Friday, July 12, 2013

Occult Symbology

The occult, a term indicative of an almost innumerable host of correspondent interpretations relative to its intrinsic meaning. Below is a numerically indexed listing of these written appendages corroborating a definitive terminological significance:
1) Of, pertaining to, or related to a inherent preternatural disposition or proclivity. Affiliated with supernatural influences, agencies, or phenomena.

2) Beyond the realm of human comprehension and fundamental understanding, inscrutable.

3) Knowledge or access available only to the initiate, esoteric in principle nature.

4) Hidden from view; concealed.

Symbology, a term referencing a comprehensive use, study, or interpretive analysis of illustrative composites possessing an indeterminate degree of inherent significance.

When taken in context, the combination of these terms yields the following written interpretation: occult symbology exists as the comprehensive study and interpretive analysis of illustrative composites or correspondent visual appendages possessing an inherent degree of occult significance.

DISCLAIMER: The symbolic motifs depicted throughout the contents of this pictorial represent the interpretations of numerous experts in fields of study primarily attributed to the occult science of esotericism; and while many individuals evincing familiarity with such topics of discussion discount the veracity of such assertions, intrinsic components relevant to their subsequent analysis are subject to the discretion of their prospective audience.
In their principal semblance symbols exist as figures representative of no inherent significance, save for that deemed applicable to the philosophical beliefs and cultural traditions of a particular assembly.

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