Friday, September 12, 2014

An Absence of Accountability With Regard to the Duplicitous Character of America’s Political Establishment | A Case Study Into the Psychological Profile of ‘President’ Barack Obama

How many times should the political establishment be permitted to openly deceive their constituencies in the general public? Are the lies of government officials more permissible because of their positions of authority? Do elected representatives have a responsibility to preserve the integrity of a nation’s image to the world community by conducting themselves in a forthright manner?

Perhaps, at one time, these questions merited a greater degree of scrutiny from those who made the conscious decision to participate in the blatantly fraudulent enterprise of the electoral process - a vote-based sequence where prospective candidates are selected by nebulous contingents within the corporate-industrial arena years in advance of their emergence on the national stage. The following presentation chronicles one individual’s attempts in perfecting the art of deceptive advertisement to national viewing audiences, a person who, strangely enough, is still held in high regard by many of those whose unwavering level of support defies reason - Barack Hussein Obama:

Case Study Into the Duplicitous Nature of the Political Establishment in America | Presidential Series

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