Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Turkish Black Rose

Indigenous to the geographical periphery of Halfeti, Turkey; these roses are the by-product of unique soil conditions within the region, as the pH (The pH of a solution or substance is defined as the molar concentration of hydrogen ions within that particular medium and is used to calculate the acidity or alkalinity of an artifact. In conjunction with the pH scalar model, numerical coefficients exhibiting values less than the median ‘7’ barometric designation are indicative of acidic substances possessing a high concentration of hydrogen ions, whereas the presence of numbered scripts exceeding the aforementioned statistical threshold are representative of alkalinic solutions)

content of the groundwater from the Euphrates River aids in the fostering of this particular species' development. Found primarily during the summer months; the bloom of these roses, their appearance decidedly absent of any discernible coloration, is, in reality, a deep shade of crimson. Local inhabitants of this small village associate the presence of these flowers with a combination of emotions, ranging from hope and passion to the outward manifestation of death and omens of ill portent.

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