Monday, February 3, 2014

Technological Narcissism

The fundamental tenets governing the evolutionary stages of technological narcissism are centered primarily on the notion that one’s concept of reality is compartmentalized into algorithmic parameters, with the negation of uncertainty a foregone conclusion based solely on the reliance of pre-generated inquisition. All humanistic endeavors deemed inconsequential, effectively supplanted by engineered suggestion and advertised innuendo - where the solutionist mentality is intertwined with technological innovation at the expense of individualism. The existence of societal conflict and class struggle dismissed through graphical representation and statistical calculation, corporate exploitation recognized as an essential prerequisite to the advancement of industry.
Technological narcissism allowing for the banishment of historical relevancy - effectively relegating the consolidation of material assets, militaristic impulse, and discrimination to little more than propagandist inspired invective.

LAYMAN’S SYNOPSIS - by Michael Reign - Technological narcissism, also known as techno-narcissism, exists as a preoccupation with digitally inspired media, specifically social networking platforms, iPhones, mechanistic tablature, etcetera. Technological innovation functioning as a replacement for every conceivable form of social engagement, with a subtle de-emphasis of verbal interaction attaining a measure of precedence.

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