Thursday, June 27, 2019

Illustrative Proof That Acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump Has No Intention of Addressing the Relentless Onslaught of Foreign Nationals Invading the Continental United States Through Its Porous Southern Border

The phrase, ‘A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words,’ emblematic of the illustration appearing at the forefront of this particular article with two questions being posed to prospective viewing audiences regarding the significance of its delivery.

Presented with this evidence, the decision rests firmly upon your shoulders, will you, like so many others claiming to possess a vested interest in the safety and security of the nation stem the tide of an unrelenting maelstrom of humanity

breaching the predefined territorial boundaries of the continental United States - specifically its southern extremities – or choose to embrace this emerging fifth column as legitimately displaced foreign national assemblies, thereby adopting a posture of servility to the will of UN globalist organization funded malefactors (George Soros¹, Acting European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker², erstwhile Director-General of the World Trade Organization Peter Sutherland³) and their obsequious legions in so-called journalistic news outlets/ mainstream media publications (New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, et al.)?

Will you abandon the preconceived notions that are routinely promulgated by the political establishment seeking to redefine the nature of a predicament that will soon engulf future generations of Americans seeking gainful employment, only to discover that their positions have already been occupied by undocumented beneficiaries of a deliberately contrived stratagem designed to perpetuate the permanence of a psychosocially maladjusted, financially dependent underclass?

NOTE: The photoshopped gesture, a puerile display possessing vulgar connotation similar to that of a typical ‘road rage’ incident, purposefully directed toward that remnant of the general public that continues to place their faith in an individual whose sole purpose is one instrinsically bound to the very concept of prevarication. For such persons, whose heads are shoved so far up his proverbial ass that the very mention of luminescence authored into existence by virtue of an artificial light source becomes the equivalent of fabled contrivance (a stance eerily similar to that of those who hailed the achievements of his predecessor in the Oval Office), there may be no hope of ever escaping the shackles of their self-imposed captivity.

¹ Leaked nine-page document entitled, “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review,” implicates George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) Organization in the exploitation of the European refugee crisis to influence immigration policy on an international scale.

Co-authored by OSF Program Officer Anna Crowley and Program Specialist Katin Rosin, the review, written in compliance with Soros’s International Migration Initiative, attempts to portray the European refugee crisis as the “new normal,” and intimates the genesis of “new opportunities" for the OSF to garner a greater degree of onus in the global arena.

² Jean-Claude Juncker, the acting President of the European Commission, hails the Schengen Agreement – which emphasizes the dissolution of territorial boundary as a fundamental prerequisite in hastening the economic development of Europe – as a ‘great achievement.’

Juncker’s steadfast commitment to redefining the sovereignty of nation states within the EU evidenced in the following statements:

“What worries me is to hear politicians from Left to Right nourishing a populism that brings only anger and not solutions. Hate speech and rash statements that threaten one of our very greatest achievements – the Schengen area and the absence of internal borders: that is not Europe.”

³ Peter Sutherland, Non-Executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, former Chair of BP (British Petroleum), and the current Head of the United Nations’ Global Forum on Migration and Development (at the time of this article’s release Sutherland did indeed occupy this position, he would die six years later in Dublin, Ireland; from complications born of an undisclosed neurovascular infection), stresses the importance of a concerted effort by the European Union to ‘undermine national homogeneity’ as a means of ensuring future prosperity through the willingness of its representatives to accept multiculturalist ideology as a rite of passage

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