Thursday, July 9, 2020

Black Separatist Paramilitary Organization Field Operatives Tacitly Threaten the Life of a White Commuter During a Coordinated Procession in Georgia, Later Issuing an Ultimatum to the U.S. Federal Government, Demanding That It Cede Them Control Over Texas to Allow for the Establishment of an Autonomous Pan-African Nation State

The heavily-armed, self-described “Black Militia” – an organization known as the NFAC (The acronymic equivalent of, ‘Not Fucking Around Coalition’) and fashioned in the mold of the New Black Panther Party – marched through the streets of a quasi-residential subsection of Georgia on July 4th during the course of a coordinated procession, stopping only to demand reparations from an unidentified white commuter and later threaten his life, a harrowing encounter captured in the stanzas below:

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “What the fuck are you laughing at? Something funny?”

White Motorist: Unintelligible (the audio associated with the video footage is garbled to such a degree, perhaps because of the background noise attributed to the patrol’s passage, as well as the distance of the videographer, that it is inaudible)

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “I’m your worst nightmare bro. Why don’t you go ahead down (unintelligible, again the audio associated with the video is almost impossible to translate into words). This ain’t the one you want to talk to bro. We ain’t no Black Lives Matter, we ain’t none of that bullshit.”

White Motorist: “Who are you?”

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “We a black militia, we’re your worst nightmare.”

White Motorist: “Who are you?”

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “Go ahead. Move along.”

White Motorist: “What are you?”

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “I just told you what I was. What are you is the question. Everywhere you go you invade, steal, rape, rob and killing.”

White Motorist: “Oh really?”

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “You steal people’s culture and then you have an attitude about it. Where’s our reparations?”

There is a brief pause in the 1 minute and 21 second length sequence where the heightened tensions between each of the parties involved are overshadowed by a deafening silence.

White Motorist: “What did I do to you?”

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “It’s not what you did, it’s what your ancestors did.”

White Motorist: “No, no… so…whoa, whoa, whoa…”

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “You’re benefiting from...” (the member of the black standing army’s response interrupted by the motorist’s rebuttal)

White Motorist: The driver pictured in the closing frames of the series appears to label the group a ‘fraud’ unworthy of his undivided attention as he effortlessly dismisses their proclamations of grievance.

NFAC Paramilitary Organization Representative: “Go ahead with your white denial to the point you lose your life over it.”

NOTE: One of the NFAC paramilitary organization representatives filmed during the course of this verbal confrontation has since been identified as John Jay Fitzgerald Johnson, AKA (also known as) Grand Master Jay, the black nationalist collective’s creator and founder.

John Jay Fitzgerald Johnson, otherwise known as ‘Grand Master Jay,’ the de-facto leader of the NFAC, later taking time out of his ‘busy schedule’ to issue an ultimatum to the U.S. Federal Government to relinquish the state of Texas to habitually disenfranchised segments of the population as a means of atonement for past indiscretions with monetary funding to be provided for the establishment of a black ethnostate within the nation’s continental periphery. The full context of Johnson’s statements, which were chronicled during what appears to be a staged interaction with an unidentified member of a ‘Startup Atlanta’ independent media affiliate, appearing in the stanzas below:

Journalist: “What is the solution to all this?”

Grand Master Jay: “The solution is very simple. We file a declaration of liberation, declaring every African American descendant of slavery a political prisoner here in the United States that was affected by the Portuguese slave trade, and then after that (emphasis added), the United States then has a choice, either (a) carve us a piece of land out here – we’ll take Texas – and let us do our own thing, or don’t stop us when we exit this body here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation.”

These aspirations of an ethnic minority controlled autonomous zone are not unique to this discussion, as evidenced in the following excerpt from an article published in 2016 (Link):

Babu Omowale, the National Minister of Defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party and Co-Founder of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, is seeking the establishment of an independent black nation state within the geographical borders of the continental United States.
During the course of a syndicated interview with Aaron Klein Investigative Radio where he cited the necessity of monetary reparations and restitution, Omowale claimed five states – Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina – as part of an ethnocentrically concentrated “New Black Nation.”

The dialogue with the Atlanta, Georgia, based reporter continues:

Journalist: “What is your name and what is the…?” (The news correspondent’s train of thought interrupted by the NFAC founder’s retort)

Grand Master Jay: “I’m the Official Grand Master Jay. I created the NFAC.”

Journalist: “Alright, and how long have the organization been in existence?”

Grand Master Jay: “We don’t give that information out, just how we’ll tell you this we’re all ex-military. We’re all very disciplined. We’re all expert shooters. We don’t wanna talk no more. We don’t want to negotiate. We don’t want to sing songs. We don’t bring signs to a gunfight. We’re an eye-for-an-eye organization. So when they decide to act right, we’ll decide to act right, and we do it all legally… just like they do.”

Johnson’s claims of the group’s roster being comprised of “expert shooters” is dubious at best, as there is no visual confirmation readily available to the general public to bolster his assertions. The NFAC founder also stressing that the one of the reasons for his coterie’s impromptu congregation – aside from that of being actively invested in the neo-Marxian historical revisionist campaign of removing Confederate monuments and colonialist representations of oppression across America – was due to reports of white nationalist-inspired assemblies intimidating people of color (POC) in the surrounding area, a narrative duly echoed by various local and nationally accredited mainstream media affiliates seeking to perpetuate the imminence of an armed conflagration between the inhabitants of deindustrialized rural population centers and the urban sectors of metropolitan districts on the basis of institutional bias, income inequality, and systemic racism. It is also important to note that an overwhelming majority of these same institutions and agencies conveniently omitted Johnson’s veiled threat to the Caucasian motorist in the original video, choosing instead to portray the segregationist ensemble in a beneficent light.


Heavily Armed “Black Militia” Emphasize the Necessity of Establishing a Black Ethnostate, Demand That the U.S. Federal Government Cede Them Control Over the State of Texas as a Measure of Atonement for Civil Rights Abuses

Armed Black Militia Issues an Open Challenge to White Nationalist Assemblies at Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park

*VIDEO* Startup Atlanta Independent Media Interview With John Jay Fitzgerald Johnson, AKA ‘Grand Master Jay,’ the Founder and Creator of the NFAC

*VIDEO* Black Nationalist Militia Founder Tacitly Threatens the Life of a White Motorist at the Conclusion of a Contentious Debate

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