Thursday, October 10, 2013

Extinction Level Events

An extinction level event or ELE, also known as an extinction event, exists as a chronological time sequence referencing the incidence of cataclysmic phenomena on a planetary scale. In contrast to the natural occurrence of terminal catalysts that oftentimes precipitate the regimented obsolescence of certain specieal orders within the predominant geo-environmental strata, the prevalence of extinction level events encompass the entirety of the aforementioned demographic. The conventional rate of frequency relevant to the manifestation of these terrestrial climacterics exhibits commonality with the historical precedent of Epochal (An Epoch is recognized as the statistical chronological equivalency of one million years time, also termed as a Mega Annum - synonymous with the application of the Ma abridgement) transition. Since the initial stages of existentiality on the Earth, this acknowledged percentile of prominence has been punctuated by the documented incidence of six major extinction level events.

Cambrian-Ordovician Climacteric

500 Million Years Prior to the Modern Era - A series of mass extinctions at the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary (This terminological appellate signifying the incidence of chronological interval extinction-related events) effectively compromised the population densities of numerous brachiopods and conodonts (nonexistent chordates possessing aesthetic commonality with eels) while decimating the trilobite species. The principal agent of causality correspondent to the aforementioned climacteric recognized as a severe fluctuation in atmospheric temperature gradient, effectively creating the necessary conditions for what would eventually become the first significant Ice Age.

Ordovician-Silurian Climacteric

440 Million Years Prior to the Modern Era - Widely acknowledged by numerous elements within the scientific community as having occurred in two distinctive chronological junctures during the Ordovician-Silurian transitional period. Each of the aforementioned events attaining precedence via the onset of temperature gradient fluctuations at the atmospheric level - eventually culminating with the process of hemispheric glaciation (A term synonymous with the Ice Age concept). The oceanic denizens populating the periphery of the geographical landscape were adversely affected by this drastic reduction in sea level, largely contributing to the first documented extinction event attributed to the Ordovician-Silurian transition. The second instance the resultant by-product of sea level elevation, an event whose occurrence was precipitated by the gradual increase in the acknowledged hemispheric temperature gradient. This exponential increase in sea level precipitated by the incidence of a massive undersea earthquake, a tectonically inspired anomaly generating a series of tidal disturbances.

Devonian-Carboniferous Climacteric

365 Million Years Prior to the Modern Era - Assumed a mantle of precedence during the course of transition from the Devonian juncture to the Carboniferous period of chronological sequence. It has been postulated by numerous experts in the field of paleontology that at the climax of this particular event that an estimated 70% of all species ceased to exist. The genesis of this particular climacteric the after effects of a massive cosmic gamma ray burst from within the periphery of the Milky Way galaxy.

Permian-Triassic Climacteric

252 Million Years Prior to the Modern Era - In the Permian-Triassic climacteric, more than 95% of all ocean dwelling species were eliminated. This catastrophe is widely acknowledged as the most significant extinction level event, killing an estimated 53% of all aquatic families, 84% of all marine genera, and approximately 70% of all terrestrial species (including plants, insects, and animals occupying the vertebral order). Climatological deviations relevant to atmospheric content recognized as the principal determining factor in the obliteration of the predominant specieal order during the course of this chronological juncture.
Triassic-Jurassic Climacteric

195 Million Years Prior to the Modern Era - The Triassic-Jurassic extinction event eliminated an estimated 20% of all marine families as well as most non-dinosaurian archosaurs (The term archosaur referencing the existence of diapsid amniotes possessing avian or crocodilian physical attributes), a considerable bevy of therapsids (The Therapsida Order comprises the Chordata Phyla and is inclusive of all mammals as well as their prehistoric progeny), and the final remainder of larger sized amphibians. This particular chronological sequence believed to be the resultant by-product of a series of volcanic eruptions along the Pacific rim, a region of the world known as the Ring of Fire in recent cartographical representations.
Cretaceous-Tertiary - Climacteric

65 Million Years Prior to the Modern Era - The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event claimed the last remnant of the dinosaurs as well as an estimated 50% of all animal species. Numerous experts in the field of paleontology reaching consensus on the theory of meteorite impacts having devastated a sizable portion of the global topography. 

Extinction level events exhibit a cyclical pattern of frequency. Based on the most recent scientific research and investigative studies, it has been surmised that the incidence of this type of terrestrial climacteric occurs once every 26 to 30 million years. Several theories concerning the statistical relevancy of such cycles suggests that the incidence of these types of occurrences are the resultant by product of an unforeseen cataclysmic upheaval.

The following cinematic reference details the possibility of future extinction level events and the consequences of their occurrence:


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