Friday, August 2, 2013

Historical Precedents

Precedents exist as a chronicled sequence of events that effectively alter the course of history. Developments evincing a distinct pattern, or possessing a discernible order of progression, may or may not be related to the manifestation of transnational precedents; thus the occurrence of these types of events, as well as their subsequent relevancy, maintain a semblance of negligibility in the sense that their principal functions could be inclusive of a geopolitical catalyst or could exist as by-products of causality. Historical precedents are inclusive of a wide array of categorizations, encompassing the financial sector (specifically banking/ commerce, internationalist consortiums affiliated with the Federal Reserve, mal-investiture, credit and securities fraud, toxic derivatives, predatory lending, etcetera), government legislative policy (specifically the enactment of policy contradictory to the preservation of individual freedoms and liberties, extrajudicial sanctions, pre-emptive military sanction, wasteful spending/ fruitless monetary allocation, currency wars, etcetera), technological innovation (specifically the establishment of a global network of surveillance, the proliferation of an automated defense network - unmanned aerial reconnaissance, militarized drones, biochemical warfare as a precursor to the establishment of a global eugenics program, transgenic mutation, biogenetic transmutation, etcetera), the corporate industry (specifically the emergence of a corpocratic paradigm as a prevailing mechanism of influence within the current geopolitical spectra, the emphasis of profit through the exploitation of natural resources and commodities, the evolution of a globally syndicated campaign of monetary aggrandizement at the expense of viable employment opportunities, etcetera), multinational telecommunications agencies (specifically the genesis of a propagandized system of nomenclature, informational monopolies, the concentration of revisionist methodology, the omission of pertinent documentation as a means to alter public opinion and influence perception, etcetera), etcetera.

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