Monday, March 31, 2014

Senate Bill 510 - S. 510/ House Resolution 2751 - HR 2751

Senate Bill 510 - S. 510/ House Resolution 2751 - HR 2751, legislative agnomen also identified as the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, attained precedence in the early portion of the 1990s during the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton. It was at this juncture that the principal nuances apropos to the creation of such a Federal mandate were generated under a false pretense of beneficence to prospective consumers of meat and poultry within the purlieus of the continental United States. Clinton introduced a government coordinated measure known as the HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) to purportedly curtail the incidence of contamination within the meat and poultry industry. HACCP itself later became synonymous with widespread occurrences of contagions and pathogenic agents attaining a marked increase in incidence within the correspondent food supply of the aforementioned corporate entities, due, in large part, to the presence of legal stipulations enacted within the measure allowing such institutions to regulate inspection procedures through a varying degree of fiscal intermediaries and corporate-level constituencies. The Monsanto Company, a United States based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, actively promoted the passage of numerous legislative protocols in direct correlation with HACCP.
In 2008, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton urged the formulation of a powerful Federally coordinated and centralized food safety agency as a means of garnering support for her political campaign to acquire Executive Office. Her subsequent advisor, Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller, a massive Public Relations firm; acted as a litigational intermediary for the Monsanto conglomerate. Stanley Bernard Greenberg, husband of Rosa L. DeLauro (Currently the U.S. Representative for Connecticut’s 3rd Congressional District and an openly liberal advocate of Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign) - political advisor and strategist to numerous luminaries within the prevailing American and European sociopolitical spectrum, also serves as an active representative of the Monsanto Company. The burgeoning influence of the aforementioned collective orchestrated through processes of adjudication within the legal system as a means to further enhance the prospects of market-oriented consolidation through the enactment of Federally mandated regulations, the ratification of these measures specifically designed to eliminate competition within the agricultural industry. S. 510/ HR 2751 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, as well as the most fundamental human survival grounds. Listed below are the precepts governing the implementation of such a legislative measure:

1) In the event of mass contamination or calamity - whether acknowledged or recognized as an unforeseen state of emergency - all domestic food sources within the continental United States and its outlying principalities, as well all farmland publicly or privately maintained, will be subject to seizure through government sanctioned acts of requisition/ expropriation. Following the formal declaration of these legislative edicts, the aforementioned materials will be subsequently placed under the authority of agencies directly affiliated with both Homeland Security and the Department of Defense.

Reminiscent of the Kissinger Plan, which was later christened under a different cognomen altogether, NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum 200) is recognized as a formative measure created in the form of a 200-page memorandum on December 10, 1974 through the machinations of both the United States National Security Council and the collaborative efforts of Henry Alfred Kissinger himself. NSSM 200, adopted as official policy in November of 1975 by Gerald Ford and numerous political constituents within his administration, outlined a clandestine proposal to reduce population growth within the continental United States and in numerous correspondent nations deemed to be threats to the preservation of national security through Federally and legislatively mandated birth control, incidences of conflict via nuclear proliferation and orchestrated acts of aggression, and famine generated through price controls and inflationary disparities as a means of inducing mass starvation and genocide. NSSM 200 concluded that the United States was threatened by population growth in 13 “key countries” where it held had a “special political and strategic interest”: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. It asserted that population growth in those nations was especially disconcerting - for if left unchecked - would result in a dramatic increase in their relative political, economic, and military potentiality.

2) Its passage would irrevocably sever U.S. autonomy over its correspondent food production facilities by enforcing compliance with the WTO (World Trade Organization), thus compromising national security. Its passage terminating the Uruguay Round Agreements Act of 1994 (URAA), a formative measure which preserved American sovereignty within the corporate-industrial complex. Instead of facilitating an admensuration of virtual independence and stability, Senate Bill 510/ House Resolution 2751 mandates a type of “COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS. Nothing in this Act (or an amendment resulting from its subsequent passage) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.”

3) It would allow the government, under Maritime/ Admiralty Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales/ fiscal transactions through the dissemination of monetary assets between individuals) as smuggling into the United States. Since the passage of the aforementioned legislative sanction, the U.S., in turn, became a corporate entity, its distinction as an autonomous geopolitical entity effectively nullified. The “entry of food into the U.S.” encompasses food produced anywhere within the established borders of the country and its outlying principalities and “entering into” it by virtue of its manufacture.

4) Senate Bill 510/ House Resolution 2751 establishes Codex Alimentarius as the prevailing system of governance relative to the manufacture and distribution of food to prospective consumers within the marketplace. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) to establish a fiscal monopoly over the correspondent agricultural industry, and, in turn, regulate access to natural supplementation.

5) It would remove the right to clean, maintain, store, and thus, own seed in the continental United States, putting control of seeds and sources of whole grain in the hands of Monsanto and other multinational organizations.

6) It includes the implementation of NAIS (National Animal Identification System),
an animal traceability program coordinated through illegal acts of surveillance by intermediary agencies present within certain factions of the Federal Government that monitor the activities of all small farmers and ranchers raising livestock. The UN, through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organisation for Animal Health (Formerly known under the French derivative cognomen Office international des epizooties which is translated into English vernacular under the auspices of the International Epizootic Office with the correspondent OIE acronym), is permitting the mass slaughter of heritage breeds of animals without any conclusive proof of disease or history of illness. Biodiversity in farm animals is being systematically eradicated in an effort to facilitate the deliberate substitution of natural resources with a genetically engineered subspecies - and thus an inherently altered food supply designed for public consumption - all under a corporate patent. Diseases or the history of illness within a certain species or genre of animal life are also routinely concocted as a means to further inundate the food chain with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and to facilitate the enactment of policies designed to aid in the proliferation and introduction of malformed sources of nutrition into the public arena. S. 510/ HR 2751 is also inclusive of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a Federally subsidized containment facility charged with curtailing the presence of pathogenic agents within the food supply. In truth, the CDC is operated under a contradictory initiative that oftentimes legislates the release of such hazardous biological entities into various avenues of public consumption as a form of controlled experimentation based on the tenets of the eugenics philosophy. 
7) It extends and expands upon the inherent policies applicable to the implementation of the HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) to affect the local food and agricultural industries, thereby subjecting the private sector to Federal Government regulatory policy through a process of corporate annexation.

8) S. 510/ HR 2751 allows the government to mandate the manufacture and distribution of antibiotics, artificially engineered hormones, slaughterhouse waste and unrefined material, pesticides, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) into every conceivable outlet of public consumption for the express purpose of instituting a corporate monopoly.

9) It utilizes food crimes as the point of entry into police state power and control. The bill postpones defining the imposition of these policies; postpones the classification of criminal offenses under the legislative parameters of the law in question, and postpones defining the assessment of penalties under these stipulations. It removes fundamental constitutional protections from all citizens residing in the continental United States - as well as throughout its outlying principalities - making them beholden to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and the ability to legislate/ levy penalties, oftentimes without the benefit of judicial review. S. 510/ HR 2751 is similar to Bill C-6 (A parliamentary measure implemented by the Canadian government abolishing the law of trespass within each of the nation’s respective provinces, thereby granting Health Inspectors unfettered access to personal property and to the records of millions of citizens throughout said territorial boundaries).

Further information regarding the actualization of this particular provision can be obtained at the following registry links:


Senatorial Provision S. 510 Makes it Illegal to Harvest, Share, Trade, or Sell Private Food Stores
S. 510 (111th Congress): FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Food Safety Modernization Act
U.S. Senate Passes the Patriot Act Equivalent for the Food and Agriculture Industry, S. 510, by a Vote of 73 to 25
Despite Massive Protests, U.S. Senatorial Committee Authorizes the Passage of the S. 510 Food Safety Bill

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