Thursday, March 27, 2014

Acxiom Corporation

As early as November of 2001, less than two months after events surrounding the 9/11 catastrophe achieved finality, Acxiom Corporation (A data and information systems agency based in Little Rock Arkansas); acting in concert with numerous intergovernmental liaisons present within the U.S. Department of Justice, sought the permission of judicial representatives to conduct an annually coordinated Internetwide surveillance of web addresses/ domain registries pertaining to the following subjects: abortion, racial superiority, politics, religion, immigration, and foreign affairs. Using technology specifically formulated to extract business contact information from site indices terminating with the .com appellate, material relevant to the aforementioned subject matter could then be utilized in a dual purpose role as both an instrument in terrorism-related data analysis and also as a fundamental prerequisite in the establishment of a transnationally coordinated identity verification system (This measure could then be incorporated into the electronic databases of every major Airline/ Travel Agency, rental car companies, corporate industrial conglomerates, as well as intergovernmental constituencies and their subsidiary affiliates to facilitate a greater degree of cohesion between each respective entity). It has been confirmed by a plethora of credible sources comprising the realm of alternative media that Acxiom Corporation sought an annual monetary allotment of $500,000 for services rendered in accordance with the procurement of such documentation.

Original Documentation and Research © 2006 Angela Gunn 

Paraphrased Documentation and Additional Research © 2012 Michael Reign


Acxiom Corporation Sought to Enlist the Aid of the Federal Government in the Implementation of a Transcontinental Web Surveillance Initiative Following the Events of September 11th

The above illustrative composite details the genesis of Acxiom Corporation from its inception in 1969, under the Demographics Incorporated agnomen, as a small market communications/ data processing firm owing allegiance to the Democratic National Committee, to its current status as a Global Information Service/ Data Provider.

Flow chart demonstration detailing the degree/ scope of influence Acxiom’s Identity Verification System currently employed as a means to obtain the following information:

Credit Applications Histories
Credit Scores
Court Judgments/ Criminal Background Information
Postal Addresses
Geographical Identifiers
Political Affiliations
Vehicle Registration and Ownership Information
Product Registration Indices
Debt Histories/ Liabilities
Bankruptcy Filings/ Defaults
Account Holdings
Annual Earnings Statements
Web/ Internet Search Histories
Shopping Preferences/ Interests and Proclivities
Peer to Peer Interactions
Employment Histories
Places of Birth
Dates of Birth

The visual illustration depicted above the contents of this particular stanza examines the inter-relational aspects of various corporate firms and organizations with the Acxiom information and distribution center.

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