Wednesday, July 16, 2014


A philosophical doctrine emphasizing the inherent obsolescence of humanity, equating the concept of existence with an inexorable entropy - effectively marginalizing the natural order of progression through the prospectus of an unconstrained set of ideals/ aspirations paired in conjunction with the frivolity of unsustainable desire.

Forward by Michael Reign


Antihumanism is a relatively new philosophy, whose emergence coincided with the scrutinization of industrialism in the modern era, particularly after WWI. Antihumanism gathered strength from the nihilism of post-1960s counterculture and is now evolving rapidly, so there’s already a wide spectrum. At the moderate end are mainstream novelists such as Kurt Vonnegut (“Breakfast of Champions”), Margaret Atwood (“Oryx and Crake”), and Paul Theroux (“O-Zone”). All of these books contain antihuman concepts and observations, though their authors probably wouldn’t use the word. There are also many antihuman movies, too many to list, but at a minimum “Eraserhead” by David Lynch, “THX-1138” by George Lucas, and “Soylent Green” should be mentioned. At the extreme end are actual organizations such as The Church of Euthanasia, VHEMT (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement) (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3), and the GLF (Gaia Liberation Front).
In the sciences antihumanism is usually expressed by paleontologists and biologists, and increasingly by climate scientists. Some current examples are Jeremy Jackson and Kevin Anderson. Edward O. Wilson is best known for his work on biological diversity, but he was also the first biologist to seriously propose that intelligence snuffs itself out, and that this solves Fermi’s paradox: we don’t receive messages from the stars because by the time an alien life form has enough power to transmit that far, it’s already on the threshold of annihilating itself, and the odds of its brief blaze of glory lining up with ours are infinitesimal. This is closely related to the view that life (particularly human life) creates short-term order at the cost of accelerating the entropy of its environment, in stark contrast to the idealistic Gaia theory (Link 1, Link 2). For example, paleontologist Peter Ward’s Medea Hypothesis demolishes the notion that life is self-regulating, and compares life to a drunk stumbling around in a darkened room.
Unlike mere misanthropy, antihumanism is distinguished by reverence for nonhuman life. Biological diversity is considered an axiomatic value, and contrasted with the ugliness and sterility of human monoculture. Earth is described as a “wrecked planet” (Kurt Vonnegut), and various measures are called for to prevent further damage, the most obvious being drastic reduction or elimination of the human population. The pre-human fecundity of earth is idolized, and provides a reference for demonstrating impoverishment of ecosystems. This relates to the shifting baseline syndrome posited by Jeremy Jackson and others, in which each successive generation wrongly assumes the degree of biological diversity they observe was also seen in previous generations.
The central paradox of antihumanism is that humans evolved, and are therefore no more or less natural than any other living thing. Stephen Jay Gould argued convincingly that evolution doesn’t converge on anything except fitness for conditions: there are no good or bad organisms, just ones that survive, and mostly ones that don’t. Richard Dawkins went even further and described organisms as mere transport for genes, in which case the DNA we share with all other eukaryotes is the winner, regardless of what humans do. One proposed resolution is that humans are malignant life, as argued by A. Kent MacDougall in Humans As Cancer.


The Antihumanist Philosophy

CONCLUSION: The genesis of antihumanist doctrine in the latter vestiges of the 1960s as an ideological derivative of the nihilist movement has become - with the insistence of environmentalist organizations throughout the continental United States as well as the United Nations - a tool by which certain elitist factions in the global community have sought to engineer civilization’s proselytization, and ultimately their acceptance, of the Depopulation Agenda. The notion of Global Warming, primarily the belief that climatologically-induced imbalances are recognized as the resultant by-product of humanity’s incessant urge to procreate - thereby depriving the environment, as well as its inhabitants, of natural resources that would otherwise be readily available had the act of conception never occurred - is, in actuality, the proverbial extension of the antihumanist philosophy that has been ushered into existence by individuals acting in accordance with various precepts inscribed on the columnar edifice of the Georgia Guidestones, the composition of which is detailed in the following cinematic entries and visual illustrations:

Figure 1. The creation of the Georgia Guidestones attained a measure of precedence on March 22, 1980. These granite-faced columnar monoliths serve as a type of formative exemplar detailing an etched set of 10 commandments relative to the emergence of a Globalist sanctioned/ motivated New World Order.

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