Wednesday, August 27, 2014

MonsterMind | Autonomous Cyber Weapons Delivery System of the National Security Agency

In recent syndicated press releases by Edward Snowden, revelations concerning the existence of an autonomous cyber weapons apparatus, an interconnected digital network currently in its initial stages of development that is owned and operated by the National Security Agency (NSA), have been brought out into the open. MonsterMind, a taxpayer funded contrivance possessing the inherent capability of intercepting all electronically generated communications within the continental United States; with its principal function recognized as a heightened threat assessment and detection delivery system - its programmatically rendered instruction allowing for the execution of retaliatory strikes in advance of perceived hostility, a process devoid of human interaction or third-party interference.

During the interview Snowden explained a previously unrevealed NSA cyber weapon called “MonsterMind,” which has the capability to detect incoming cyber attacks and retaliate automatically without any human supervision. Such a program has dangerous global reactionary implications, according to Snowden, who said such cyber-attacks are often routed through computers inside innocent and unsuspecting third-party countries.
“These attacks can be spoofed,” Snowden said. “You could have someone sitting in China, for example, making it appear that one of these attacks is originating in Russia. And then we end up shooting back at a Russian hospital. What happens next?”
Beyond the possibility of mutually assured cyber-destruction, Snowden explained that for the weapon to work, the signals intelligence agency would have to compromise the privacy of “virtually all private communications coming in from overseas to people in the U.S.”
“The argument is that the only way we can identify these malicious traffic flows and respond to them is if we’re analyzing all traffic flows,” Snowden said. ”And if we’re analyzing all traffic flows, that means we have to be intercepting all traffic flows. That means violating the Fourth Amendment, seizing private communications without a warrant, without probable cause or even a suspicion of wrongdoing. For everyone, all the time.”

Following the release of these statements by Edward Snowden, the following hypothetical postulation proffered by Mac Slavo of becomes a distinct possibility:

Say the Chinese wanted to have the Russians do their bidding, and we realize that this is a hypothetical scenario too, because no country, especially China, would ever consider such a manipulation. But if they did, the same Chinese hackers who compromised some of America’s most secure systems could simply spoof an attack on U.S. stock markets to make it look like they came from Russia. The autonomous MonsterMind system could intercept the attack and retaliate in any number of ways, including a retaliatory economic strike or something worse, like taking down Russia’s power grid.

In such an instance, the response from Russia could very easily go off-line and lead to real-world conflict, involving actual human beings getting deleted and not just computer systems.

CONCLUSION: Proponents for the development of these types of weapons defense systems tend to overstate their importance and underestimate the threat their implementation in a conventional setting portends to the civilian population. MonsterMind’s creation then, is yet another instance where the Federal Government can, and oftentimes, actively engages in clandestine surveillance campaigns against its own citizenry at their expense - a sequence of events that, should conjecture hold sway over reality, would engineer its own consequence.


MonsterMind | The Real Skynet: New NSA Autonomous Weapons System Intercepts Threats and Retaliates Automatically, by Mac Slavo

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