocese, they are listed as follows:

Allentown Diocese (34 accused in total)

Reverend Thomas J. Bender
Monsignor Thomas J. Benestad
Reverend Robert G. Cofenas
Reverend David Connell
Reverend Timothy Johnson
Clergyman Jim Gross
Reverend James Gaffney
Reverend Joseph Galko
Reverend Edward George Ganster (Deceased as of 2014)
Reverend Francis T. Gillespie
Clergyman Richard J. Guiliani
Reverend Joseph D. Hulko
Monsignor William E. Jones, V.F. (Vicar Forane. Deceased as of 2004)
Reverend Michael S. Lawrence
Reverend Joseph H. Kean
Reverend Thomas J. Kerestus (Deceased as of 2014)
Reverend Francis Joseph McNelis (Deceased as of 2005)
Reverend Gabriel Patil
Reverend Henry Paul (Deceased as of 1982)
Reverend Paul G. Puza
Reverend Dennis A. Rigney
Reverend Joseph A. Rock
Reverend Gerald Royer (Deceased as of 2003)
Reverend Charles J. Ruffenach (Deceased as of 1980)
Reverend J. Pascal Sabas (Deceased as of 1996)
Reverend William J. Shields (Deceased as of 2000)
Reverend Stephen F. Shigo (Deceased as of 1991)
Reverend David A. Soderlund
Very Reverend Henry E. Strassner, V.F. (Vicar Forane. Deceased as of 2009)
Reverend Bruno M. Tucci
Reverend A. Gregory Uhrig
Reverend Andrew Aloysius Ulincy
Reverend Ronald Yarrosh
Reverend Joseph A. Zmijewski, D.D. (Doctor of Divinity, Deceased as of 1968)

Erie Diocese (35 accused in total, with one having been formally charged)

Reverend Michael G. Barlet
Father Donald C. Bolton, C.Ss.R (Latin: Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris – Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer)
Reverend Robert F. Bower
Reverend Dennis Chludzinski
Father Donald Cooper (Deceased as of 2011)
Father Michael Robert Freeman
Reverend Gregory P. Furjanic
Father Herbert G. Gloekler (Deceased as of 1985)
Father Robert E. Hannon (Deceased as of 2006)
Monsignor James P. Hopkins
Father Barry M. Hudock
Reverend Joseph W. Jerge (Deceased as of 2006)
Father Stephen E. Jeselnick
Reverend Thomas C. Kelley (Deceased as of 2005)
Father Gary L. Ketcham
Father Thaddeus Kondzielski
Father Gerald Krebs
Father Jerry (John) Kucan
Monsignor Louis Lorei
Father Salvatore P. Luzzi
Father Richard D. Lynch (Deceased as of 2000)
Monsignor Daniel Martin (Deceased as of 2006)
Reverend Leon T. Muroski
Brother Edmundus Murphy
Reverend John L. Murray
Father Giles L. Nealen, O.S.B. (Order of Saint Benedict, Deceased as of 1996)
Father Jan Olowin
Father Andrew Pawlaczyk (Deceased as of 1982)
Reverend John A. Piatkowski (Deceased as of 1970)
Father David L. Poulson – CHARGED
Father John Philip Schanz (Deceased as of 2010)
Reverend Samuel B. Slocum
Monsignor Thomas Snyderwine
Seminarian John Tome
Father Patrick Vallimont

Greensburg Diocese (15 accused in total, with one having been formally charged)

Father Dennis Dellamalva (Deceased as of 1994)
Father Gregory Flohr
Father Charles B. Guth
Father Francis Lesniak
Father Henry J. Marcinek
Father Fabian G. Oris (Deceased as of 2007)
Father George R. Pierce (Deceased as of 2009)
Father Gregory F. Premoshis
Father Thomas W. Rogers (Deceased as of 2005)
Father Leonard Sanesi (Deceased as of 1992)
Father Roger A. Sinclair
Father Joseph L. Sredzinski (Deceased as of 2015)
Father John T. Sweeney – CHARGED
Reverend Joseph A. Tamilowski (Deceased as of 1994)
Father Roger J. Trott (Deceased as of 2017)

Harrisburg Diocese (37 accused in total)

Reverend Francis J. Allen
Reverend John G. Allen
Reverend Francis A. Bach
Reverend Jesus Barajas
Reverend Richard J. Barry
Reverend James Beeman (Deceased as of 2016)
Reverend John Bostwick
Reverend Donald Cramer
Reverend Walter Emala (Deceased as of 2008)
Reverend Paul R. Fisher
Deacon Donald “Tim” Hackman
Reverend T. Ronald Haney (Deceased as of 2012)
Reverend John Herber
Clergyman Philip Hower
Reverend Kevin Kayda
Reverend Edward Konat
Reverend George Koychick
Reverend Thomas Kujovsky (Deceased as of 2015)
Reverend Thomas Lawler (Deceased as of 1987)
Reverend Robert Logue
Reverend David H. Luck
Reverend Monsignor Robert Maher (Deceased as of 1990)
Reverend Daniel Mahoney (Deceased as of 2007)
Reverend Guy Marsico
Reverend John M. McDevitt (Deceased as of 1999)
Reverend Anthony McGinley (Deceased as of 2006)
Reverend James McLucas
Reverend Ibarra Mercado
Reverend Charles Procopio (Deceased as of 1997)
Reverend Guido Miguel Quiroz Reyes, OFM (The Order of Friars Minor Capuchin – Latin equivalent: Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum. Deceased as of 2006)
Deacon James Rush (Deceased as of 2016)
Clergyman Bryan Schlager
Reverend Herbert Shank
Reverend Patrick Shannon
Reverend Timothy Sperber
Reverend Carl J. Steffen (Deceased as of 2015)
Reverend Frederick Vaughn (Deceased as of 1992)
Reverend Salvatore V. Zangari (Deceased as of 2004)

Pittsburgh Diocese (77 accused in total)

Reverend James R. Adams (Deceased as of 2011)
Reverend James L. Armstrong (Deceased as of 2012)
Reverend John M. Bauer
Reverend John E. Brueckner (Deceased as of 1960)
Reverend Leo Burchianti (Deceased as of 2013)
Reverend Robert Castelucci
Reverend Mauro James Cautela (Deceased as of 2005)
Reverend Charles J. Chatt
Reverend Anthony J. Cipolla (Deceased as of 2016)
Reverend John P. Connor
Reverend John David Crowley (Deceased as of 2006)
Reverend Richard Deakin
Reverend Ferdinand B. Demsher (Deceased as of 1983)
Reverend Myles Eric Diskin
Father Richard J. Dorsch
Reverend David F. Dzermejko
Reverend John P. Fitzgerald
Reverend Joseph M. Ganter
Reverend John A. Genizer
Reverend Charles R. Ginder (Deceased as of 1984)
Reverend James G. Graham (Deceased as of 2015)
Brother William Hildebrand
Reverend John S. Hoehl
Reverend John J. Huber (Deceased as of 1998)
Reverend Edward G. Huff
Monsignor Edward Joyce (Deceased as of 1969)
Reverend Marvin Justi (Deceased as of 2009)
Reverend Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk
Reverend Joseph D. Karabin
Brother John Keegan
Reverend Henry Krawczyk
Reverend Edward L. Kryston
Reverend Anujit Kumar
Reverend George Kurutz (Deceased as of 1977)
Reverend Fidelis Lazar
Reverend Albert Leonard
Reverend Casimir F. Lewandowski (Deceased as of 1978)
Reverend John P. Maloney (Deceased as of 2007)
Brother Julius May
Reverend Dominic McGee
Reverend Donald W. McIlvane (Deceased as of 2014)
Reverend Thomas McKenna
Reverend Albert McMahon
Reverend John H. McMahon (Deceased as of 1993)
Brother Frank Meder
Reverend Arthur R. Merrell
Reverend Joseph Mueller (Deceased as of 2010)
Reverend Lawrence O’Connell (Deceased as of 1986)
Reverend Thomas M. O’Donnell
Reverend William P. O’Malley, III (Deceased as of 2008)
Reverend George Parme (Deceased as of 2002)
Reverend Paul E. Pindel (Deceased as of 1991)
Reverend Francis Pucci (Deceased as of 2002)
Reverend John W. Rebel (Deceased as of 2013)
Reverend Raymond R. Rhoden (Deceased as of 2006)
Reverend Carl Roemele
Reverend Michael C. Romero (Deceased as of 2000)
Reverend Oswald E. Romero (Deceased as of 1997)
Reverend David Scharf
Reverend Richard Scherer (Deceased as of 2007)
Monsignor Raymond T. Schultz (Deceased as of 1999)
Reverend Francis Siler (Deceased as of 2015)
Reverend Rudolph M. Silvers
Reverend Edward P. Smith (Deceased as of 1956)
Revered James E. Somma, M.Ed. (Master of Education, Deceased as of 2004)
Reverend Bartley A. Sorensen
Reverend Robert E. Spangenberg, C.S.Sp. (Congregation of the Holy Spirit, with the given names of Spiritan priests or brothers within the Catholic faith oftentimes followed by the aforementioned abbreviation to indicate membership in the fraternal order. Deceased as of 2006)
Reverend Paul G. Spisak
Reverend Lawrence F. Stebler (Deceased as of 1997)
Reverend Richard Gerard Terdine
Reverend Charles Thomas (Deceased as of 1967)
Reverend John William Wellinger (Deceased as of 2011)
Reverend Joseph S. Wichmanowski (Deceased as of 1977)
Reverend George A. Wilt
Reverend Robert G. Wolk
Reverend William B. Yockey
Reverend Theodore P. Zabowski

Scranton Diocese (45 accused in total)

Reverend Philip A. Altavilla
Reverend Girard F. Angelo (Deceased as of 2009)
Reverend Mark G. Balczeniuk
Reverend Joseph P. Bonner (Deceased as of 2007)
Reverend Martin M. Boylan
Reverend Robert J. Brague (Deceased as of 1997)
Reverend Francis T. Brennan (Deceased as of 1974)
Reverend Joseph Bucolo
Monsignor Gerald J. Burns (Deceased as of 1999)
Reverend Anthony P. Conmy
Monsignor J. Peter Crynes
Reverend Raymond L. Deviney
Reverend Donald J. Dorsey (Deceased as of 2007)
Reverend John M. Duggan
Reverend John J. Dzurko (Deceased as of 1991)
Reverend James F. Farry (Deceased as of 1990)
Reverend James F. Fedor
Reverend Ralph N. Ferraldo (Deceased as of 1997)
Reverend Angelus Ferrara
Reverend Austin E. Flanagan
Reverend Joseph D. Flannery (Deceased as of 2005)
Reverend Martin J. Fleming (Deceased as 1950)
Reverend Robert J. Gibson (Deceased as of 2012)
Monsignor Joseph O. Gilgallon (Deceased as of 1991)
Reverend Joseph A. Griffin (Deceased as of 1988)
Reverend P. Lawrence Homer (Deceased as of 2015)
Reverend Mark A. Honart
Reverend Joseph F. Houston
Reverend Francis G. Kulig
Reverend Albert M. Libertore, Jr.
Reverend John A. Madaj (Deceased as of 1998)
Reverend James M. McAuliffe (Deceased as of 1989)
Reverend Joseph F. Meigan
Reverend Russell E. Motsay
Reverend James F. Nolan (Deceased as of 1957)
Reverend W. Jeffrey Paulish
Reverend John A. Pender (Deceased as of 2009)
Reverend Mark T. Rossetti
Reverend Edward J. Shoback
Reverend Thomas P. Shoback
Reverend John J. Tamalis
Reverend Virgil B. Thetherow
Reverend Robert M. Timchak
Reverend Lawrence P. Weniger (Deceased as of 1972)
Reverend Joseph B. Wilson

Society of St. John (4 Accused in total)

Reverend Christopher R. Clay
Reverend Eric S. Ensey
Reverend Carlos Urrutigoity
Reverend Benedict J. Van der Putten

NOTE: Legal transcripts associated with this particular inquest encompassing the Dioceses of Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Scranton, that when combined, were tasked with servicing more than half of the state of Pennsylvania’s 3.2 million Catholic residents






EXCLUSIVE: Federal Court Litigation Proceedings Provide Conclusive Evidence That the Obama Administration, Acting in Collusion With the Federal National Mortgage Association, Commonly Referred to as “Fannie Mae,” and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Also Known as “Freddie Mac,” Illegally Diverted Taxpayer Funds That Had Yet to Be Appropriated by Congressional Representatives to Prevent the Legislative Implosion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Dennis Montgomery, a Member of the U.S. Intelligence Community With Close Ties to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), as Well as the NSA (National Security Agency), Provides Freedom Watch, a Non-Profit Organization Founded in 2002 by Larry Klayman to Promote a System of Ethics in Government, With 47 Computer Hard Drives Containing an Estimated 600 Million Pages of Information - the Scope of Which Being the Geographical Equivalent of 31,000 Miles - Proving the Culpability of the Obama Administration in Waging a Warrantless Campaign of Surveillance Against Prominent American Citizens




Stunning Leaked Audio File Transmission of Acting U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Implicating President Barack Hussein Obama in the Coordinated Rise of ISIS Across the Middle East Made Available to the General Public





First in the Nation: California Attempts ‘Fake News’ Ban - Legislative Proposal Filed on Wednesday, March 29th of 2017, in the California State Assembly’s Committee on Privacy and Consumer Affairs to Criminally Implicate Anyone Responsible for Authoring, Publishing, or Sharing Information From ‘Questionable’ News Media Organizations on Social Media Platforms

The written context of the bill appearing as follows:

18320.5 It is unlawful for a person to knowingly and willingly make, publish or circulate on an internet web site, or cause to be made, published, or circulated in any writing posted on an internet web site, a false or deceptive statement designed to influence the vote in either of the following:

(a) Any issue submitted to voters at an election

(b) Any candidate for election to public office




Children and Adolescent Youth Residing in the Town of Gardendale, Alabama; Facing Monetary Fines, as Well as the Possibility of Incarceration, if They Fail to Obtain the Necessary Documentation Relevant to the Issuance of a Valid State Government-Issued Business License - an Out-of-Pocket Expense of $110 Necessitated by the Decision of Gardendale Officials to Enforce the Restrictive Mandate Presented With the Passage of a City Ordinance Requiring Residents, Regardless of Their Chronological Age, to Acquire a Work Permit to Mow Grass




Lurid Accusations of Sexual Impropriety Involving Priests Stationed at Several Religious Parishes Throughout Italy Shake the Institutional Foundations of the Catholic Church to Its Core

Allegations of organized sex orgies, prostitution, and the dissemination of pornographic material on the grounds of many of the facilities further damaging the reputation of Roman Catholicism

Two separate incidents garnering national media attention in the last several weeks with Reverend Mario D’Orlando of the Parish of Santa Maria Degli Angeli, under a heightened degree of suspicion for coordinating homosexual orgies on church property and canvassing various adult-themed websites as a means of enlisting the services of potential partners who were later paid for sex using the monetary contributions of parishioners who regularly attended the church; and Reverend Andrea Contin, a 48-year-old priest at the Parish of San Lazzaro, who stands accused of entertaining as many as 30 separate love interests, many of whom accompanied him during the course of his travels to a known swinger’s resort in France


Pope Francis, in His Application of a Vision of a ‘Merciful Church,’ Preaches Leniency for Pedophile Clergies - Commutes Sentences of Excommunication to a Lifetime of Prayer and Penance

The controversial decision instituted by the acting pontiff contradictory of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s ruling to uphold harsh sentencing guidelines for priests convicted of child sex abuse





The McCain Institute Foundation, a Non-Profit Organization With Ties to Acting Arizona State Senator John McCain, in Direct Violation of the Title of Nobility Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Accepted a $1.5 Million Financial Donation From the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

The Title of Nobility Clause is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution that prohibits the Federal Government from granting Titles of Nobility, and restricts its members from receiving monetary gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states without the consent of the U.S. Congress




EXCLUSIVE REPORT: According to Information Provided to Investigative Journalists by Several Members of the Defense Intelligence Agency Familiar With the Prospect of ISIS’s Burgeoning Scope of Influence in Libya, Specifically the City of Sirte Which Has Since Become the Terrorist Organization's Regional Epicenter in the African Continent, High Ranking Officials Within the Obama Administration - Acting Under the Authority of the President - Openly Refuse to Engage Islamic Extremist Paramilitary Groups Conducting Their Operations There Despite the Insistence of Special Operations Command Units in the U.S. Military




Legislative Proposal Authored Into Existence by Acting South Carolina State Senator Lindsey Graham - a Directive Later Proffered by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell - Utilizing a Prior Established Policy of Procedure Known as Rule 14 to Formally Introduce the Law and Effectively Bypass the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Would Grant the Acting, as Well as Any Future Presidents, an Unfettered Degree of Authority to Wage War Anywhere in the World Without the Necessity of Congressional Approval or Oversight

Christopher Scott “Chris” Murphy, Democratic National Committee-affiliated acting Connecticut State US Senator, issued the following statements regarding the significance of Graham’s provision:

This resolution is a total rewrite of the War Powers Clause in the United States Constitution. It is essentially a Declaration of International Martial Law, a sweeping transfer of military power to the President that will allow him or her to send U.S. troops almost anywhere in the world, for almost any reason, with absolutely no limitations.”

Senate Joint Resolution 29 (S.J. Res 29), Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) Against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Its Associated Forces, Also Known as the "ISIS Resolution" - Context and Information



In a Collaborative Effort With Various E-Commerce Online Service Platforms, Charitable Organizations, Partisan Political Assemblies, Technological Firms, and Social Media Networks - Primarily Google, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy, as Well as Both eBay and Facebook, Whose Founders, Pierre Omidyar and Mark Zuckerberg Have Expressed Concern Regarding the Infiltration of the Nationally Syndicated Telecommunications Industry by ‘Alt-Right’ Propagandists and Conspiratorial Adherents - George Soros, 86, Hungarian-Born International Business Magnate, Multibillionaire Financial Investor, and Key Political Contributor to the 2016 Hillary Rodham Clinton Presidential Campaign; by Way of His Open Society Foundations (OSF) Collective, Actively Funding Global Fact-Checking Initiative Through the IFCN (International Fact-Checking Network - Established in September of 2015, Described as a Transcontinental Fact-Checking Forum Hosted by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies) That Will Pilot the Development of a 3rd Party Run News Monitoring System on Facebook

Published articles or reports from outside the conventional mainstream media conglomerate will be reviewed by representatives of ABC News, Politico, Snopes, and the Washington Post as a means of insuring journalistic integrity

Information that has been disputed by these 3rd party intermediaries will be flagged prior to its publication by users attempting to post it to the news feeds of subscribers, thereby prohibiting the promotion of ‘sensationalist’ material



Senate Earmarks the Passage of the Major Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill, Also Known as the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act," Into the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report as Part of Coordinated Strategy to Defend America, as Well as Its Allies, Against Propaganda From Russia, China, and Others

The bipartisan provision, which was first introduced by U.S. Senators Rob Portman (Republican National Committee Representative from Ohio) and Chris Murphy (Democratic National Committee Representative from Connecticut) in March of 2016, establishes a State Department run interagency collective, together with the participation and assistance of active senior level representatives from the Department of Defense, USAID (United States Agency for International Development), the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the intelligence community (National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, etc.), and other organizations, that will be tasked with the responsibility of coordinating and synchronizing counter-propaganda efforts at the Federal level

The directive also expands the authority, resource capabilities, and scope of regency of the Global Engagement Center to include state actors like Russia and China, in addition to radical extremist organizations, as viable threats in the dissemination of material deemed contradictory to fact-based oratory

The prior stated legislative mandate also facilitates the creation of a specialized grant program for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think tanks, civil society groups, private sector companies, multimedia conglomerates, and other experts outside government purview to effectively engage the threat of foreign-generated news disinformation by analyzing trends pertaining to various techniques of journalistic manipulation being conducted by foreign governments and institutional agencies



Sadiq Aman Khan, a British Politician and the Mayor of London Since May of 2016, Establishing a Taxpayer-Funded Online Hate Crime Bureau in Collaboration With Various Social Media Firms to Police the Internet

The London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) to spend in excess of £1,730,726 of Britain’s tax base funds to finance the enforcement of regulations pertaining to Section 127 of the Communications Act of 2003 following a monetary grant solicitation to the Home Office Police Innovation Fund (PIF)




The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations (UN) Affiliate, at the Insistence of a Coalition of More Than 200 U.S. Civil Rights Groups and Organizations, to Send 500 Internationally Accredited Observers to Monitor the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, a Tenfold Increase From the Number They Deployed in 2012

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Pondering the Use of Formal Declaration as a Means of Manipulating the Electoral Process

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson considering several options pertaining to the upcoming election’s reclassification as a “critical infrastructure,” granting the U.S. Federal Government a similar degree of authority over security provisions during the 2016 Presidential Election as those that are routinely employed as safeguards over Wall Street and the electrical power grid

REPORT: Three Million Votes in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Were Cast by Illegal Aliens

Greg Phillips, founder and spokesman for, affirms suspicions of electoral misconduct following lengthy informational analysis of voter registration database containing 180 million individual entries




Studies Published in December of 2015 by the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) Corporation - Utilized in Conjunction With a Computer Generated Simulation Entitled ‘Food Chain Reaction’ That Was Initially Developed by Experts From the U.S. State Department, the World Bank, Agribusiness Conglomerate Cargill, as Well as Several Key Independent Specialists - Herald the Possibility of a Protracted Global Food Crisis From 2020 to 2030 Caused by a 395% Price Increase

Cost expenditures pertaining to the manufacture, cultivation, and distribution of adequate food supplies calculated in advance of market value fluctuation and economic instability, population growth, significant increases in the price of petroleum, urbanization, catastrophic weather anomalies, prolonged crop yield deficiencies, and civil unrest

The desktop gaming exercise involved the participation of 65 officials from the United States, Europe, Africa, India, Brazil, and various multilateral and intergovernmental institutions





U.S. Marshals Service in Houston, Texas; Detaining Individuals Deemed to Be Delinquent in the Repayment of Federally-Subsidized Student Loans - Arrests in Compliance With Government Mandate

Gene Green, U.S. Representative and DNC-affiliate for Texas’s 29th Congressional District, warns of collusion between the Federal Government and private debt collection agencies, as attorneys acting as legal representation for the Department of Education petition the court system to utilize the U.S. Marshals Service as an instrument of law enforcement


Recently Published Annual Global Wealth Prospectus by Credit Suisse Highlights an Unprecedented Concentration of Wealth Among the World’s Most Affluent With 0.7% of the Adult Population, a Figure Equating to 33 Million, Possessing an Estimated $116.6 Trillion







Laboratory-Engineered Chimeric Coronavirus Strain Spurs Debate Within the Scientific Community Regarding the Unintended Consequences of Gain-of-Function Research (GOFR)

A study published in the Nature Medicine online periodical on November 9, 2015 by a field team of scientists under the direction of Ralph S. Baric, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, involving the utilization of a biosynthetically manipulated expression of SHC014-CoV¹ – a viral contagion endemic to rufuous horseshoe bat (Binomial nomenclature: Rhinolophus sinicus) species in mainland China (a mammalian vertebrate of the Chiroptera taxonomic order that is also indigenous to portions of India, Nepal, and Vietnam) – as a means of ascertaining its disease potential in the civilian population by virtue of an underlying trans-specieal component elicits concern

In 2015, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (located in Xiaohongshan, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China) participated in a collaborative venture where GOFR experimentation conducted on the premises of each institution augmented the pathogen’s infectious potential through the use of reverse genetics, thereby authoring into existence an amorphous chimeric strain pairing the SHC014 surface protein encapsulate with the polypeptide backbone⁴ sequence of a SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus capable of transcending specieal boundaries by virtue of its propensity to effectively compromise the integrity of the human HeLa (A portmanteau abbreviation referencing Henrietta Lacks, a 31-year-old African-American mother of five who succumbed to the ravages of cervical cancer on October 4, 1951. The tissue extractions were obtained from Lacks on February 5, 1951, by researchers in an attempt to hasten the development of an artificially engineered cell culture possessing heightened durability and resistance to infection) cell line. This mutagenic taxon, christened with the label, ‘RaTG13’ (Rhinolophus affinis baT Genome 13 – the use of the ‘13’ numeric coinciding with the presence of 13 separate SARS-COV-2 isolates), closely associated with a bat-borne pneumonic plague that would subsequently ravage a significant portion of central China’s Hubei Province, specifically the capital city of Wuhan, where the contagion is believed to have originated (Link). Four years prior to the aforementioned academically subsidized endeavor, 117 anal swabs and fecal samples were extracted from a Chinese rufuous horseshoe bat colony in Kunming County (Yunnan Province, located in the south-western periphery of the People’s Republic of China) from April 2011 to September 2012 with 27 of the 117 acquired specimens (23%) containing seven different isolates of SARS-like coronaviruses, two of which had yet to be formally classified (RsSHC014 and Rs3367) in a scientific setting (Link)

¹ SHC014-CoV – Src² Homology³ and Collagen 014 – CoronaVirus (The ‘014’ identifier recognized as a point of reference indicating the numeric position of the contagion’s spike protein sequence in correlation with its genomic distinction. The use of the numeral also alluding to the disease’s commonality with that of other SARS – otherwise known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – related illnesses, as each possess 14 potential major opening reading frames that encode replicase, spike “S”, envelope, membrane, and nucleocapsid proteins)

² The ‘Src’ abbreviation referencing the term ‘Sarcoma,’ synonymous with a heteroclite (atypical, abnormal) cellular manifestation – the resultant by-product of unconstrained increases in the volume of cytoplasmic repositories comprising the plasmalemmal interior, nucleic envelope, and organellar subunit, all of which are acknowledged prerequisites in the gestation of malignant neoplasms (cancerous tumors). The use of the aforementioned abridgement in this context referencing a non-receptor oncogenal protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) whose level of intercellular engagement is predicated on the activation spectrum of a multitudinous array of cell receptors possessing varying degrees of specialization, most notably: immune response, adhesion (The process by which cells interact and attach to adjacent biomolecularly compartmentalized structures, yielding the formation of a matrix junction that effectively determine the polarity and physiological functional parameters of tissue-based extracts; mediated by heterodimeric transmembranous receptors – integrins – that bind a cell’s cytoskeletal assembly to the extracellular matrix or ECM), gene transcription, apoptosis, migration, and transformation.

³ Homology is the coterminous affinity of a particular structure in relation to its physiology, life cycle progression, and/ or purpose of function based on its descent from a common evolutionary ancestor or position within a homogeneically predefined hierarchal dynamic.

⁴ In virology, the use of the term, “backbone,” emblematic of RNA-centric (RiboNucleic Acid-centric) pathogenic derivatives, the analysis of which involves the process of metatranscriptomic sequencing. This scientific methodology used to identify variations in gene expression when exposed to certain microbial environments. Zheng-Li Shi et al. later utilizing this information to formulate the construction of phylogenetic profiles elaborating on the transmutative commonality of viruses. Their findings establishing comparability with the phylogenies of RNA-specific contagions and that of their vertebrate host organisms, thus providing conclusive evidence of a companion chronological similarity dating back to the evolutionary cycle of marine life – from oceanic tetrapods to their surface dwelling amphibian counterparts. Shi’s hypothetical postulation emphasizing the existence of an undisclosed variable pertaining to the disease’s properties of transmissibility, specifically the capability of said illness to manifest cross specieal latency


Methods and Compositions for Chimeric Coronavirus Spike Proteins – International Application Published Under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) International Bureau (International Publication Number: WO 2015/143335 A1/ Filing Date: March 20, 2015)


Figure 1. Phylogenetic Tree Based on the Amino Acid Sequences of the S RBD¹ sector and the Two Parental Regions of Bat SL-COV² or RsSHC014

¹ Spike Protein Receptor Binding Domain

² SARS-Like COronaVirus Rs3367³

³ Rhinolophus sinicus, recognized as the binomial nomenclature designation of the rufuous horseshoe bat with the ‘3367’ numeric identified as the genomic cycle of the aforementioned phylogenetic tree constructed from the alignments of two disparate fragments encompassing the nucleotide chain signatures 20,827–26,533 and 26,534 –28,685

Figure 2. Phylogenetic Analysis of S (Spike) Glycoprotein of SARS‐CoV‐2 Strains and Representative Viruses of the Coronavirinae Subfamily

The first nationally reported SARS‐CoV‐2 isolates were closely clustered to RaTG13 (97.41% identity), pangolins‐CoV (92.22% identity), and bat‐SL‐CoV (80.36% identity) resulting in the formation of a new clade 2 (2nd Generation) in lineage B of β CoV (Betacoronavirus, one of four randomly occurring variations of the coronavirus contagion prevalent in human populations, the others being: Alphacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus)


Proponents of a Globally Centralized Authority, as Well as Constituents Within the UN (United Nations), Attempting to Implement a Compulsory Transnational Biometric Identity Verification System - The Actualization of Which Would Be in Compliance With the 16.9 Targeted Subsection of the 2030 Agenda, a Stipulative Measure Promoting the Establishment of Legal Identity and Birth Registration for the Entirety of the World’s Population Under Extrajudicial Mandate

The Obama Administration, in Collaboration With the UN, to Effect the Establishment of a Globally Centralized Law Enforcement Directorate

Formal proclamation believed to coincide with the U.S. Federal Government’s recent legislative passage of the Strong Cities Initiative

Dictators and Billionaires Across the Globe Demand the Creation of a UN (United Nations) Tax Authority

Coalition designed to facilitate the establishment of a UN-coordinated monetary directorate is inclusive of more than 130 internationally recognized governments and dictatorships comprising the G77 Alliance



China Actively Pursuing an Increased Role in the Establishment of a New World Order

Communist regime seeks to redefine the concept of global economic governance


Lawrence Wilkerson, Formerly Employed as the Chief of Staff to One-Time U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Between 2002 and 2005, Offers His Perspective Regarding the Concentrated Nature of Political Power and Influence in the Current System of Governance During a Syndicated Interview With Radio Baltkom

Statements made to the Latvian radio station echoing the concerns of many with claims of intergovernmental collusion where the U.S. political process, as well as the establishment of legislative policy, is being dictated by 400 individuals (0.001% of the American population) with a combined wealth of trillions



EXCLUSIVE: Jeb Bush’s Connection to Central and South American Narcotics Trafficking Organizations and Fraudulent Real Estate Enterprises/ Money Laundering Schemes in South Florida




Controversial Policy Drafted in 2011 by High Ranking Officials Within the Obama Administration, Acting Under the Direction of the President, Emphasizes the Financial Support of Muslim Brotherhood Organizational Affiliates in Portions of the Middle East and Geographical Areas Comprising the Northern Periphery of the African Continent Under the Guise of Political Reformation

This measure, known as Presidential Study Directive-11 (PSD-11), remains classified despite efforts made by independent investigative research analysts to have the entirety, or portions of, the legislative provision released to the general public under the Freedom of Information Act




OFFICIAL RELEASE - Declassified 7-Page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Document Obtained by Members of Judicial Watch That Details the Desire of Western-Based Intelligence Agencies to Facilitate the Rise of Islamic State as a Means of Isolating the Influence and Power Base of Assad’s Syrian Regime

Declassified U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Document Reveals U.S. Government Complicity in the Creation of a Sectarian al-Qaeda-Driven Rebellion in Syria

Representatives of the Western political and intelligence communities envisioned ISIS as a strategic asset in the destabilization of the region, a sequence of events that was designed to culminate in the ouster of the Assad Regime and effect a marked decrease in what the Obama Administration saw as an uncontrolled ‘Shia expansion’

Former DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Director: “U.S. Federal Government Made Willful Decision to Support ISIS in Syria”

Declassified Defense Intelligence Agency Documents from 2012 that were originally released in May of 2015 revealed that the United States, as well as collaborating agencies present within the Gulf states (Primarily Saudi Arabia, the UAE - United Arab Emirates, and Qatar) and Turkey, provided monetary aid and support to Islamic State militancy groups to foster the establishment of a Salafist Principality in Syria







Recent Airport Security Tests Conducted by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General Indicate That Screening Officers Employed by the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) Failed to Detect the Presence of Contraband – Specifically Explosives/ Incendiary Devices and Other Weaponry – at a Staggering Rate of 95%, With 67 of 70 Nationally Administered Trial-Based Investigations Resulting in Failure

In a shameless attempt to refute their inadequacies, the agency, which costs American taxpayers an estimated $7 billion annually, released the following statement in response to the panel’s findings:

“TSA cannot confirm or deny the results of internal tests and condemns the release of any information that could compromise our nation’s security.”

NOTE: The TSA was created on November 19, 2001 through the enactment of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA, Pub.L. 107–71) by the 107th United States Congress in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks





Citing National Security Concerns, the Chinese Government Institutes Additional Restrictions on Internet Accessibility



European Parliament’s Adoption of Bail-In Propositions as the Fundamental Standard to Maintaining the Economic Solvency of Financial Institutions Across the Continent to Take Effect on January 1st of 2016



Economist Martin Armstrong: “The U.S. Federal Government, Through a Supreme Court Ruling in the Case of Tibble v. Edison, Plans to Seize 401(K) Pension Funds Using the Arbitrary Justification of ‘Consumer Protectionism’” – Nationalization of the Retirement System to Usher in a New Era of Economic Authoritarianism



China, G77 Alliance Representatives, and United Nations Director Ban Ki-moon Use the 50th Anniversary of the Group of 77 Global Summit as an Internationalist Venue to Actively Promote the Institution of a ‘New World Order for Living Well





Spain’s Lower House of Parliament’s Passage of the Ley Mordaza, Also Known as the Citizen Safety Law or Gag Rule Edict, Effectively Criminalizes Public Demonstration Through Threats of Incarceration and the Levying of Punitive Damages in the Form of Government Sanctioned Fines and Penalties


The Fukushima Legacy: The Entire Population of North America Deemed Susceptible to the Development of Cancer







Ethiopian Migrant Women Subjected to an Unsolicited Regimen of Mandatory Contraceptive Injections by Healthcare Officials in the State of Israel Under the Guise of Medical Concerns Associated With Premature Births and Complications Stemming From Unplanned Pregnancies¹

The administration of Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone), a synthetic form of progesterone designed to inhibit ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary), authorized by the nation’s parliament in response to the burgeoning influx of immigrants into the country from geographic regions meriting ‘Third World’ designation, specifically the African continent

¹ Clinically documented pregnancy complications:

1) Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
2) Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)
3) Placenta Previa
4) Preeclampsia





Obama Administration Plans to Nationalize 401(K) Retirement Accounts

Proposed Government Regulations Mandate the Creation of Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) Under Federal Jurisdiction That Would Grant Agencies Authority Over the Disbursement of Monetary Funds and Benefits Packages to Prospective Retirees





White United States Postal Service (USPS) Employee Brutalized by Two Unidentified Black Females in an Unprovoked Assault Purportedly Influenced by a Desire to Obtain Their $1,400 Share of Acting U.S. President Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden’s $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan Economic Stimulus Package

The disturbing footage, which was broadcast online using a Facebook social media platform-specific video services utility, was captured in Flint, Michigan, following a verbal altercation between the two parties after the USPS vehicle had sustained structural damage to its hood from a collision with the assailants’ 4×4 SUV

DISCLAIMER: The exact nature of the circumstances surrounding this incident remain undetermined, as corporate telecommunications outlets and their journalistic affiliates are attempting to establish a narrative for the vicious attack while conveniently overlooking the possibility that the crime being perpetrated against the victim was a racially motivated act


SUV – Sports Utility Vehicle

USPS – United States Postal Service




Citing the Racist Legacy of America in Its Exploitation of Slave Labor to Engineer Wealth Creation and Elevate the Standard of Living of ‘Privileged’ Segments of Society, Former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama Emphasizes the Necessity of Monetary Reparations Being Formally Instituted by the Federal Government to Benefit All Black Americans as a Justifiable Redress of Grievance

Obama’s controversial line of commentary broadcast during the second episode of an 8-part series of interviews conducted by Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen for the ‘Renegades: Born in the USA’ podcast syndication airing on the Spotify audio streaming and media services network

The show’s title inspired by the American singer, songwriter, and musician’s anthemic, ‘Born in the USA’ ballad which catapulted the Long Branch, New Jersey-born native to stardom in the entertainment industry

One of the more notable utterances from the 42nd President of the United States outlined in the context of the following:

“There’s not much question that the wealth of this country, the power of this country was built in significant part, not exclusively, maybe not even the majority of it, but a large portion of it was built on the backs of slaves.”

Obama would later go on to state that even after the practice of chattel slavery was discontinued in America, “the systematic oppression and discrimination of black Americans” proceeded unabated with the advent of Jim Crow laws – segregationist policy implemented at the state and local jurisdictional level

In response to these revelations of ‘systemic bias and inequality,’ the one-time commander-in-chief proffered this assertion:

“So if you’re thinking what’s just, you would just look back and you would say the descendants of those who suffered those kinds of terrible cruel, and often arbritrary injustices, deserve some sort of regress, some sort of compensation. A recognition.”

Yet another segment of the coordinated verbal exchange details Obama’s disappointment in the reluctance of white America to embrace the proposal, citing “the politics of white resistance” and “white resentment” as being the greatest obstacles confronting the passage of a legitimate restitutional mandate, a fact evidenced in the stanza below:

“The talk of welfare queens and the talk of undeserving poor and the backlash against affirmative action, all that made the prospect of actually proposing any kind of coherent meaningful reparations program struck me as politically, not only a nonstarter, but potentially counterproductive.”





Taxpayer Funded Educational Institutions in Buffalo, New York; Begin Introducing Curriculum at the Grade School Level Emphasizing the Inherent Predisposition of “All White People to Play a Role in the Perpetuation of Systemic Racism” With Children as Young as Four Forced to Watch Videos of Dead Black Youth to Combat the Ever Present Scourge of “Racist Police and State Sanctioned Violence” Against Ethnic Minorities

Devised by Fatima Morrell, the Associate Superintendent for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Initiatives, the principal theme of the public school district’s “woke¹” designated lesson plans are devoted exclusively to the recognition of systemic bias in the United States with the following areas of focus highlighted in a recent online publication by the City Journal:

1) Kindergarten to First Grade – Four to six-year-olds are expected to compare and contrast their skin color with various arrangements of crayons as an assignment designed to gauge the tendency of students to associate different shades of color with the conferrence of social privilege and acceptability.

2) Fifth Grade – Students are taught that America is responsible for the actualization of a “school-to-grave pipeline” for black children and that, as adults, “one million Black people have been ‘unjustifiably’ incarcerated in cages” as a result.

3) Sixth to Eighth Grade – Attendees are required to learn about the racist legacy of American society with the deliberate “impoverishment of people of color and the enrichment of white people” through the creation of a “social system that has racist economic inequality built into its foundation.” The “current wealth gap the direct result of black slavery, which created unjust wealth for white people” who have exploited this socioeconomic irregularity to become “unfairly rich.”

4) Ninth to Twelfth Grade – Students must demonstrate competency in the acknowledgement of putative differences between white European and traditional African systems of justice. Whites are identified as the progenitors of a “retributive, merit-based” criminal justice system, which relies on harsh sentencing guidelines which only serve to foster inequalities, as opposed to traditional Africans, who concentrate their attention on “restorative, needs-based” rehabilitation focused on healing, where the prioritization of “collective values” over individual rights is of paramount importance.

¹ Woke Orthodoxy - A reinterpretation of the social compact emphasizing victim mentality as justification for the redress of grievance. Authored into existence in the 1940s era with the Oxford English Dictionary cataloging its emergence in contemporary sociolectal convention, specifically Ebonic² phoneticism, through the literary exploits of William Melvin Kelly (November 1, 1937 – February 1, 2017), who associated the term’s use with the tendency of white anticonformists to engage in acts of linguistic appropriation with the adoption of African American phrases and expressions into their lexical patois, concerns that were manifest in a 1962 article entitled, “If You’re Woke You Dig It.” In its current state, the conceptualization of woke ideology functions as an ideational aspect of liberal progressivism, with the fundamental tenets of its inception prevalent in a veritable litany of sociopolitical disciplines, the most notable of which focusing on the subjects of cultural inclusivity, ethnic diversity (multiculturalism), environmentalism, LGBTQ rights, and racial equity.

² Ebonics recognized as a portmanteau of the words ‘ebony’ and ‘phonics,’ now commonly referred to as African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), Black English Vernacular (BEV), or Black English by academicians in the interest of removing less favorable connotations surrounding the literary expression’s principal origin, where the fundamental precepts governing its establishment as a dialectal variant of the Indo-European standard arose from the descendants of enslaved African populations, primarily in portions of West Africa, the Caribbean, and North America. Modern iterations of the term’s utlization in public forums relying primarily on the exploitation of perception by a nebulous coterie of Elitist malefactors attempting to undermine the fabric of society at the communal level through a coordinated strategy of ethnocentricism, whereby habitually marginalized segments of the populace can be goaded into conflict with their peers based solely on differences related to one’s physical appearance (melanin concentration, an immutable biological characteristic that determines skin tone and the pigmentation thereof, has been seized upon by contemporary institutions and agencies as an instrument of division whereby individuals possessing a genetic predisposition to pale or ashen complexions are labeled ‘inferior’ and ‘subhuman’ – Link 1, Link 2) and the ‘derogatory’ historical implications such contradistinctions entail.


AAVE – African-American Vernacular English

BEV – Black English Vernacular

LGBTQ – Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer



*VIDEO* – Unidentified Black Prepubescent Youth Initiates Unprovoked Physical Assault on a White Child of Similar Age at the Behest of an Adult Family Member

DISCLAIMER: The exact location and circumstances surrounding this particular event remain undisclosed, as there is no information present within the video's description that would otherwise indicate its place of origin

*VIDEO* – Unidentified Black Male Douses White Customer Service Attendant in Lighter Fluid on the Premises of a Convenience Store in an Undisclosed Location

DISCLAIMER: The exact nature of the circumstances surrounding this event remains a mystery, as the link to the original video was generated under a different title description on It is assumed, however, that the assailant pictured in the CCTV (Closed-Circuit TeleVision) film footage was in the process of committing some type of robbery, the classification of which meriting one of three possible designations:

Robbery – Firearm (3a): The use of a firearm as an instrument of intimidation whereby the victim of such an encounter is visibly threatened with potential loss of life should they refuse to acquiesce to the demands of a suspect

Robbery – Knife or Cutting Instrument (3b): A criminal act involving the use of a knife, broken bottle, razor, ice pick, or other cutting/ stabbing utensil for the express purpose of intimidation

Robbery – Other Dangerous Weapon (3c): An event constituting the use or deployment of a blunt object, acid, incendiary device, brass knuckles or spiked glove accessories, Mace, pepper spray, et al. by an individual in an overt attempt to elicit fear and trepidation

It is also unclear as to where this particular incident took place, as there is no definitive indication present in the posting’s declaration


CCTV – Closed-Circuit TeleVision



Susan Lisa Rosenberg¹, 64, One-Time Collaborative Member of the Weather Underground Organization (WUO)² and Convicted Domestic Terrorist, Actively Laundering Money to Various Chapters of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) Through the Thousand Currents Charity Initiative

Rosenberg serves as the Vice-Chair on the aforementioned charity’s Board of Directors, a position she inherited in 2020

A 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, Thousand Currents provides the legal and administrative framework, by virtue of a fiscal sponsorship agreement, to the BLMGNF

According to Thomas “Tom” J. Fitton, the acting President of Judicial Watch, monetary assets connected to the self-proclaimed ‘grass roots’ charity are being funneled from ActBlue, a George Soros-funded collective possessing 501(c)(3) distinction that routinely sponsors the activities of secular progressive institutions and agencies, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and other leftist intermediaries

¹ Born on October 5th in 1955, Susan Lisa Rosenberg is characterized as an American activist, author, and advocate for social justice and prison reform. An active member of the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO), Rosenberg pledged to overthrow the U.S. Federal Government through various means, including but not limited to: acts of violence perpetrated against law enforcement officers, coordinated bombing raids on government buildings, wanton destruction of property, forcible coercion, witness tampering and intimidation, et al. The M19CO, whose name was derived from the birthdays of Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X, was an operant appendage of the Black Liberation Army (BLA) whose membership was comprised of a roster of individuals from the Black Panthers, as well as the Republic of New Afrika (RNA). A fugitive for two years sought by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for her role in aiding and abetting the 1979 prison escape of Assata Olugbala Shakur (born JoAnne Deborah Byron; July 16, 1947, sometimes referred to by her married surname Chesimard) (a convicted felon and accomplice to the 1973 first-degree murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster), as well as the 1981 Brink’s robbery that resulted in the premature deaths of two police officers (Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown, members of the Nyack, New York precinct) and a security guard (Peter Paige), Rosenberg was apprehended in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives. Sentenced to a term of 58 years on charges stemming from the FBI’s confiscation of illegally obtained incendiary weapons and unregistered firearms and munitions, Rosenberg’s sentence was commuted to time served by then President William “Bill” Jefferson Clinton on January 20, 2001, what was subsequently recorded as his final day in office.

² Oftentimes referred to as the Weather Underground, the WUO was a communist subversive, radical far left militant alliance founded on the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan in 1969 as a compartmentalized extension of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) known as the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM). The seditionist ensemble’s denomination inspired by a lyrical verse outlined in the contents of a song written in 1965 by musician Bob Dylan, the title of the melody being “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” and the stanza bearing mention being, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” This particular line of the ballad also serving as the title of a document distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago, Illinois; on June 18, 1969 emphasizing the necessity of assembling a “white fighting force” that would act in concert with the BLA and other left wing extremist affiliates to achieve “the destruction of U.S. imperialism” through the formation of a “classless communist world.”


Weather Underground Manifesto – Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism | Political Statement of the Weather Underground (1974, Communications Co.)


BLA – Black Liberation Army

BLMGNF – Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation

DNC – Democratic National Committee

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

M19CO – May 19th Communist Organization

RNA – Republic of New Afrika

RYM – Revolutionary Youth Movement

SDS – Students for a Democratic Society

WUO – Weather Underground Organization

Controversial Written Proposal Released by the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF), MPD150 (Minneapolis Police Department 150-Year Performance Review), and Other Activist Organizations in the Aftermath of the Premature Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the Hands of Law Enforcement Outlines a List of Demands as Part of an Ongoing Vision of Restorative Justice in the Dismantling of Conventional Institutions of Criminal Law

The itemized inventory detailed in the following:

The utilization of independently accredited mental health care professionals in place of armed law enforcement contingents in the resolution of violent altercations that are the result of psychological infirmity

Monetary funding for community outreach organizations to invest in the construction of shelters and affordable housing to accommodate the needs of homeless populations across the nation

The elimination of traffic citations in their entirety with subsequent violations of state and local government regulation addressed through written communication

The utilization of residential tribunals in place of law enforcement in addressing domestic violence, with members of the community responsible for coordinating an adequate response to the concerns of the affected parties

The establishment of specialized networks designed to address the physical and emotional needs of victims of sexual violence

The delegation of monetary funding for the express purpose of investing in the prevention of sex trafficking through the eradication of socioeconomic vulnerability

The legalization of marijuana and the coordinated release of incarcerated segments of the population for low-level drug offenses that disproportionately impact “communities of color”

The decriminalization of prostitution and other forms of employment pertaining to the sex entertainment industry

The formation of independent labor unions designed to ensure individuals possess the necessary insurance, child care essentials, and safety/ health care precautions to maintain a gainful level of employment in the sex entertainment industry

The institution of restorative justice measures (victims and offenders come to a consensus with regard to the resolution of disputes in the presence of the local community) at the city level to address property crime, specifically as it pertains to theft and burglary of residential dwellings


MPD150 – Minneapolis Police Department 150-Year Performance Review

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Openly Acknowledges the Organization’s Marxist Ideological Stance During a Syndicated Interview With an Independent Media Affiliate

Patrisse Cullors, then 32 years of age, appeared as a guest on Jared Ball’s ‘I Mix What I Like!’ podcast (An episodic series airing on the Real News Network) to discuss the history and inherent purpose of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, affirming its necessity as an intercessor for habitually marginalized segments of the civilian population on the basis of racial identity, sexual orientation, and religious proclivity

The adjunct professor at Prescott Arizona, who possesses a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Religion and Philosophy from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) and a Master of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Southern California’s (USC) Roski School of Art and Design, using the BLM platform as a springboard to “foster a queer-affirming network” and “build a space” that is “free from sexism, misogyny, and environments which men are centered” through the abolition of the heteronormative exemplar


UCLA – University of California, Los Angeles

USC – University of Southern California



President of the BLM Chapter of Greater New York: “Give Black People Back Their Rights or We Will Burn This Country to Ashes” – *VIDEO*

The controversial proclamation of intent made by Hawk Newsome, 43, during the course of a mass public demonstration conducted in Times Square on June 7, 2020, just four days removed from his open declaration of war on law enforcement

Ayanna Soyini Pressley, 46, the Acting DNC-Affiliated (Democratic National Committee-Affiliated) U.S. Representative for the State of Massachusetts’s 7th Congressional District: “Black Lives Matter is a Mandate From the People. It’s Time -- Pay Us What You Owe Us”

The Congresswoman emphasizing the necessity of dismantling systems of oppression in America, openly declaring her support for the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation while equating the impetus for its formation to the birth of a contemporary civil rights movement worthy of national recognition

Pressley’s divisive line of commentary made during the course of a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, the full context of which detailed in the following stanzas:

“Madam speaker, I rise today on behalf of every black family that has been robbed of a child. On behalf of every family member that has been forced to see their loved one lynched on national television. Driving while black. Jogging while black. Sleeping while black. We have been criminalized for the very way we show up in the world. Under the harsh gaze of far too many, my black body is seen as a threat, always considered armed.”

“Centuries of institutionalized oppression will not be undone overnight, for racism in America is as structural as the marble pillars of this very institution. With the power of the pen we must legislate accountability, dismantle these systems, and move in the direction of justice and healing. The Justice in Policing Act is a critical step forward and I applaud the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus.”

Despite the proposals present within the written framework of the aforementioned directive, Pressley would later assert the importance of mass demonstration as justifiable recourse in the redress of grievance in the following proclamation:

“Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time -- pay us what you owe us. Our black skin is not a crime. It is the beautiful robe of nation-builders.”


The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020




Black Separatist Paramilitary Organization Field Operatives Tacitly Threaten the Life of a White Commuter During a Coordinated Procession in the State of Georgia, Later Issuing an Ultimatum to the U.S. Federal Government, Demanding That It Cede Them Control Over the State of Texas to Allow for the Establishment of an Autonomous Pan-African Nation State





Citing the Racist Legacy of Its Author as Justification for Its Rescission, Historian Daniel E. Walker and Syndicated Author Kevin Powell Emphasize the Necessity of Replacing the Star-Spangled Banner With a More Culturally Inclusive Chorale




Shaun King – the Nom De Guerre for His Legally Recognized Identity of Jeffrey Shaun King – 40, Openly Emphasizes the Necessity of Removing Representations of What Has Oftentimes Been Referred to as ‘White Jesus’ in Black Separatist Organizations, Associating Their Erection in Places of Worship in the United States With Emblems of White Supremacy, Hallmarks of Systemic Oppression and Eurocentric Propaganda

The high-profile supporter of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary for president credited with the following utterances, all of which having been issued on Twitter’s online correspondence/ social interaction utility at various junctures on June 22, 2020:

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”

“Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form (the Morehouse College alumnus having left out, ‘of,’ a fundamental component of sentence structure in the English language used to combine two nouns, especially when the first identifies the feature of the second) white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

In yet another statement, what could be construed as a follow-up to prior pronouncements, King openly questions Jesus’s existence as a historical figure, an assertion widely refuted by a vast majority of New Testament theologians and religious scholars, the full context of which reads as follows:

“We can debate rather or not Jesus was real all day long. What I do know, is that white Jesus is a lie. And is a tool of white supremacy created and advanced to help white people use the faith as a tool of oppression. Also, they never would’ve accepted a religion from a Brown man.”

King is no stranger to controversy as the author, syndicated columnist, ‘civil rights’ activist, co-founder of the Real Justice PAC (Political Action Committee), and prominent fixture of the Black Lives Matter Movement received an Oprah Winfrey-sponsored academic scholarship to Morehouse College (A prestigious, private historically black all men’s university located in Atlanta, Georgia) under false pretense – his claims of biracial identity proven to be devoid of merit (Link 1, Link 2) – the polarizing political pundit refusing to respond to allegations of journalistic misrepresentation, choosing instead to attribute any lingering doubts pertaining to his cultural heritage to be born of a white nationalist/ right-wing extremist coordinated smear campaign

The prominent media personality having appeared on a number of platforms, most recently ‘The Young Turks (TYT)’ in 2018


PAC – Political Action Committee





EXPLOITATION OF CIRCUMSTANCE: Acting Under the Direction of Recently Installed President Rebecca “Becky” S. Pringle, the National Education Association (NEA) of the United States Shamelessly Politicizes Its Position on the Declaration of a National Public Health Emergency With the Release of a Comprehensive ‘All Hands on Deck: Guidance on Reopening School Buildings’ Address Emphasizing the Necessity of Inclusivity for Habitually Marginalized Segments of the Civilian Population as a Standard Prerequisite of Academic Instruction – *VIDEO*

The federally subsidized organization issuing the following statement in advance of the upcoming grade school semester:

“Ensure that school building reopening plans are inclusive and equitable for all educators and students by humanizing learning environments and designing spaces that are situated in the experiences of communities of color, not just through White, cis-hetero, and able-bodied lenses.” (All Hands on Deck: Guidance on Reopening School Buildings – Page 12, School Campuses Are Hubs for the Community Sectional, Subsection 2)


Appearing on CNN (Cable News Network), Outgoing NEA President Lily Eskelsen García Openly Declares That ‘No One Should Listen to the Advice of U.S. President Donald Trump, or Betsy DeVos, the Current Secretary of Education, Regarding the Resumption of Academic Instruction During the Height of a Debilitating Pandemic’


All Hands on Deck: Guidance on Reopening School Buildings | National Education Association (NEA) of the United States (July 2020)


CNN – Cable News Network

NEA – National Education Association




William A. “Sandy” Darity Jr., Samuel DuBois Cook Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies and Economics, and Director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University; Together With His Wife, Andrea Kirsten Mullen, a Noted Author and Founder of the Carolina Circuit Writers Literary Consortium, Emphasize the Necessity of Restitutional Mandate in the Amount of $12 Trillion to Benefit Ethnic Minorities in the United States as a Measure of Atonement for Individuals Whose Ancestors Endured Undue Physical and Emotional Hardship as a Result of the Legal Institution of Human Chattel Enslavement During the Course of the Nation’s Founding in 1776 Until the Passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865

The written proposal, openly promoted by The Roosevelt Institute details a coordinated plan of wealth redistribution in the amount of $10 to $12 trillion – approximately $800,000 per household – to be allocated to African Americans residing in the United States

Excerpts present within the report, entitled, “Resurrecting the Promise of 40 Acres: The Imperative of Reparations for Black Americans,” address the urgency of its progenitors in the redress of grievance, with two of the more noteworthy arrogations outlined in the following stanzas:

“The US government – the culpable party – must pay the debt. Ultimately, respect for black Americans as people and as citizens—and acknowledgment, redress, and closure for the history and financial hardship they have endured—requires monetary compensation.”


Black Reparations and the Racial Wealth Gap | William A. “Sandy” Darity, Jr., Andrea Kirsten Mullen (June 15, 2020)





Controversial Legislative Provision Prohibiting Mobile or Landline-Generated Communications to Emergency Services Personnel on the Basis of Cultural Heritage Expected to Be Ratified Into Law in Oregon

State government mandate designed to deter residents of European ancestral lineage from contacting dispatch with concerns regarding the criminal potential of suspicious elements within the community meriting ethnic minority designation

The measure, proposed by DNC (Democratic National Committee) – Affiliated District 51, Clackamas, Oregon; Congressional Representative Janelle Sojourner Bynum, formulated in response to a series of nationally publicized incidents¹ across the continental United States where a disproportionate number of civilians of Anglo-Saxon distinction elicited the services of law enforcement officials against traditionally marginalized segments of the population as a means of perpetuating an atmosphere of intimidation through overt acts of institutional discrimination

The directive part of a collaborative venture by the Oregon Legislature to “shine a spotlight on an issue African Americans have known for far too long”

Bynum, one of many co-sponsors of the proposal, attempting to rationalize the necessity of the edict with the following utterance:

“When someone gets the police called on them for just existing in public, it sends a message you don’t belong here.”

The directive also allowing for the levying of civil penalties in the amount of $250 against the perpetrators of ‘racially motivated’ telephone calls targeting routinely ostracized elements of society based solely on variances in skin complexion

¹ The Oregon State Senate Bill drawing inspiration from the following headlines:

On May 3rd of 2018 Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, both 23, were formally detained and eventually taken into custody by law enforcement officials on the grounds of a Starbucks coffee and espresso beverage provider in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; following several complaints by staff at the local eatery that questioned the legitimacy of their prolonged excursion without having finalized a purchase of any of the branch’s products

On May 9th of 2018, Lolade Siyonbola, 34, a black graduate student attending Yale University, was aroused from her slumber at 1:30AM by campus police following an unsolicited communication from an unidentified white female who accused her of trespassing on the grounds of the facility

On May 18th of 2018, a black family attempting to use a grilling station at an Oakland, California recreation center overlooking Lake Merritt was verbally accosted by an unidentified woman of Caucasian descent who – prior to contacting police – insisted that the group had intentionally misused the park’s public amenities by using a charcoal grill, instead of a city ordinance compliant “non-charcoal” device





Disturbing Line of Commentary Made by Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump During the Course of a Bipartisan Immigration Reform Conference in Which He Labeled Haiti, El Salvador, as Well as the Whole of Africa, as “Shithole” Countries When Questioned Regarding the Travel of Various Population Segments Into the Continental United States, Igniting a Media Firestorm

Disparaging remarks purportedly follow a series of controversial statements where the President proffered the suggestion that the vast majority of Haitian immigrants traffick AIDS into the United States, and that Nigerian foreign nationals – upon their admittance into the country – would never “go back to their huts” in Africa





Kehinde Wiley, 41, the Official Portrait Artist for One-Time U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, Facing a Renewed Sense of Scrutiny Following Revelations of Past Works Depicting the Regal Semblance of an African American Woman Clutching the Severed Head of an Unidentified White Female, a web-based destination frequented by skeptics whose administrative analysts pride themselves on delegitimizing sensationalist claims and rhetorical innuendo, were unable to refute critic’s assertions regarding the racially-insensitive nature of the work




Carl Lemon, 63, an In-School Suspension Coordinator at Harding High School in Bridgeport Connecticut; Formally Taken Into Custody by Law Enforcement Officials Following Allegations of Terroristic Threats

Following a brief interrogation, police officers tasked with investigating the criminal complaint indicated that Lemon stated that he hates white people and couldn’t wait “for the Panthers to give the OK and a revolution begins because he will execute every white man he gets his hands on.”

The suspect also stomping on an American flag in a classroom full of students, later telling them, “this is what I think about it.”

Authorities familiar with the case said that the principal of the school found an anonymous note in her mail box stating:


Lemon had a criminal history prior to his employment with the school district, having been arrested on charges of creating a public disturbance, disorderly conduct, and harassment





William “Bill” Kristol, American Neoconservative Political Analyst and Commentator, as Well as the Founder of ‘The Weekly Standard’ Publication, Emphasizes the Necessity of Supplanting “Lazy, Decadent, Entitled, and Spoiled” White Working Class Americans With Immigrant Populations as a Means of Bolstering Productivity in the Economic and Financial Sectors





Student Attendees at Elizabethtown College, a Private Liberal Arts Institution in the State of Pennsylvania, Asked to Wear White Pins in the Shape and Guise of Puzzle Pieces to Acknowledge the Existence of White Privilege

Progressive campaign initiated by the Elizabethtown College Democrats designed to foster a sense of awareness to the plight of ethnic minorities striving to overcome the obstacles of racial inequality and institutional prejudice

The Associated Students of Madison, a Liberal Progressive Organization at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Publishes a List of Demands for Administrative Officials That Would Effectively Absolve Ethnic Minorities, Specifically Those of African Descent, From Any Monetary Costs Associated With the Levying of In-State Tuition Fees, Living Expenses, as Well as Residential Accommodations, as a Form of “Reparations” for the Practice of Slavery That Ended 150 Years Ago

The policy revisions, part of a broader collection of legislative proposals identified as the “cognitive dissonance resolution,” would also be offered to ex-convicts

The provision would also mandate the use of ten percent of the school’s monetary donations to cover the financial aid costs necessary to accommodate the needs of prospective attendees with admittance to the collegiate campus being dictated by geography as opposed to academic achievement

School officials are also being asked to institute a test-optional policy at the school on the grounds that written or oratory examinations are ethnically biased

Campus Resident Assistants (RAs) at Scripps College, a Prestigious Women’s University Located Outside Los Angeles, California; Actively Promoting the Idea That Non-White Students Attending the School Should Receive Monetary Compensation, Both for Traumatic Psychological Experiences Incurred as a Result of Microaggressions, as Well as Their Personal Opinions Echoed During the Course of Debate on the Subject

Two sets of posters, each appended with the title, “Emotional Labor 101,” are being openly circulated on the grounds of the campus, with emphasis being placed on ethnic minorities being identified as “victims of emotional labor”

Both of the posters define “emotional labor” as being forced to exert energy “for the purpose of addressing people’s feelings, educating, making people comfortable, or living up to ‘social expectations’”




Rezzas Abdulla, 33, a Muslim Practitioner and Resident of the United Kingdom, Spits in the Face of a 9-Month Old Infant, Screaming Profanities at the Distraught Baby’s Mother While Telling Her “White People Shouldn't Breed”

The incident in question occurred in South Shields, a coastal town located at the mouth of the River Tyne in England



Homeless Man With HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Tells Police He Raped ‘White Bitch’ Without a Condom

Joseph Lee Sims, 55, an HIV-infected vagrant, taken into custody by law enforcement officials in the state of Georgia on allegations of sexual assault, sodomy, reckless conduct stemming from the possible spread of a sexually transmitted disease during the commission of a crime, false imprisonment, and providing false information

Gary Blough, a White Disabled U.S. Navy Veteran, Viciously Assaulted by Three Black Youths in Daytona Beach, Florida; Following a Verbal Altercation Which Arose From His Attempts to Prevent the Trio From Torturing a Turtle on the Grounds of a Nearby Apartment Complex

Johnnie Beveritt, 18, Ryan Ponder, 23, and an unidentified 16-year-old male juvenile, facing charges of aggravated battery and animal cruelty

Blough suffered a black eye, a fractured skull, facial contusions, internal bleeding, and a concussion at the hands of the alleged assailants in the incident who were witnessed repeatedly smashing the defenseless animal on the cement





Yusri Khogali, the Co-Founder of the Toronto, Canada-Based Chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM), Equates the Absence of Melanin and Variations in Skin Pigmentation With Genetic Inferiority

Khogali’s inflammatory statements, which were posted onto Facebook’s social media platform in 2015, labeled segments of the population whose complexion and skin tone were indicative of European or Anglo-Saxon heredity, as genetic defects whose subhuman predisposition merited extinction


Black Lives Matter Separatist Openly Encourages the Death of Political Opponents and ‘Oppressive’ Segments of the Civilian Population

Black Lives Matter Advocate:

“Fuck white supremacy, fuck the U.S. Empire, fuck your imperialist ass lives. That shit gotta go. White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all! Pay the fuck up. Pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, It’s your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change. And we need to start killing people, first we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House!”

The vulgar diatribe of prejudicial statements and threats were made during the course of an organized protest against acting U.S. President Donald Trump by a self-proclaimed preschool educational instructor in Seattle, Washington

Trey Turner, A Political Activist With Ties to a Minnesota-Based Chapter of the Black Lives Matter Organization, Exposes the Sinister Intent of the Group’s Leader, Since Identified as Brian Allen, to Raze the Governor’s Mansion, the Capitol Building, and a Local Police Station as a Show of Force Against White Institutional Oppression

The three buildings were to be burnt to the ground during an impromptu mass demonstration as each were representative of “white privilege”





Julian Castro, the Acting Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Under the Direction of the Obama Administration, Threatening to Take Legal Action Against Landlords and Various State Housing Authorities Who Actively Screen Prospective Tenants for Prior Felony Convictions

Citing several stanzas in the Fair Housing Act, as well as utilizing the sociologically derived “disparate impact” theory of racism as a form of justification, the U.S. Federal Government is prohibiting landlords from excluding convicted felons from the premises of their establishments on the basis of past criminal history as the prohibition of housing is identified as a form of institutional discrimination


HUD – Housing and Urban Development

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, the Much Maligned Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Presidential Nominee, Openly Endorses Assertions Made by Various Political Constituents Within the DNC Regarding the Need for White People and Members of the Law Enforcement Community to Embrace Change as a Means of Reducing the Number of African American Deaths During the Course of Tense Verbal or Physical Altercations With Police Officers in the United States

The “Movement for Black Lives,” a Coalition Comprised of “More Than 50 Organizations Representing Thousands of Black People From Across the Country,” Submits a 22-Page Petition as Part of “A Vision for Black Lives Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom and Justice”

The inventoried listing inclusive of the following:

1) Free and open access to all public universities

2) Retroactive forgiveness of all student loan debt and monetary obligation

3) Legislative passage of H.R. 40 (House Resolution 40), otherwise known as the “Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act,” to effect the administration of restitutional mandate

3) The elimination of the presence of law enforcement from all educational facilities and academic venues

4) The retroactive decriminalization and release of all individuals detained on narcotics and prostitution-related criminal offenses

5) The restructuring of local, state, and federal tax codes as a means of facilitating a “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth”

During the Course of a Campaign-Oriented Public Speaking Engagement in Front of a Black Audience in New Orleans, Louisiana; Timothy Michael “Tim” Kaine, Junior United States Senator From the State of Virginia and 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) Vice Presidential Nominee, Emphasizes the Necessity of Individuals of Caucasian Descent Embracing the Role of “Minorities” as a Means of Atonement for the Racist and Oppressive Tendencies of Anglo-Americans

Acting U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, While Speaking About His Legacy in a CNN Special Hosted by Fareed Zakaria, References the Existence of Institutional Bias in Certain Segments of the White Community, Citing a Stark Contrast in the Attitudes of Whites Residing in Northern States From Those of Their Southern Contemporaries Regarding the Plight of Ethnic Minorities in America

Barack Hussein Obama, the Outgoing President of the United States, During the Course of a Scheduled Public Appearance on “The Daily Show” – a Syndicated Telecast Hosted by Trevor Noah Airing Weeknights on Comedy Central and Marketed by the Entertainment Industry as an Emmy and Peabody Award-Winning Program That Looks At the Day’s Top Headlines Through a Sharp, Reality-Based Lens – Laments America’s Inability to Overcome the ‘Legacies of Slavery, Jim Crow, Colonialism, and Racism’



Documentation Made Public Saturday, August 13th of 2016, by DC Leaks, Affirms Prior Suspicions of Involvement in the Funding of the Black Lives Matter Movement by George Soros Through His Open Society Foundations (OSF) Organization

Document reveals the extent of Soros’s monetary funding to the Black Lives Matter Coalition: “recognizing the need for strategic assistance, the U.S. Programs Board approved $650,000 in opportunities fund support to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter Movement”

New revelations regarding the financier’s connection to the civil disturbances in Ferguson, Missouri; were also clarified with two Soros-linked organizations, MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) and OBS (Organization for Black Struggle), openly advertising for paid provocateurs to attend demonstrations in the beleaguered city


MORE – Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment

OBS – Organization for Black Struggle

OSF – Open Society Foundations


Mireille Fanon-Mendes-France, the Acting Chairwoman of the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, Citing the Historical Precedents of Slavery and Racial Oppression Throughout the Continental United States During the 18th and 19th Centuries, as Well as the Marginalization and Rights Suppression of Ethnic Minorities Following the Reconstruction Era, Emphasizes the Obligation of Representatives Within the U.S. Federal Government to Institute Legislation Mandating the Extraction of Monetary Reparations From Various Segments of the U.S. Population as a Form of Justifiable Recourse in the Redress of Past Grievances

The contents of the report making mention of the following:

“In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent. Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Despite substantial changes since the end of the enforcement of Jim Crow and the fight for civil rights, ideology ensuring the domination of one group over another, continues to negatively impact the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of African Americans today. The dangerous ideology of white supremacy inhibits social cohesion amongst the U.S. population”

The investigative panel’s recommendations drawn in accordance with a fact-finding mission in January of 2016 where its proponents, citing the corrosive legacy of past history in the United States as validation for its claims, openly called into question the equitability of the American criminal justice system

UN-Based Organizational Affliate ‘Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent,’ Following Numerous Closed Door Session Dialogues With Federal, State, and Local Government Officials, Judges and Lawyers, Members of Congress, Police Officers, Academics, Members of Civil Society, and Representatives of the African American Community, in Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Maryland; Jackson, Mississippi; Chicago, Illinois; and New York City, Actively Planning to Institute Legislation Forcing Certain Segments of the Civilian Population of the United States to Pay Monetary Reparations as Atonement for Slavery

The UN-based affiliate’s proposed anti-discrimination mandate, specifically paragraph F(3), would provide the U.S. Federal Government an unfettered degree of access to “financial and developmental institutional and operational programmes,” a level of authority that could then be used to siphon money from these agencies through the application of additional taxes and fees dictated by the economic necessities of impoverished African American communities





Citing an Epidemic of State-Sponsored Injustice at the Judicial Level Where Law Enforcement Officers Are Routinely Acquitted by White Majority Appellates in the Murder of Black Suspects, Elie Mystal, Accredited Lawyer and Editor of, Emphasizes the Necessity of Jury Nullification as an Instrument of Defiance Against an Openly Bias and Oppressive System of Legality

Mystal actively encourages black jurists to acquit any person of color facing criminal charges against white men or white male institutions, even so far as physical assault, forcible rape, and murder, during the course of trial proceedings as a means of leveling the playing field


Faculty at the Bank Street School for Children – an Elite Educational Facility Based in the Upper West Side of Manhattan – Acting in Compliance With a Recently Devised Diversity Program, Encourages the Segregation of Students Attending the School as a Means of Combating the Scourge of Institutional Prejudice and Discrimination

Advocates of the new approach also actively promote the concept of ‘white privilege,’ proffering the suggestion that ‘even white babies are capable of racism’

Teacher Tells Class: “To Be White Is to Be Racist, Period”

Controversial declaration made during the course of an educational lecture billed as an attempt to heal racial division by James Coursey, a white philosophy teacher employed at Norman North High School in the state of Oklahoma


Rodney Lee Wilson, Employed as a Law Enforcement Officer With the Overland Park Police Department in the State of Kansas for Little More Than a Year’s Time, Relieved of Duty Following a Series of Threatening Facebook Messages Directed Toward a Random Black Woman’s Five-Year-Old Daughter

Statements including, “We’ll see how much her life matters soon... Better be careful leaving your info open where she can be found :) Hold her close tonight, it’ll be the last time”, were believed to have been made in response to the events in Dallas


Documents Issued by the United States Department of the Army on April 2nd of 2015 Reveal That 400 Military Service Personnel Comprising the 67th Signal Battalion Stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia; Were Compelled to Attend a ‘White Privilege’ Instructional Seminar

Mandatory briefing inclusive of a powerpoint presentation providing the following information: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual... Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans”

Document also alleges the existence of unspecified “powerful forces everywhere” preventing individuals of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds from being valued, accepted, and appreciated but that the societal majority acts as though such barriers are nonexistent

Memorandum emphasizes a perceived sense of inequality facilitating the actualization of a “yawning divide” in income, wealth, and dignity governed by the existence of institutional prejudice and racial bias


New Interactive Site Created by Seattle-Based “Conceptual Artist” Natasha Marin Encourages the Voluntary Contribution of “Reparations” by Individuals of European Ancestry as a Means of Atonement for Past Grievances webpage designed to offer white people the opportunity to absolve themselves of guilt concerning the legacy of slavery in the United States by offering their services to “disadvantaged” African Americans

In accordance with the motto of “There Is Something You Can Do,” Marin touts the necessity of rental payments, college tuition assistance, grief counseling, the purchase of electronics, vehicular upgrades and accessories, etc., as acceptable forms of compensation





Numerous Black Lives Matter Supporters Celebrate the Targeted Assassination of Dallas Police Officers on the Twitter Social Communications Platform, Expressing Delight at the Slaughter of “Pigs” While Encouraging More Acts of Violence

Ashleigh Shackleford, an Event Organizer for Black Lives Matter, Claims That the Presence of Individuals Possessing European Ancestry at Political Rallies Elicits Psychosomatic Trauma in African American Attendees

In a recently published article for ‘Wear Your Voice,’ hailed as an “Intersectional Feminist Media” Outlet, Shackleford asserts the following with regard to ‘White America’:

“Nothing you have is yours. Let me be clear: Nothing you have is yours. Also let me be clear: Reparations are not donations because we are not your charity, tax write off, or good deed for the day. You are living off of stolen resources, stolen land, exploited labor, appropriated culture and the murder of our people. Nothing you have is yours.”

Shackleford wants white people to forfeit their monetary earnings to support disenfranchised African American youths in the purchase of cellular communications devices, laptops and electronic accessories, and property rights, asserting: “Be ready to write checks and give up your car keys.”




Babu Omowale, the National Minister of Defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party and Co-Founder of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, Seeks the Establishment of an Independent Black Nation State Within the Geographical Borders of the Continental United States

During the course of a syndicated interview with Aaron Klein Investigative Radio where he cited the necessity of monetary reparations and restitution, Omowale claimed five states – Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina – as part of an ethnocentrically concentrated “New Black Nation”


Citing the Shooting Deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Philando Castile in the Falcon Heights Subdivision of St. Paul, Minnesota; as Motivation, Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, Former U.S. Army Reservist, Veteran of Occupation Forces Stationed in Afghanistan, and Militant Social Activist, Together With an as Yet Unidentified Number of Accomplices, Systematically Executes 5 Police Officers in Dallas During the Course of a Series of Staged Black Lives Matter Demonstrations in the City

Johnson, according to several statements provided to various corporate telecommunications outlets by acting Police Chief David Brown, was apparently incensed by developments regarding the effectiveness of the Black Lives Matter Movement, as well as the recent spate of police shootings involving white police officers and African American males

The suspect, prior to his death, had also made mention of his intention to kill white people, especially law enforcement officers, to hostage negotiators present at the scene

The Black Power Political Organization (BPPO) – a Relatively Obscure Militant Enclave – Claims Responsibility for the Murder of Five Police Officers in Dallas, Openly Declaring Their Intent to Collaborate With Professionally Trained ‘Sniper Assassins’ to Kill More Law Enforcement Officials

Kalyn Chapman James, Renowned as the First African American Woman to Hold Claim to the Miss Alabama Title in 1993, Posts an Incendiary Facebook Live Video on Her Social Media Page Stating the Following:

“I don’t want to feel this way. I don’t feel sad for the officers who lost their lives... I know that’s not really my heart. I value human life. And I want to feel sad for them but I can’t help but feeling like the shooter was a martyr.”

Gavin Eugene Long, 29, Honorably Discharged From the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) in 2010 and an Avowed Member of the Nation of Islam, Guns Down Three Law Enforcement Officials in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Prior to the killings, Long had made mention of the scourge of systemic racism in America and of his animosity toward white “crackers”





Intelligence Agency Contingents Within the U.S. Federal Government Actively Compiling a Comprehensive Race-Specific Database in Compliance With Presidential Mandate

Informational stockpiles being collected by the Obama Administration as a means of gauging the socioeconomic disparities between minorities and individuals of European ancestry

Data inclusive of medical histories, home loans/ contractual agreements, credit card purchase records, occupational professions, neighborhood demographics, and institutional-based patterns of behavior, the organization of which is based on ethnicity and cultural predisposition



George Soros, 84, International Business Magnate and Multibillionaire Financial Investor, Donated in Excess of $33 Million to Various Social Justice Groups and Organizations in a Bid to Exacerbate Tensions in Ferguson, Missouri Following the Shooting Death of Michael Brown

Monetary contributions were used as a means of magnifying the racial component of the incident to facilitate ethnocentric militancy at the domestic level




Declassified Military Weapons Program Involving the Use of Chemical Agents During a Series of Ethnocentrically-Motivated Experimental Campaigns on Puerto Rican and African American Enlistees Formally Acknowledged by Representatives in the Pentagon

Test subjects systematically grouped by race to assess the effects of mustard gas exposure on the human anatomy during the height of the Second World War



UNITED STATES, a Prominent Far Left Website and Active Proponent of the Liberal Progressivist Agenda, Emphasizes the Necessity of Mitigating the Scourge of the White Man’s Influence as a Means of Preserving the Future of Mankind





Black Lives Matter Activist: “It’s Open Season on Killing Whites and White Police Officers”

The racially incendiary proclamation made during the course of a syndicated online news broadcast on BlogTalkRadio, a web-based platform that allows podcasters, radio sites, and talk show hosts to create live and on-demand content for distribution on the Internet, as well as podcast distribution channels. The host of the telecast, referred to as, ‘King Noble,’ is associated with the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and the Fuck Yo Flag 911 (FYF911) organization. The FYF911 Movement, also known as FukYoFlag, recently indicated its intent to collaborate with BLM to foment civil unrest across America, with the shared aspiration of removing the scourge of ‘pink imperialism’ from the United States through the “burning of American flags, confederate flags, police uniforms, and ALL representations of an organized evil and oppressive nation.” Noble and Nocturnus Libertus, a woman since identified by authorities as Sierra McGrone, have both been criminally implicated as active participants in a terroristic campaign of intimidation and harassment against a white military veteran following his uninvited ‘infiltration’ of a publicly sponsored conference call where the plaintiff’s family was openly threatened in the following exchange:

“We are going to rape and gut your pregnant wife, and your fucking piece of shit unborn creature will be hung from a tree.” (Link)

McGrone and another person of interest, Furqan Stout, also posting various images on Twitter’s social media platform of themselves celebrating July 4th, the day America achieved independence from British rule, using the American flag – described as a ‘rag of oppression’ – as a type of toiletry to purge their exposed derrieres of extraneous fecal remnants (Sierra McGrone Image, Furqan Stout Image, Sierra McGrone/ Furqan Stout Image Composite).

Another instance of threats levied against Caucasian segments of the civilian population documented in August, with “Sunshine,” an event organizer for the FYF911 Movement, extending an invitation to viewers of her, ‘Sunshine’s Fucking Opinion Radio Show,’ to direct their animus toward their ‘oppressors,’ with some of the more menacing utterances appearing in the stanzas below:

“When those mother fuckers are by themselves, that’s when when we should start fucking them up. Like they do us, when a bunch of them ni--ers takin’ one of us out, that’s how we should roll up. Cause we already roll up in gangs anyway. There should be six or seven black mother fuckers, see that white person, and then lynch their ass. Let’s turn the tables.”

“Find a mother fucker that is alone. Snap his ass, and then fuckin hang him from a damn tree. Take a picture of it and then send it to the mother fuckers. We just need one example, and then people will start watchin’. Black people are good at starting trends.” (Link)

Citing the Federal Government’s Commitment to the Prospect of Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform, Obama Openly Praises the Black Lives Matter Movement for Raising Policing Issues

Formal proclamation made by the President despite mounting evidence of the organization’s coordinated involvement with racial separatist assemblies

President also attempts to refute what he claims are ‘mischaracterizations’ of a contemporary Civil Rights Movement in his condemnation of the ‘All Lives Matter’ slogan as a ploy by opponents to delegitimize the concerns of those affected by racial profiling




King Samir Shabazz, a Prominent Fixture in the Organizational Structure of the New Black Panther Party, Actively Endorses the Murder of White Infants Through a Coordinated Series of Bombing Campaigns on Nurseries and Day Care Centers





Assessing the Racist Legacy of the Democratic National Committee

Party’s formation in 1792 heralded the passage of legislation at the state and federal level designed to curtail the freedoms of African Americans throughout the continental United States

The Ruling Class-Sponsored Campaign of Racial Division and the Engineered Balkanization of America







University of Cincinnati Graduate Assistant: “Intelligence Is a White Man’s Mythology”

Mel Andrews, a graduate assistant at the University of Cincinnati described as a philosopher of mind, biology, and cognitive science, asserts that the conceptualization of intelligence is an ethnically/ culturally oppressive construct authored into existence through the machinations of a Eurocentrically-inspired patriarchal order. Her characterizations of mental acuity as a syncategorematic¹ superficiality based on the assumption that “more than a century of wanton reductionism and definitive vagueness in the study of intelligence and human potential has perpetuated a stratified social order and obscured the true dynamic complexity and diversity of human cognitive development.” Andrews later advising prospective viewers of her Twitter feed to refrain from the use of labels such as, ‘smart,’ ‘clever,’ or ‘brilliant,’ when attempting to acknowledge the scholastic achievements of female colleagues, as they are more aptly characterized as “sexist and infantilising.” Her line of reasoning also extending to Black and Latino students, with the utilization of similar articles of conformation being attributed to blanket condescension.

¹ A term pertaining to the subject of contemporary logic and linguistic analysis that is identified as an expression bereft of denotation capable of influencing the interpretation of phrases or literary pronouncements by virtue of its inclusion.






The Kansas City Chiefs, the Defending Super Bowl Champions of the National Football League (NFL), Formally Prohibit Their Fan Base, as Well as Sports Enthusiasts That Would Otherwise Attend Any of Their Nationally Syndicated and Televised Athletic Functions, From Wearing Headdresses or Face Paint on the Basis That Such Attire Possesses a Culturally Insensitive Connotation

A spokesman for the organization having issued the following statement in advance of the upcoming 2020 season:

“While we have discouraged fans from wearing headdresses for several years, effective immediately, fans will be prohibited from wearing headdresses into the stadium. Face painting is still allowed for all fans, but any face paint that is styled in a way that references or appropriates American Indian cultures and traditions will be prohibited.”

The team is also actively debating the abolition of its trademark “Arrowhead Chop” celebration so often used by its fan base to highlight the on-field accomplishments of players within its franchise


Statement From the Kansas City Chiefs in Advance of the 2020 NFL Season Regarding In-Stadium Fan-Experience and Attendance Expectations





Controversial Legislative Proposal by Political Representatives in the State of Vermont Seeks to Legalize Prostitution on the Basis of Women’s Empowerment and the Improvement of Health and Safety for Sex Workers

The text of the provision, sponsored by Democratic National Committee-affiliated House participant and long-time member of the Burlington Progressive Party, Selene Colburn, detailed in the following:

This bill proposes to repeal the prostitution laws while retaining felony human trafficking laws that prohibit recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a minor for the purpose of commercial sex; patronizing a minor for commercial sex; recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining any person through force, fraud, or coercion to engage in commercial sex; and patronizing any person for a commercial sex act who is being compelled through force, fraud, or coercion to engage in commercial sex.

Colburn, as well as many of her contemporaries occupying positions of authority in the state, equate the possibility of the measure’s ratification with female empowerment, whereby the decriminalization of prostitution would dramatically reduce the predatory scourge of sexual exploitation by nefarious societal elements (pimps, commonly referred to in legal parlance as procurers or panderers) while allowing for the establishment of a gainful enterprise by women who would benefit from the restriction’s annulment in the pursuit of profit generated by their involvement in such occupations

The bill, should its passage gain traction, would make Vermont the first state in the nation to sanction the act of prostitution within its territorial periphery; currently Nevada – Specifically the Counties of Churchill, Esmeralda, Lander, Mineral, Nye, and Storey – is the only geographical region in the U.S. that regulates the sale and advertisement of commercial sex on the premise of licensing mandates and stipulations predicated by the prevailing tax code






Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29, Oftentimes Referred to by Corporate Telecommunications Agency Employees and Political Pundits as ‘AOC,’ the Duly Elected Democratic National Committee-Affiliated Representative of the State of New York’s 14th Congressional District, Actively Promoting the Concept of ‘Dietary Identity,’ Where Neo-Marxist Ideology Exhibits Coterminous Simultaneity With the Condemnation of ‘Eurocentrically’ Motivated Nutritional Requirements

The 1st year lawmaker’s puerile harangue placing emphasis on the manufacture and cultivation of culturally diverse community garden centers where traditional vegetation stores, specifically cauliflower, are supplanted by an agricultural commitment to elevate the importance of yucca root and plantains as viable, more ethnically appropriate, alternatives to ‘environmentally colonialist’ horticultural practices





California State Board of Education Officials Poised to Enact Legislation Allowing for the Introduction of Sexually Explicit, LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) – Themed Curriculum From Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Under the Banner of Health and Wellness Into the Public School System

The controversial instruction incorporating the use of three separate textbooks, each designed to foster dialogue among student attendees regarding the issue of gender identity and sexual orientation, with the text associated with each written publication emphasizing the acceptance of alternative lifestyles as a fundamental prerequisite of psychosocial evolution

The books being actively promoted as part of the Board of Education’s proposal, as well as the subjects mentioned therein, detailed in the following:

Who Are You?: The Kids Guide to Gender Identity
Author(s): Brook-Pessin Whedbee
Year of Publication: 2017

Material/ Subject Matter: Proffers the suggestion that the concept of a preset biological assignment of gender is based on fallacy, introduces students to the terms trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, neutrois, bigender, third gender, two-spirit

Used in compliance with the California State Board of Education’s transitional kindergarten through grade three health education framework

The “What’s Happening to My Body?” Book for Boys/ The “What’s Happening to My Body?” Book for Girls
Author(s): Lynda Madaras, Area Madaras
Year of Publication: 2007

Material/ Subject Matter: Approaches the subject of puberty through the lens of gender identity, introducing students to various adult themes including but not limited to:

Sexual intercourse, orgasms, sexual fantasies, sexual experimentation, masturbation, ejaculation, spontaneous erections, sexual arousal, homosexual and lesbian tendency

Other items of interest mentioned in literary discourse concern the use of slang pejoratives or euphemisms (terminology oftentimes used in the entertainment industry, as well as pornographically-inspired cinematography) governing the identification of sex organs, these being listed as follows:

Female Anatomy

Clitoris – Bud, clit, pea, man in the boat, pea, spot

Vulva and Vagina – Beaver, box, cunt, hole, honeypot, muff, poontang, pudie, pussy, quim, slit, snatch, stuff, thing, twat

Used in compliance with the California State Board of Education’s grades four through six health education framework

S.E.X. the all you need to know to get you through your teens and twenties
Author(s): Heather Corinna
Year of Publication: 2016

Material/ Subject Matter: Introduces students to a multitude of alternative lifestyles, approaching the subject of fetishism, taboo practice, hedonistic proclivity, et al through the lens of the radical feminist ideology of sex positivism, encompasses the following material:

Anal Intercourse (Descriptive Pejoratives – Buttfucking, Asslove, Back-Door Action) – Details the use of sex toys and foreign objects with regard to entry, as well as sanitation practices prior to insertion

BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism) – Discusses role play, the importance of consent, instruments of restraint (handcuffs, ropes, cords, fabric, etc.), mutual reciprocity

Body Fluid/ Blood Play – Details exposure and use of bodily fluids as a means of eliciting sexual arousal in an intimate setting

Mentions fetishism, specifically the following paraphilic practices:

Urolagnia – Commonly referred to as a ‘golden shower,’ where participants derive sexual pleasure from bathing in urine or being used as a human toilet

Bukkake – Alternatively identified as a sperm shower or cum bath, characterized as a group activity involving a woman, or small assembly of women, that derive sexual satisfaction by allowing themselves to be ejaculated on, oftentimes by a large congregation of men

Menstrual Intercourse (Period Sex) – Refers to smearing of menstrual particulates on exposed genitals, sexual intercourse during the menstrual cycle, or the ingestion of blood during oral sex

Fisting – Also known as handballing, fist-fucking, brachiovaginal, or brachioproctic insertion, involves the insertion of a clenched fist into the vagina or rectum

Used in compliance with the California State Board of Education’s grades nine through twelve health education framework


Figure 1. Fifth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Methods of Foreplay Including Mutual Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting/ Stroking (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 2. Fifth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Female Genital Stimulation Through Masturbation (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 3. Fifth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Male Genital Stimulation Through Masturbation (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 4. Fourth to Sixth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Male Genitalia Descriptors: Penis, Testicles (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 5. Ninth to Twelfth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Fetishism/ Paraphilic Practice: Menstrual Intercourse, Object Insertion/ Sexual Devices and Toys (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 6. Ninth to Twelfth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Anal Intercourse: Pejorative Classifications and Terminology (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 7. Ninth to Twelfth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Sexual Devices/ Toys/ Objects Advisory: Substitution of Vegetables (Cucumbers, Carrots) or Fruits (Bananas) for the Purpose of Sexual Gratification if Commercially Manufactured Dildonic Aids Are Unavailable for Personal Use (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)

Figure 8. Ninth to Twelfth Grade Sex Education Curricula – Anal/ Vaginal Lubrication Instructional (Positive Prevention Plus • Sexual Health Education for America’s Youth, California Department of Education)


BDSM – Bondage and discipline Dominance and submission Sadism and Masochism





NBA (National Basketball Association) Teams Actively Considering the Removal of the Term ‘Owner’ as a Descriptor for Individuals Possessing a Vested Majority in the Management of Sports Franchises Applicable to the League Following a Series of Statements Made by Golden State Warriors Power Forward Draymond Jamal Green Sr. Indicating That the Use of Such Terminology is Racially Insensitive to Ethnic Minorities

Green’s commentary was part of a 2018 televised broadcast on “The Shop,” a syndicated program on the HBO (Home Box Office) Network hosted by Los Angeles Lakers Power Forward Lebron James

The 29-Year-Old Athlete Credited With the Following:

“You shouldn’t say owner. When you think of a basketball team, nobody thinks of the f---in’ Golden State Warriors and think of that damn bridge. They think of the players that make that team... you don’t even know what the f--- [the bridge] is called.”

Green also raised the argument while talking to reporters following the conclusion of an athletic contest in 2017:

“Very rarely do we take the time to rethink something and say, ‘Maybe that’s not the way.’ Just because someone was taught that 100 years ago doesn’t make that the right thing today. And so, when you look at the word ‘owner,’ it really dates back to slavery. The word ‘owner,’ ‘master’—it dates back to slavery... we just took the words and we continued to put it to use.”

More recently, two teams – the Philadelphia 76ers and the Los Angeles Clippers – have adopted Green’s stance, choosing instead to opt out of the term’s usage in favor of more culturally inclusive descriptions for corporate executives, with ‘managing partner’ and ‘chairman’ having supplanted ‘owner’ as a principal identifier


HBO – Home Box Office Reveals Plans to Revise Its Literary Interpretation of the Term, ‘Black,’ in Light of Mounting Criticism the Internet-Based Merriam-Webster Alternative Received for Its Synonymical Characterizations of the Word that Included ‘Dark, Depressing, Devilish, and Dingy’ as Viable Dialectal Surrogates

Nyshayla Barnes, 21, a commercial artist employed in the State of New Jersey, and champion of the campaign to have the adjective descriptors aligned with the term, ‘black,’ stricken from record, emphasizes the necessity of re-examining their disparate racial connotation, as well as the psychological impact of their inclusion on ethnic minorities and traditionally marginalized segments of the population

In an attempt to voice her frustration, Barnes flooded Twitter’s social media platform with a series of pronouncements decrying’s terminological selections:

”There are offensive words in the dictionary associated with the definition of ‘black’. It is vital that we have more positive meanings for this word because how we define words shapes our perceptions of them. We are not taking offense to the word ‘black’. That is our identity. We have a problem with the other words that are associated with black that don’t need to be associated with it at all. Rather than making words, such as ‘depressing’, ‘threatening’ and ‘foreboding’ synonymous to ‘black’, we should instead use words that do not insinuate a biased undertone to a word that is commonly used to describe people of black race and culture.”






The San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Together in Conjunction With Clair Farley, the Director of the City’s Office of Transgender Initiatives, Secure $215,000 in Monetary Funding to Effect the Construction of the World’s First Transgender Cultural District




Scotland Becomes the First Country in the World to Require the Formal Introduction of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI) – Based Curriculum Into Its Public Education System

Deputy Foreign Minister John Swinney has informed parliament of the intentions of the Scottish Government to mandate the institution of LGBTI instruction as a means of fostering an atmosphere of ‘inclusivity and equality’ to various age groups across a wide range of subjects

Following the government’s decision to accept the 33 recommendations of its LGBTI inclusive education working group, academic instructors in the nation’s public education system will be required to teach student attendees about LGBT terminology and sexual identities, prejudice against the LGBT community, promote “awareness of the history of LGBTI equalities and movements” and address homophobia, biphobia and transphobia


LGBTI – Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex


UK (United Kingdom) Primary School Teaches Six-Year-Old Children to Author the Creation of a Homosexually Themed ‘Love Letter’ as Part of a Same-Sex Marriage Assignment

Sarah Hopson, an educational instructor at Bewsey Lodge Primary School in Warrington, England; instructed prepubescent youth, many of whom just 6 years of age, to author a paper detailing the travails of a fictionalized fairytale-inspired character known as ‘Prince Henry’ and his romantic pursuit of a public servant, named ‘Thomas,’ as he sought to cement their commitment to one another through the sacrament of matrimony





Medical Student and Academic Scholar, Mirjam Heine, During the Course of a Syndicated Public Appearance at the University of Würzburg in Germany, Asserts That Pedophilic Tendency Should Be Accepted by Society as ‘an Unchangeable Sexual Orientation’

Her controversial statements made during the course of a presentation entitled, “Why Our Perception of Pedophilia Has to Change,” the gist of which are detailed in the following:

“According to current research pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation just like, for example, heterosexuality. No one chooses to be a pedophile, no one can cease being one. The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that living out this sexual orientation will end in a disaster.”






Northern Arizona University, Notorious for Its Emphasis on Politically Correct Themes and Ideologies, Formally Requesting Prospective Students to Contemplate ‘Pee Privilege’

Collegiate function designed to foster dialogue regarding the plight of individuals who identify as transgender or non binary

Signs posted outside of on-campus restrooms ask the following:

“Do you have pee privilege? If you never have to think about gender identity, ability, or access when peeing, then you do.”

Other signs expand on the definition of ‘pee privilege,’ noting the following discrepancies:

“Pee privilege is the ability to use a restroom without fear or concern for your own safety. Your status as a gender binary, as well as the ability to undoubtedly know which bathroom to pick, also contributes to your pee privilege.”





Legislative Provision Introduced by Joseph Souki, the House Speaker of Hawaii, Set to Decriminalize Prostitution in the Aloha State

The proposal’s ratification would also nullify the imposition of preexistent legal caveats prohibiting law enforcement officers from having sexual intercourse with prostitutes in the course of a criminal investigation

Political Representatives in the State of California Seeking the Annulment of Legislative Policy Criminalizing the Transmission of, or Active Exposure to, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) During the Commission of a Sexual Act

Stipulative revisions proposed by acting California State Senator Scott Wiener would relegate the nondisclosure of infection, or intentional exposure of the communicable disease, to prospective sex partners from a felony to a misdemeanor

Wiener, the acting DNC (Democratic National Committee) Senatorial Representative for the city of San Francisco emphasized the necessity of changing the law in the following statements:

“These laws were passed at the height of the HIV/ AIDS epidemic when there was enormous fear and ignorance and misinformation around HIV. It’s time for California to lead and to repeal these laws to send a clear signal that we are going to take a science-based approach to HIV, not a fear-based approach.”


HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus





Self-Professed Feminist and Political Activist Jenny McDermott, 33, Urges Women Everywhere to Purge Society of Patriarchal Influence Through the Murder of Male Infants

Aside from advocating infanticide, the San Diego-based resident and YouTube personality also emphasized the necessity of killing men as a means of staving off the menace of masculine hegemony

A terse video excerpt, credited to one of her social media accounts, McDermott was quoted with the following statements:

“I’m sick of being a baby factory that produces more men, that in the future will subjugate me. So the only answer to that is to kill male babies and just kill any man you see in the street.”

“We want the species to go on but only with women in it. So that’s what we have to do.”

Supporters of the controversial commentary assert that McDermott’s statements have been taken out of context and that her words are born out of a desire to foster dialogue



Organized Sexual Roulette Soirees, Where Participants Have Unprotected Sex and Knowingly Risk Contracting HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) From an Infected Person Whose Anonymity is Guaranteed, Are Steadily Increasing in Frequency Throughout the World – Parties Becoming Commonplace in Barcelona, as Well as Other European Destinations, With the Greatest Degree of Prevalence Found in Adolescent Gatherings and in the Gay Community


The Normalization of Pedophilia: Criminal Psychologist Claims Physical Attraction to Children Should Be Characterized as a Type of ‘Sexual Orientation,’ Proffering the Assertion That Individuals Possessing Heterosexual or Homosexual Proclivity Are No Different




Cecilia Johnsson, the Acting President of the LUF (Liberala UngdomsFörbundet), Also Known as the Liberal Youth of Sweden, Actively Campaigning for the Repeal of Legislation Prohibiting Consanguineal Relationships Between Siblings Above the Age of 15 Years, as Well as Removing Restrictions of Permissibility Governing the Practice of Necrophilia

Johnsson, during the course of conversation with a journalist from the Aftonbladet, was quoted with the following statements:

“Counter-incest legislation amounts to ‘morality law.’ These laws protect no one right now. I understand that incest can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting.”

Standing representatives from the LUF also voted to support the legalization of sexual acts with a corpse, on the condition that the person consented while they were still counted among the living

In this regard Johnsson was credited with the following utterance:

“You should get to decide what happens to your body after you die, and if it happens to be that someone wants to bequeath their body to a museum, or for research, or if they wish to bequeath it to someone for sex, then it should be okay.”



Citing Strict Interpretation of the English 1861 Offences Against the Person Act (a Stipulative Measure Pertaining to the Criminalization of Bestiality) as the Basis for Its Decision, a Supreme Court Tribunal in Canada Emphasizes the Legality of Sexual Acts With Pets Provided That the Animal in Question Isn’t Penetrated and Doesn’t Suffer Any Form of Bodily Injury During the Course of Such Activities

Ruling made in response to a case involving a man who sought to entice a canine to engage in sexual activity with one of his two step daughters

Testimony submitted to one of Canada’s Lower Court appellates indicated that the girl, who was 15 at the time of the incident, was smeared with peanut butter across various portions of her physical anatomy while undressed


California Decriminalizes Prostitution for Minors Following the Passage of Senate Bill 1322 (SB 1322)

The legislative provision, ratified into law by acting State Governor Jerry Brown, prohibits law enforcement officers from actively detaining adolescent juveniles engaged in the solicitation of monetary payment for sexual acts






Legislators in Colorado Overwhelmingly Approve of the State’s Decision to Allow for the Legalization of Assisted Suicide

The Colorado End of Life Options Act, Proposition 106, passed by a margin of 65 percent to 35 Percent





Orgies and Group Sex Encounters as Prerequisites of the Age of Sexual Positivism in the Modern Era

Feminists and Women’s Right Advocacy Groups Celebrate Their Exposure to Sexually Transmitted Diseases as a Form of Empowerment – Ella Dawson, Self Described Feminist and Organizer of the ‘#Shout Your Status’ Twitter-Based Social Media Campaign, Openly Encouraging Other Women to Embrace Promiscuity as a Rite of Passage and the Possibility of Infection as Privilege

A Vast Majority of Millennials, Individuals Born Between the Early Vestiges of the 1980s and the Latter Years of the 1990s, No Longer Using Protection While Engaging in the Act of Sexual Intercourse





Husband and Father-of-Seven, 52, Abandons His Wife and Children to Live as a Transgender SIX-YEAR-OLD Girl Named Stefonkee

Paul Wolscht, then 46, began dressing as a woman early into his marriage, insisting that his true gender identity was that of a 6-year-old girl

Residing with adoptive parents, he has assumed the role of a small child, spending a vast majority of his time playing and coloring with his caretaker’s grandchildren





Children as Young as Eleven Will Receive Classroom Instruction Involving the Use of Pornography, Taught How to Consent to Sex Under Guise of Rape Prevention





The Consequences of Decades of Feminism in the United States – Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

End of the Traditional Family in the United States: Less Than HALF of Children Grow Up in a Home With a Mother and Father Present




Toronto Hosting Massive Sex Orgy for Disabled People

Disability Awareness Consultant and event organizer, Stella Palikarova, claims that opponents of the evening’s festivities subconsciously resent the fact that wheelchair bound individuals have more satisfying sexual encounters than they do


Prominent Feminist and Nationally Syndicated Columnist Julie Bindel Publicly Endorses the Practice of Indefinite Detainment of the Entire Male Population - Men to Be Housed in Concentration Camps as Pretext for the Eradication of the “Scourge” of Heterosexuality




“Transability,” Also Identified as Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID): New Diagnosis Proffered by the Medical Establishment Details the Plight of Individuals Who Feel Like Impostors in Their Human Anatomy Severing Their Own Limbs to Attain the ‘Freedom’ of Lifelong Disability and Functional Impairment

Woman Who Often Fantasized About Being Blind Has DRAIN CLEANER Poured in Her Eyes by a Sympathetic Psychologist to Fulfill Her Lifelong Aspiration

Jewel Shuping, 30, of North Carolina hailed as an inspiration for her ‘courage’ and ‘perseverance’






Sex Education Seminar Based in Oregon Targeting Students as Young as 11 Years Old With the Introduction of Alternative Lifestyles/ Sexual Deviancy

Oregon Adolescent Sexuality Conference inclusive of tutorials on pornographic websites and material, pamphlets emphasizing sexual text-generated communications, teledildonics (the remote use of sex toys over the Internet), role-playing activities, mutual masturbation, shaving sessions, lap dance instruction, and exhibitionism




Advisory Board to German Government Calls for a Revision of the Country’s Incest Law, a Referendum, That, If Passed, Would Decriminalize the Act of Sexual Intercourse Between Siblings

The German Ethics Council insisting that the possibility of incarceration through the application of criminal law in cases of incest between brothers and sisters violates the fundamental right of adult siblings to explore avenues of sexual self-determination



Richard Posner, a Federal Judge With the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in the United States, Envisions the Institution of ‘Rape Licenses’ for the ‘Right to Rape’

Controversial legislative proposal cites the necessity for regulatory constituencies present within the U.S. Federal Government to issue ‘rape licenses based on an exclusively utilitarian and morally relative cost-benefit analysis where the “right for some men to commit acts of sexual violence outweighs the emotional and physical trauma of potential victims”





Krista Jane Heflin, Her Real Name Krista Leighanne Milburn, 22, Who Identifies Herself as ‘Femitheist, Femitheist Divine, and Divine Femitheist¹,’ Actively Promoting Radical Feminist Ideology Emphasizing the Death of 90% of the Male Population as a Means of Eliminating War, Violence, Abuse, Rape, Oppression Et Al

The remaining 10% confined to slave labor gulags and breeding reservations where their semen would be extracted in state-subsidized enclaves to perpetuate the continuance of the ‘Amazonian Race’

Heflin, an unwed mother of a three-year-old daughter, recognized as the principal author of the following manuscript, a diatribe entertaining the notion of instituting an internationally mandated ‘Day of Castration’ as a means of hastening the demise of the patriarchal construct:

All Men Should Be Castrated? – International “Castration Day”

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Krista, otherwise known as “The Femitheist.” I am a female, a feminist, and someone who believes strongly in True Equality.

Now, I will begin explaining this entry before I post the actual article... for your discussion, of course.

Women MUST and WILL have equality, and this is the ONLY way to achieve TRUE equality. The testicles of all males, which produce the majority of their testosterone, are the primary cause of their violent behavior. The testicles also attribute greatly to many of the health problems men experience later in life (such as prostate cancer and, of course, testicular cancer).

~:The Solution... International Castration Day.:~

It is my belief (which I consider factual based on my research) that all men SHOULD be castrated. Not only for their own safety, but for the safety of all innocent women and children.

And, to achieve this...

The entire world should have an international holiday known as: “Castration Day.”

Males of all ages will be brought to the public squares of their cities nude, to stand together in a circle, as they await castration by a woman known as “The Castrator,” who will be a woman chosen from the public much like a juror.

Girls of all ages will attend, lining the streets to cheer and applaud the males as they join the rest of civilized society.

It will be a free vacation for any working woman. And, young girls will be able to leave school to attend this glorious ceremony.

The males will then have one hour to get to know their Castrator. Their female “spouse” will also be able to choose whether or not they would like to milk the male in order to retain a sperm sample.

If the male is too young for a “spouse,” their mother or closest female relative will decide.

After this, the men will be given anesthetics. They will be placed on a table, where their Castrator will then slice open their ball-sack, remove their testicles, and the excess skin, stitch them up and clean them up.

They will be given thirty minutes to rest after the procedure.

Once the males have all been castrated, they will be grouped together again for one last look before walking nude back to their homes.

The women will then return to their jobs, schools, et cetera, and rejoice in the completion of yet another successful ceremony.

Any man who tries to evade this holiday, “Castration Day,” should be murdered wherever they are found (treated as a criminal, as it will be a crime not to attend). Or, forced to attend. Regardless of age.

Any woman who disagrees should be provided therapy in order to free her from misogynistic indoctrination.

This holiday should replace the day known currently as “Father’s Day.”

If this practice were adopted officially all across the world, all war, crime, and violence would end.

We would have a true Utopia, where peace reigns, and men do only what they exist for...





Likewise, the change of their hormones would make them less aggressive, and thus less likely to rape. It would also provide them with better health throughout their life, as the testicles are a major cause of health issues in males as they age.

All will profit from this...

¹ The terms, ‘Femitheist, Femitheist Divine, and Divine Femitheist,’ referring to the existence of an ideological mantra that seeks to deify women






Senatorial Representatives in the United States Overwhelmingly Approve Legislation in a 93-7 Vote That Legalizes the Act of Sodomy and Bestiality in Military Service




High Ranking Government Officials Within the Communist Party of China Issue a Stern Warning to the U.S. Federal Government Regarding the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations With Taiwan

Zhao Lijian, the acting Deputy Director of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, later issuing the following proclamation:

“There is zero room for compromise and not an inch to give. We urge the U.S. side to grasp the situation, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, refrain from playing with fire, and immediately stop official contact with Taiwan in any form.”

The public release of Lijian’s statements in international media publications in direct response to the Biden Administration’s decision to send an unofficial U.S. delegation to convene privately with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in the island nation’s capital of Taipei. The impromptu pseudo-political commission, comprised of former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd and the erstwhile deputy secretaries of state Richard Armitage and James Steinberg, scheduled to arrive on April 15 while the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) begins conducting a six-day live-fire military drill exercise south of the Penghu archipelago in the Taiwan Strait.


PLA – People’s Liberation Army


Escalating Tensions Along the Ukrainian Border Exacerbated by the Biden Administration’s Decision to Commit 40,000 Military Service Personnel to the Region as Part of the NATO-Sponsored Defender Europe 2021 Training Exercise With Acting Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov Cautioning the United States Against Stationing Warships in the Black Sea

In collaboration with NATO, American soldiers have begun the process of relocating their forces from continental North America to portions of Europe through the Atlantic, with 15,000 separate combat armaments, including strategic aircraft, positioned along the Russian Federation’s territorial boundaries with occupied Crimea and Ukraine. Sergei Shoigu, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General, later emphasizing the fact that “U.S. force groupings are being reinforced in Poland and the Baltic States with the American ‘four thirties’ (Link 1, Link 2) concept being adopted and implemented with the intensity of air reconnaissance having grown twofold and naval reconnaissance increasing by 50% in the last year.” Putin subsequently ordering the deployment of 83,000 troops to protect Russian interests following acting U.S. President Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden’s ‘unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,’ even at the risk of embroiling the coronavirus beleaguered superpower in a protracted regional conflict.


NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization



In Retaliation for Their Embarrassment at the Hands of the Kremlin Following the U.S. Federal Government’s Decision to Reconsider Its Deployment of a Naval Armada to the Black Sea, the Biden Administration Imposes a Series of Debilitating Economic Sanctions Against the Russian Federation Designed to Restrict the Burgeoning Military Superpower’s Financial Lending Capabilities

In a deliberate attempt to conceal the acting U.S. President’s principal motivations for the institution of fiscal constraints on Russia from the general public, the corporate telecommunications industry regurgitated an all-too-familiar narrative of election interference that effectively compromised the integrity of America’s democratic process. The mainstream media and their journalistic contemporaries also reiterating their assertions of a coordinated campaign of cyber sabotage orchestrated at the behest of Russian military intelligence operatives through the exploitation of vulnerabilities in the software and data processing credentials of the Microsoft Corporation, SolarWinds, Inc., and Vmware, Inc., claims that Moscow has vehemently denied and remain unproven. First revealed to the general public on December 13, 2020, the IT infrastructural breach purportedly impacted compartmentalized sectors of the U.S. Treasury Department, as well as the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The White House later publishing a detailed inventory of reprisals against the Putin regime that aim to curtail its ‘aggressive tendencies’ in Ukraine:


The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned 32 entities and individuals carrying out Russian government-directed attempts to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election, and other acts of disinformation and interference. This action seeks to disrupt the coordinated efforts of Russian officials, proxies, and intelligence agencies to delegitimize our electoral process. The U.S. government will continue to pursue those who engage in such activity. Treasury, in partnership with the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, sanctioned eight individuals and entities associated with Russia’s ongoing occupation and repression in Crimea. The Transatlantic community stands united in supporting Ukraine against unilateral Russian provocations along the Line of Contact in eastern Ukraine, in occupied Crimea, and along Ukraine's borders, as well as agreeing on the need for Russia to immediately cease its military buildup and inflammatory rhetoric.

The extent of these fiduciary impediments revealed in a recent article by the Reuters news agency where JPMorgan Chase, a New York-based investment banking and financial services holding company, indicated that treasury bonds associated with Russian government debt obligations, specifically those tied to the emerging market local currency GBI-EM investment indices, would be subject to exclusion, thereby facilitating the systematic devaluation of 22 Russian bonds with a combined market share value of over $99 billion USD (Link).


The Administration is responding to the reports that Russia encouraged Taliban attacks against U.S. and coalition personnel in Afghanistan based on the best assessments from the Intelligence Community (IC). Given the sensitivity of this matter, which involves the safety and well-being of our forces, it is being handled through diplomatic, military and intelligence channels. The safety and well-being of U.S. military personnel, and that of our allies and partners, is an absolute priority of the United States.

NOTE: High ranking officials within the U.S. intelligence community possessing ties to both the CIA and the Pentagon have formally acknowledged that they are unable to establish a conclusive link between the Russian Federation and the Taliban that would otherwise indicate their involvement in the solicitation of services from mercenary contingents targeting military personnel conducting operations in the region.


The United States is expelling ten personnel from the Russian diplomatic mission in Washington, D.C. The personnel include representatives of Russian intelligence services.


Today the United States is formally naming the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), also known as APT 29, Cozy Bear, and The Dukes, as the perpetrator of the broad-scope cyber espionage campaign that exploited the SolarWinds Orion platform and other information technology infrastructures. The U.S. Intelligence Community has high confidence in its assessment of attribution to the SVR. The SVR’s compromise of the SolarWinds software supply chain gave it the ability to spy on or potentially disrupt more than 16,000 computer systems worldwide.

The scope of this compromise is a national security and public safety concern. Moreover, it places an undue burden on the mostly private sector victims who must bear the unusually high cost of mitigating this incident. Today, the National Security Agency, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are jointly issuing a cybersecurity advisory, ‘Russian SVR Targets U.S. and Allied Networks,’ that provides specific details on software vulnerabilities that the SVR uses to gain access to victim devices and networks. The advisory also provides specific steps that network defenders can take to identify and defend against the SVR’s malicious cyber activity. Additionally, the SVR’s compromise of SolarWinds and other companies highlights the risks posed by Russia's efforts to target companies worldwide through supply chain exploitation. Those efforts should serve as a warning about the risks of using information and communications technology and services (ICTS) supplied by companies that operate or store user data in Russia or rely on software development or remote technical support by personnel in Russia. The U.S. government is evaluating whether to take action under Executive Order 13873 to better protect our ICTS supply chain from further exploitation by Russia.

In each of the instances outlined in the above paragraphs, the mention of involvement by the U.S. intelligence community in the establishment of a pattern of abuses by foreign contingents in the destabilization of the political process in America is a recurring theme. This line of reasoning similar in context to the narrative that was actively circulated by these same institutions and agencies regarding the production, sale, and distribution of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) by Saddam Hussein, a sequence of events later proven to be yet another f