Thursday, July 6, 2017

Samuel Girod, an Amish Farmer Residing in the State of Kentucky, Formally Sentenced to 6 Years of Incarceration in a State-Funded Penitentiary in Lieu of Eastern Kentucky District Court Judge Danny C. Reeves's Ruling That He Violated USFDA Regulatory Policy in What Reeves Deemed as "His Refusal to Comply With the Agency's Product Labeling Guidelines" in the Sale and Marketing of Herbal Supplements

The terse written excerpt, as well as the 5 minute, 47 second cinematic presentation accompanying it, examines the plight of Samuel Girod, an Amish farmer and resident of Bath County, Kentucky; who was formally sentenced to serve six years in prison following what Eastern Kentucky District Court Judge Danny C. Reeves deemed as an 'overt attempt by the defendant to blatantly disregard USFDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) regulatory standards in the sale and marketing of various herbal supplements for which he hadn't adhered to said agency's product labeling guidelines.'

From Amish America

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – A federal judge sentenced a Bath County Amish farmer to six years in prison on Friday morning.

A federal jury handed down guilty verdicts against Samuel Girod in March for misbranding products.

After serving six years, Girod will have three years of supervised release. He must also refrain from producing and manufacturing products during that time. That judge said Girod exhibited continuous and blatant disregard for the law.

A brief summation of Girod’s offenses:

At his trial in March of this year, the evidence established that Girod had been manufacturing and selling homemade products to businesses in numerous states and that the products did not comply with FDA regulations. Specifically, one of his products was dangerous when used in the manner recommended and all three were advertised in a way that did not comply with the law.

In 2013, a federal judge in Missouri ordered Girod to stop manufacturing and selling his products, until his labeling and advertisement of the products met FDA regulations. Despite the court order, Girod continued to manufacture these products and sell them in Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois, marketing them in the exact same manner as he had before the court order.

The evidence further established that, as part of the 2013 order, the judge required inspections of Girod’s facility in Bath County, to ensure his compliance with the order. In November 2013, two FDA Consumer Safety Officers attempted to conduct the court-ordered inspection of Girod’s facility, but they were prevented from conducting the inspection by Girod and others on his property. Then, after the criminal case against him began, Girod tampered with a witness, failed to appear for court proceedings, and was a fugitive for several months.

Girod may file an appeal, but it’s not known if he intends to do so.

CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Let the harsh reality of Eastern Kentucky District Court Judge Danny C. Reeves’s decision to impose a 6-year term of confinement, a sentence which Samuel Girod will be required to serve no less than three years, weigh heavily on your conscience. For we reside in a nation where the rule of law is subject to the discretion of its political assemblies (Persons that the corporate telecommunications industry insists have been duly elected to represent the best interests of the civilian population), as well as their judicial contemporaries, both of which routinely abandon their presupposed code of ethics in favor of the most affluent segments of society, choosing instead to visit a bevy of irredeemable vituperations upon the plebeian aggregate. The reality of a two-tiered system of justice has never been more evident, when members of the status quo can act with impunity, freely pillaging the public trust while enriching their constituents within the financial sector at the expense of the electorate, embroiling the nation in a limitless deluge of military conflicts and combat operations for which no clear path to victory can be reasonably expected, despoiling the institution of faith and sound religious doctrine to mollify a burgeoning secularist consensus, engineer the dissolution of national sovereignty through the actualization of a series of international trade agreements,

orchestrate the capital murder of individuals whose crisis of conscience compelled them to sever their ties with deleterious elements of the political establishment, etc., all of this without even the mention of consequence. Federal prosecutors tasked with the responsibility of presenting evidence of culpability on the part of the defendant during the course of the trial-based proceeding were rumored to have sought a 68-year term of imprisonment coupled with a $3 million penalty of restitution, prior to Reeves's ruling. Imagine for a moment the reaction of Girod's family at the prospect of one of their own, an individual whose standing within the community is unblemished, being given such a sentence, all the while murderers, rapists, and narcotics traffickers throughout the whole of the continental United States are typically required to serve less time.

Interested parties are invited to participate in the following online petition:

- as Girod's sole chance at freedom rests firmly with the issuance of a presidential pardon by acting U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

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